The next day, Qian Jingfuyu brought Xiaolan, Conan followed Maori Kogoro to Moriya’s house

“I say, kid, if you call me here to embarrass me again, I won’t let you go!”

Maori Kogoro looked miserable, and it was obvious that the last incident had a big impact on him.

“Isn’t it true that the only adult I can ask for help is Uncle Mori, so just do it for my sake, Shinichi-san!”

Conan laughed, and looked at Qian Jingdongshu with jealous and unconvinced eyes.

“This guy, why did Xiaolan ignore me when I asked her to help me, but she only came to me when he just beckoned her with his finger?”

“Dongshu, what color do you like?”

Xiaolan asked Qian Jing Dongshu with a smile.

Qian Jing Dongshu knew that Xiaolan wanted to prepare a surprise for him.

“I know May 18th is Xiaolan’s birthday, how can I let you, the birthday girl, send me off?”.

“Of course I will prepare the most beautiful and romantic gift to commemorate our first night.”

Only he and Xiaolan heard the last sentence.

Xiaolan’s pretty face instantly turned shy, and her ears seemed to be pregnant.

How could Dongshu be so powerful? As soon as she asked, he guessed her intention.

“By the way, I also know that Xiaolan is wearing beige today~”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked mysterious and chuckled in her ear.

Xiaolan:!! Her cheeks suddenly became hot.

663″How did Dongshu know this! ? Can this be deduced?”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his index finger and blinked.

“This is of course a secret. Once I succeed in eating Xiaolan, I will naturally have the chance to find out.”

“For example, Xiaolan, when you wake up one day, I will ask you, how come you have oil on your face?~”

“Yada~ Dongshu hates~”

Xiaolan was still very confused at first, and then she met Qian Jing Dongshu’s teasing eyes, and her little face flushed.

But she was about to be Dongshu’s person, so naturally she didn’t mind his teasing at all, and she held his hand even tighter.

I heard that there will be many well-known people at Professor Moriya Teiji’s tea party. I wonder if there are any outstanding women.

Xiaolan also has her own little thoughts, and hopes that Dongshu can pay more attention to herself.

Qian Jing Dongshu saw through it but didn’t say it. Yesterday, he saw Xiaolan’s busy preparations all night through the free space-time camera.

I have to say that this prop is really a peeping artifact.

In order to support him, Xiaolan who changed clothes and tried them on for herself in various ways is really cute~

“You two are the famous landlord of Beihua Street, Qian Jingfuyuki, and… Detective Maori Kogoro, right?”

Moriya Teiji came out as the host, looked at Qian Jingfuyuki in amazement, and shook hands with him.

“It’s really better to meet him in person than to hear about him. I can tell at first sight that he is a remarkable young talent.

Qian Jing Dongshu hasn’t spoken yet.

“Oh, I am the famous detective Maori Kogoro! Hello, Professor Moriya!”

However, as soon as Maori Kogoro extended his hand, Moriya Teiji nodded politely and glanced at him.

The guests on the side cast strange looks at him, pointing and talking.

“Ah, that’s the famous dirty detective, Kogoro with kidney deficiency? He really looks so wretched.”

“How could such a person appear at Professor Moritani’s tea party? It’s a shame”


Maori Kogoro was so angry that his face turned blue, and it looked more like he had kidney deficiency.

Qian Jingfuyuki chuckled and also teased in a friendly manner:

“Maori-san, if you feel uncomfortable standing for a long time, there are benches in the garden.”

“Qian Jing Fuyuki, you bastard!”

Mouri Kogoro raised his fist, but the situation was stronger than him, and he sat over with a dark face.

It was sad that Xiaolan only had Qian Jing Fuyuki in her eyes, and didn’t even have him as her adoptive father.

After collecting the emotional values of Maori and others, Qian Jing Fuyuki turned around and looked at Moriya Teiji with a burning gaze.

【Sign in to Moriya Teiji and get a God-level Architect as a reward! The world’s top architectural knowledge has been mastered by the host! 】

I no longer look at this bomb maniac with disdain.

As long as he can give away skills, he is a good tool man.

“Professor Moritani, I wonder what advice you have for us since you hosted such a big banquet today?”

“I don’t deserve your advice, I just want to invite more friends to have tea and chat.”

Moriya Teiji withdrew his gaze from the Mori father and daughter without leaving a trace, and frowned.

I don’t know why Kudo Shinichi didn’t come.

Forget it, he can still convey the information he wants through the people around him.

Qian Jingfushu knew that this old guy had bad intentions, and he didn’t follow the routine and took the initiative to bring up the topic.

“How can we have a chat over tea without puzzles?”

“Professor Moritani, I have an architectural puzzle that I would like to ask you about.”

Although he said he was asking for advice, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qian Jingfuyushu was smiling and clearly came prepared, wanting to make things difficult for Moritani Teiji.

This was new.

Who is Moritani Teiji? He is a world-renowned architect and an authority who returned from studying abroad in the British

Empire. Qian Jingfuyushu is quite successful in Kyoto, but outside of Kyoto, or even in the world, who knows him.

He actually wanted to defeat Moritani Teiji? What a pipe dream.

Moritani Teiji didn’t like frivolous people.

But when it came to Qian Jingfuyushu, he didn’t know whether it was out of resonance as a top architect or the reduced defensive attribute of the god-level disguise.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily and said,”Then I’ll have to guess carefully.”

“It’s just related to architectural terminology, at least Professor Moritani understood it as soon as he heard it.”

Zen Jing Dongshu smiled and said,”You must endure it when you can’t bear it anymore.”


Everyone present was confused after hearing this. What kind of architectural puzzle is this?

Even Conan, who pricked up his ears out of curiosity, was stumped.

Moritani Teiji was puzzled at first, but when he accidentally glanced in the direction of his collection room, his pupils suddenly contracted!

Cold sweat immediately came down

“Qian Jing Dongshu, you are really humorous. Haha”

“Did Professor Moriya Teiji guess it?”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Seeing him pressing forward step by step, the people around him whispered more and more curiously.

Moriya Teiji felt a chill on his back, but still said with a stiff smile:

“That’s natural. You have to endure what you can’t endure. Isn’t that the fire resistance limit of our architecture department?” Fire resistance limit… What a coincidence. Why did you suddenly bring up such a mystery!

Qian Jingdongshu, the rumored black market participant, did he happen to hear something?

What a terrible young man!

Moriya Teiji looked at Qian Jingdongshu deeply.

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