“Who are you and why are you looking for me?”

An electronic voice with unclear gender and age sounded faintly..

“Kudo Shinichi, I’ve heard that you’re a genius high school detective, I want to challenge you”

“To be honest, the lost black powder from the Japanese firearms depot is now in my hands.”

Qian Jing Dongshu was very calm,”Oh? Then what?”

“What, you are not shocked at all?”

On the other side of the phone, Moriya Teiji frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Qian Jingdongshu:”There are so many people who want to challenge me, I won’t remember the cowards who hide their heads and show their tails.”

“Kudo Shinichi!”

Moritani laughed in anger,”Okay, okay, I hope you can keep your confidence next time.”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised an eyebrow.

Anyway, it will be Kudo Shinichi who can’t guess the location of the bomb and can only ask me, the landlord of Beihua Street, for help. You can curse that shameless guy as much as you want.

“Stop talking nonsense,”two, four, three” tell me the location and the puzzle.”

Moritani Teiji took a deep breath.

Why did he feel that he, the bomber, was not as arrogant as the other party?

No, he couldn’t be outdone.

He sneered,”Before you officially accept my challenge, let me see what you are capable of first.”

“You should still be in time if you go to the Tsutsumi River Green Park now.”


The phone was hung up.

Qian Jingdongshu lazily went out.

If he had known that the bomb was installed in the remote-controlled airplane that the two children were playing with, he would not have panicked at all. He even had the leisure to call Xiaolan and Tokiwa Mio separately.

“Xiaolan, see you at the Mihua Cinema tonight!”

“Mio-san, didn’t you want to talk to me about architectural design? I’m free all day, may I know your home address?”

Tokiwa Mio didn’t expect Qian Jingfuyuki to be so active.

After a moment of confusion, she quickly told her current address in Kyoto with shyness.

At the end, she didn’t forget to add a sentence

“Qian Jingjun, I’m at home, ready to welcome you anytime~”

What a beautiful lady.

But after playing passively for too long, I occasionally like the aggressive active type to change my taste.

Qian Jing Dongshu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, drove the high-profile Sun God all the way to the Green Park.

He took the remote control plane from the two children effortlessly, and solved the bomb in a few seconds.


Moriya Teiji, who was looking at this place with a telescope proudly, was stunned.

What just happened?

It seemed that he didn’t even have time to press the remote control, and the bomb was defused! ? ?

“Kudo Shinichi!”

Moritani Teiji suddenly felt a sense of being fooled.

He was not in a hurry to be shocked by why Qian Jingfuyu appeared and happened to be able to defuse bombs.

He immediately called Kudo Shinichi and scolded him for being shameless and actually looking for off-field assistance.

Unexpectedly, Qian Jingfuyu seemed to have clairvoyance, and accurately glanced at him, raised his eyebrows provocatively and answered the phone

“Hey, are you the bomber who is looking for Kudo to challenge?”

“He had diarrhea in the toilet, but he was powerless. This kind of trick should be left to me, the landlord, so I can handle it easily.”

Kudo Shinichi had diarrhea in the toilet?

You believe it!

Moriya Teiji laughed angrily. It seemed that Kudo Shinichi was not strong enough.

His plan to rebuild Nishitama City was destroyed by that kid who was complacent with a little achievement.

Feeling unbalanced, Moriya Teiji used the background data purchased on the black market to hack into the loudspeaker of Green Park and mocked him rudely.

“The famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi is a waste!”

“He accepted the challenge, but was unable to rise to the challenge, and could only look for a stronger person to take his place!”

“In that case, Qian Jing Dongshu, do you dare to accept my declaration of war on behalf of Kudo?”

Conan, who was kept in the dark: A-choo– the loudspeaker in the Green Park has a very wide range of transmission.

In addition, today is the weekend.

In a blink of an eye, many adults and children who were camping, cooking, and flying kites all looked blankly at the young man in the center of the field.

“What challenge? Isn’t that our landlord of Rice Flower Street, Qian Jing Dongshu?”

“Was it the criminals who provoked Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi backed off, so Fuyuki-kun stood up?”

“Kudo is such a bad guy! But we must not let the criminal succeed! Come on, landlord-san!!”A huge wave of cheers immediately broke out around the green park.

Qian Jingfuyu stood there calmly, accepting the enthusiastic emotions of the people, and then he said slowly to the phone:

“I accept your challenge. Now tell me, where is the puzzle?”

This tone of voice is so similar to that of Kudo!

Moriya Teiji was furious on the spot.

He sneered and threw out less information than Conan got in the original novel.

“The next bomb is going to explode at one o’clock, and I’ve put it in a place with a lot of traffic, so go find it!”

Then he hung up the phone………


The police were quickly alerted by the commotion.

Officer Megure came over with a tall, thin young man with low eyebrows and a very unique hairstyle.

He took the initiative to introduce Qian Jingfuyuki

“This is Shiratori Jinzaburo, the new deputy inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department.”

“What happened just now, please tell me in detail.”

Qian Jingdongshu shrugged,”I’m sorry, Officer Megure, I don’t have much time to chat with the police now.”

“Because I was defusing the bomb while having a date with a beautiful woman”

“You guys just wait until I have finished defusing the bomb before you go over and take it over.”

After saying that, he drove straight to the Mihua Station.

“”Ah? Hey! Fuyuki-kun!”

Inspector Megure was dumbfounded. At this time, he was flirting with girls while defusing bombs. What was he doing?

He couldn’t help stamping his feet anxiously.

“Don’t be too arrogant, Mr. Dongshu!”

Shiratori looked at Qian Jing Dongshu’s back and couldn’t help but said:

“Has this Qian Jing Dongshu always been so mysterious?”

“I don’t know why, but I always feel that he has an aura that is not easy to mess with, as if it would be a big mistake for criminals to go against him.”

Inspector Megure scratched his head,”No matter what, we have to catch up with Fuyuki-kun first!”

“Those bombs are too dangerous. Even if Dongshu-kun is a master of reasoning and can defuse them, who knows if the criminal will get angry out of shame?”

“”Hurry up!” He hurriedly urged after getting in the car.

With the police following all the way, Qian Jingdongshu arrived at the Beika Station Square. The target 1.1 was clear, which was the cat cage under the tree.

Officer Megure and Shiratori looked at each other, and they both got out of the car and approached Qian Jingdongshu cautiously and carefully.

Once he found the bomb, they would immediately help evacuate the crowd and buy time.

At the same time,

Moriya Teiji’s anger subsided. Considering Qian Jingdongshu’s talent in architecture, he should give him a chance. He made a phone call and thought about asking for some clues.

Who knew that as soon as the call was connected, Qian Jingdongshu’s side heard a click of a knife and dismantled the bomb in the cat cage.

He muttered disdainfully.

“What plastic bomb, that’s it?”

Mori Ya Teiji:!

Megure Shiratori, who was on edge:!???

They just blinked, what did they miss? How come

Fuyuki-kun defuses the bomb in less than 30 seconds?!.

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