Qian Jing Dongshu had a great time today.

Using this ability, he let all the women around him fully experience the pleasure of seamless connection.

Especially the ones on the island of evil women, they all burst into tears and begged for mercy.

In addition to the rope that was willing to do it, the space-time female warrior X suit had already made Minagawa Kuboko very happy.

Qian Jing Dongshu walked out of the room where Nakamori Aoko was sleeping, and in a very happy mood, he directly did ten consecutive draws!

“System, redeem ten ordinary blind boxes to open, I want to try my luck.”

The emotion value is still sufficient, let’s see what surprises this time the all-encompassing prize pool can give!

Ding ding ding ding——

【20000 emotion points have been deducted】.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Perspective Telescope”, which can penetrate buildings to view anything inside, a one-time observation prop!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Perfect Rice Flower Town Building Model”. After using it, the entire Rice Flower Town will be transformed into what the host wants! It is recommended that the host expand the territory to ten times the original property rights!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Romantic Candlelight Dinner”, a romantic atmosphere that cannot be affected by the destruction of the world or the collapse of the universe. It is for use by designated targets and will be effective for 3 hours!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”all-match clothes”. After wearing them, you can do whatever you want. Like a chameleon, you can switch to any style of clothes at a thought, and they will be spotless!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Free Space-Time Camera”. Once you take a picture, you will continue to observe the object. Only the host can watch it. It is a permanent prop!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Hot Spring Rope”, a retractable rope that is infinitely long. Wherever you put it and connect the ends, it will become a hot spring. It is a permanent prop!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Future Album”. After use, three future photos of irregular time and irregular characters will be randomly generated, a one-time observation prop!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the”Cerberus Alert”, the warning of the three-headed dog of Hell after being knocked down. It is used by designated targets. Anyone who attacks it afterwards will be discovered and leave a trace forever! A one-time prop!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill”Wall Stuck Technique”, a semi-finished product of the wall-penetrating technique. There is a 50% chance of failure in wall-penetrating, and it is easy to get stuck in an awkward position. Use with caution!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the S-level skill”Dragon Girl’s Passion”. You will not feel any discomfort when diving into the deep sea, and you can breathe infinitely underwater, and your speed will increase by 100.%!】

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the row of rewards, smiling with his eyes narrowed, very satisfied.

In the science, these observation props, even the future photo albums, will be very useful.

The wall-blocking technique and the enthusiasm of the dragon girl also filled his skill library.

Especially the former, thinking of the fierce long-legged and peach-butt beauties in the science, Qian Jing Dongshu almost instantly thought of many novel and interesting ways to play!

As for the romantic atmosphere and the versatile clothes, isn’t this prepared for his plan to take down Xiaolan?

Qian Jing Dongshu pinched his chin and smiled like a fox

“Aoko, my elder sister, has already become my shape, Xiaolan, it’s time for you to follow suit!”

Start planning now!.

“Our station reports that the Metropolitan Police Department has released the latest news that a large amount of black powder stolen from the Toyo Firearms Depot has been distributed to the outside world.”

“To this end, the police have dispatched thousands of police officers to conduct relevant searches.”

“Please be careful when going out and take precautions. If you see any suspicious individuals, do not alarm them and call the police immediately.……”

Conan is reading a letter from Kudo Yusaku at Dr. Agasa’s house.

Seeing this news, he and Dr. Agasa look solemn.

“It’s been so long, and the stolen gunpowder hasn’t been found yet”

“Damn it, if it weren’t for Qian Jing Dongshu’s love of playing tricks on people, he would have pestered him to reveal some information.”

Speak of the devil.

Qian Jing Dongshu came to Dr. Agasa’s house.

“Doctor, how is your research on the mechanical assembly that I talked about last time going?”

Dr. Agasa was shocked!

“Ahahaha, Dongshu-kun, I’m already researching it, and the progress is already 80%……”

Qian Jingdongshu walked in and raised his eyebrows

“The progress is extremely slow, Doctor, please don’t let me down.”

“I’m going to retreat now!”

Dr. Agasa rushed into the basement laboratory at a speed that was not suitable for his age.

Conan chuckled twice and turned around to find an invitation letter.

“Moriya Teiji?”

“Conan, did you receive this too?”

Qian Jing Dongshu also took out an identical invitation.

This was the result of the system fragment unlocking Moriya Teiji, and his fame.

Even though they had never met before, this world-class architect who had just become famous also sent him an invitation.

Unlike Conan who discovered it late, Qian Jing Dongshu went to the Kurokawa family as soon as he received the invitation and knew that the plot was about to begin. He happened to see the young widowed sister-in-law of the old dean Kurokawa and the pretty little nanny fighting.

Mrs. Kurokawa Sanna, sexy and charming with big waves, has a hot body, but she is too jealous.

The little nanny Nakazawa Manami has a thin figure, but she is a virgin. She has a fragrant body and exquisite curves, and is extremely comfortable to hug.

On her wedding night, Kurokawa Mina became a widow before she could spend the night with her husband, so she was naturally full of resentment. Nakazawa Manami was young, beautiful, and eloquent, and was trusted by Kurokawa’s family, so she disliked her in every way. As soon as

Qian Jingfuyu appeared, he decisively intervened to persuade them to stop fighting, and took them down. He then put them on the Island of Evil Women and gave them a thorough and simple criticism and education.

After that, the two women kissed each other warmly and turned enemies into friends, allowing Qian Jingfuyu to experience the beauty of being hugged by women again.

With the two women, Qian Jingfuyu negotiated with the old dean Kurokawa, and used the fact that the old man had killed someone during surgery while drunk to take over the property rights of Kurokawa’s house without bloodshed.

“.「 Ah, it wasn’t me who received it, it was Shinichi brother.”

Conan was stunned and laughed.

He had a feeling that he must not tell Qian Jingfuyuki that he was Kudo Shinichi.

Otherwise, something terrible would happen.

“”Qian Jing, are you going to Professor Moritani’s tea party, too?””

“How can I not go to such a meaningful occasion?”

Zen Jing Dongshu smiled meaningfully.

In Conan’s eyes, this man’s smile at the moment was so brilliant that it made people feel a chill in their backs!

It was as if he was led into a ditch every time. This guy had this expression!

I don’t know how Professor Moriya Teiji offended him.

“Then let’s go together!”It

‘s better to be unlucky together than to be unlucky alone, Conan decided to go and see it with a gloating look.

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