Conan was distracted. Moriya Teiji said that we have all come out of the Department of Architecture. It can be seen that Conan was under great pressure.

“Brother Dongshu, you can actually solve architecture puzzles?”

“Professor Moritani, is Brother Fuyuki really that good?

Qian Jing Fuyuki looked at Conan with disdain,”As long as I want to learn, I can learn a lot of things.-”

“Besides, it’s just architectural knowledge, is it that difficult?”

He has an extraordinary understanding and is constantly comprehending the laws of nature, which is obscure and difficult to understand.

“”Mr. Fuyuki’s foundation in architecture is indeed extraordinary.”

Moriya Teiji nodded. In order to change the subject and save face, he deliberately threw out a few difficult questions about architecture.

Who knew that Qian Jing Fuyuki would catch them with ease and draw inferences from them. Moriya Teiji benefited a lot from any extension he threw out.

Moriya Teiji, the architectural fanatic, was not angry at being slapped in the face, and his eyes lit up immediately.

“Qian Jingjun is indeed a contemporary genius. He has such a profound understanding of architecture at such a young age.”

“I actually met you so late, what a waste of time!”

It seems that the previous architectural puzzle was purely a coincidence.

He excitedly cast a respectful look at Qian Jing Dongshu.

Professor Moritani actually used honorifics to Qian Jing Dongshu in public!

All the other celebrities present were shocked.

Conan was also dumbfounded.

They all came to the tea party, but how could Qian Jing Dongshu have the ability to make the master Moritani Teiji become his foil!

Even if he immediately grew up to be Kudo Shinichi, he couldn’t do it!!

Xiaolan looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with bright eyes, and her beautiful legs touched unconsciously. Dongshu was as dazzling as ever.

Fortunately, they will be together soon.

In the corner, a beautiful woman with a high bun and fashionable and gorgeous dress also noticed Qian Jing Dongshu. She became interested in him immediately

“Is this the famous landlord of Mika Street? He is handsome and has more substance than others.”

Tokiwa Mio, the president of Tokiwa Group, a junior of Maori Kogoro, a strong woman who has made her fortune from scratch.

She came to invite Moriya Teiji to design the twin-tower skyscraper for her real estate investment.

Unexpectedly, she would be surprised to meet Qian Jingfuyu.

Tokiwa Mio smiled, twisted her thin waist, and took the initiative to walk towards the most eye-catching young man in the field.

“Hello Qian Jingjun, I am Tokiwa Mio, I wonder if I have the honor to exchange business cards with you~”

Qian Jing Fuyuki turned around and saw a beautiful woman with deep cleavage and hot body.

Her eyes lit up and she wanted to whistle.

This black dress fully demonstrated what it meant to be full of legs below the fierce part, the ultimate sexy temptation, and her eyes were hooked.

A natural beauty who was born to be ecstatic.

It turned out to be another theater beauty, and she was still a virgin.

This trip was really worth it.

Tokiwa Mio looked gorgeous and strong on the surface, but in fact, no one could take advantage of her.

She took advantage of others’ contempt.

But when she met Qian Jing Fuyuki, the top predator with an enthusiastic look, her smile froze slightly, and she felt that she might have miscalculated and hit a wall, and even wanted to turn around and run away.

“Qian Jingjun?”

“Mio-san’s temperament is so charming, she feels like an acquaintance of mine.”

“If it’s convenient, we can find a time to talk in detail alone.”

After Qian Jingfushu traded business cards with her, he pinched her plump hands and said with a wicked smile.

Tokiwa Mio’s delicate face was instantly as beautiful as a peach.

This man… is really straightforward.

However, this strong aura is not annoying at all.

On the contrary, because of his unique charm, she is more attracted to him.

“Qian Jingjun, the wise are the teachers, you must come to my exhibition room to give me some good advice anyway.”

The tea party came to an end, and Moriya Teiji invited enthusiastically.

Qian Jing Fuyuki naturally wanted to see which property rights he had missed in the buildings he blew up, and he had to take them down quickly.

Conan and Maori Kogoro were directly stopped outside and were rudely ordered to leave.

“Humph, who cares, let’s go!”

No matter what Conan said, Maori, who was ignored the whole time, forcibly dragged him away with a stinky face.

· ·······Request flowers 0 exhibition room

“Yeah, these are the works I designed when I was about 30 years old and just became independent. They are too immature. Sorry for the embarrassment. Qian Jingjun can just take a look at them.”

“The latter ones are my masterpieces.

Qian Jingdongshu scanned the former ones one by one.

At the same time, a ding-ding sound rang in his ears.

【Trigger the hidden building property rights”Yasuda House” condition, and be invited by Moriya Teiji to read his works. Now all unlocking conditions are open】

【Trigger the hidden building property rights”Mika Municipal Building” conditions, and be invited by Moriya Teiji to read his works. Now all unlocking conditions are open】

【Trigger the hidden building property rights”Mihua Cinema City” conditions, and be invited by Moriya Teiji to read his works. Now all unlocking conditions are open】

….. 0


Mizushima House, Yasuda House, Akutsu House, Beika Municipal Building, Beika Cinema City…

Moriya Teiji is indeed the first bomb maniac with a good reputation in the theater version of science.

Not only is the hidden property right he gave quite rich, but he also occupies an extremely important position!

Now, it’s all my fault!

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled with eight teeth showing

“Thank you Professor Moritani for your hospitality today, and I hope we can meet again in the future.”

When I go back, I will get the old Biden gold coins, hidden property rights, emotional points, and Xiaolan’s first blood, all of which will be taken!

After Qian Jingfuyu returned, he called Ayumi and told her to stay at home and not go anywhere.

This little girl has a special relationship with him, and just as Moritani Teiji was about to make a move, he got himself killed.

Ayumi immediately said that she would be obedient,”Okay, I will listen to Brother Fuyuki!”

Qian Jingfuyu then surrounded these special property rights and took action immediately.

Be it coercion or inducement, as long as the conditions are met, it will be accepted!

At the same time, in order to retaliate against Kudo Shinichi for obstructing his plan to rebuild the new Nishitama City, Moritani Teiji also set off bombs everywhere

“Dongshu-kun, your phone call.”

Qian Jing Dongshu came back from Dr. Agasa’s house and cut off the phone line of Kudo’s house. Fei Yingli handed the microphone to Qian Jing Dongshu, who coughed and blurted out the voice of Kudo Shinichi.

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