“Qian Jing Fuyuki! ?”

Seeing a figure striding in, Maori Kogoro’s jaw almost dropped.

Looking at the thick fragments of the gate, he swallowed his saliva!

What kind of superhuman force is this!?

He always talked dirty in front of this kid before, he wouldn’t be beaten to death by him with one punch!

“Is everyone okay?”

The violent door was broken, and the terrifying force scared everyone.

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t look at Ding Dingding’s emotional value and scanned the circle.

“Are you all here? Am I not late?”

It was just a polite remark. He was in a hurry. He had found a way out of a desperate situation. Everyone saw him as a savior. They were so excited and ecstatic!

“No, Fuyuki-kun, you came just in time!”

Inspector Megure Nakamori Ginzo’s eyes lit up, and he hurried over to explain the current situation.

Qian Jing Fuyuki nodded,”I know where the gates outside are located.”

“There is only one way to get out of this situation now.”

Everyone couldn’t help asking,”What is the way?”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes were sharp, and his aura instantly reached 2.8 meters, making everyone unable to breathe.

“Break through with force! Break out a way out!”


Maori Kogoro’s eyes widened immediately.

He pursed his lips again,”It’s easy to say, but is it something that people can do?”

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered contemptuously.

“Maori-san is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Of course, he doesn’t think that others can do it, but I am different. I will definitely do it if I say so!”

Full-level karate, open the One Punch Man speed pass mode!

Without any burden, he walks in a straight line alone, opens the way when there is no road, and breaks the wall when there is one!

Except for the slight flaw in speed, it is a piece of cake to pass the art museum and go straight to the gate in three minutes!

“That’s enough!”

Xiaolan’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she placed her hands on her round forehead, admiring it endlessly.

“It’s a pity that I can’t help Dongshu-kun much with this difficult matter.……”

“”If only I could be half as good as Fuyuki-kun!”

Xiaolan couldn’t help but feel depressed.

Her stomach was still growling at this moment.

Seeing Qian Jing Fuyuki looking at her with a burning gaze, Xiaolan let out a cry and lowered her head shyly. It was so embarrassing. She was in a hurry to come to the art museum to find Fuyuki-kun, and got up quickly after only two hours of sleep.

She gave her share of the lunch box to the guest Conan and didn’t eat it herself.

Xiaolan was starving!

Is there any better news than this?

God is really helping me!

Qian Jing Fuyuki laughed in his heart and directly clicked on the props to use!

【The target of use has been determined, Xiaolan,”The Mermaid Tail” will take effect immediately! And hide according to the host’s wishes! 】

Five minutes later.


Two people violently demolished!

One gate after another, with the close cooperation of Qian Jing Dongshu and the mermaid Xiaolan, exploded!

Watching that in the blink of an eye, two or three more gates were solved by two people with three punches and two kicks.

Maori Kogoro and the others were all numb.

I didn’t know what kind of changes suddenly happened to Xiaolan just now. People became crazy without any signs, and hit the door without saying a word.

With such terrifying power, Maori Kogoro thought his daughter was starving and her potential exploded.

They all looked stupidly at the mermaid Xiaolan, whose appearance had not changed much, but whose temperament had changed drastically, and who became inexplicably cold and cruel.

The kind of aggressiveness that seemed to control the instinct to bite everything and the strong desire to destroy, except for the crazy obsession with Qian Jing Dongshu, who wanted to stick to him from time to time, no one dared to go up and say hello, for fear of being beaten.

“We are almost there! We are only two doors away and we can get out smoothly!”

Everyone was as happy as if they heard heavenly music when Qian Jing Dongshu said this!

They all breathed a sigh of relief and almost cried for joy!

“Great, I can finally survive!”

“Thanks to Dongshu and Lan-san!”

From hell to heaven, God knows how much they have been suffering!

Even if it is smoky and hot outside, it is also the dawn of hope!

“Yoshi, let’s leave it to our colleagues outside!”

Officer Megure and Nakamori Ginzo looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

They were exhausted physically and mentally, and they really just wanted to take a good rest.

Anyway, as long as the riot squad of Section 4 and the National Police Agency worked together to control the situation outside, the art museum would be safe, and the people inside could be evacuated and comforted slowly.

Unexpectedly, just as they put down their worries, a small figure ran over in a hurry.


Conan jumped up and coughed loudly to attract everyone’s attention.

“”It’s Conan-kun!” Inspector Megure screamed.

Conan wasn’t sure if there would be any problem if he spoke now.

Human lives were at stake, so he didn’t dare to be careless and gestured frantically.

Before others could understand, Maori Kogoro frowned and told Conan to stop gesticulating and blocking the way.

Qian Jingfuyu’s eyes flashed,”Conan, are you saying that there is a bomb in the art museum?!”


Everyone was horrified!

Inspector Megure stared at Conan suspiciously reflexively.

“Is what Conan said true or false?”

“How did a child find a bomb? Have you ever seen a real bomb? Do you know what it looks like?”

Don’t just scare them by looking at a toy box with wires!”

Conan smiled bitterly. Maybe this is the”wolf cry” effect.

As long as they are treated as children, adults will think they are lying and don’t believe them!

Qian Jingdongshu knew that the bombs he installed by himself only had ten minutes to go.

He did not hesitate.

“Conan and I will go and have a look!”

Conan suddenly raised his head and looked at him in disbelief.

Tears of gratitude almost burst out of his eyes.

No matter how skeptical he was before, he was really touched now!

Qian Jingdongshu, this guy, although mysterious and loves to play tricks on people, his lies and acting are just like the real thing.

But when something big happens, he is really reliable!

At least when no one else believes in him, only this guy believes in him!

After all, as long as the bombs explode intensively, the entire art gallery will be in danger, and many people scattered everywhere will have no time to evacuate!

He and Kidd must have a third person to help them deal with it!

“Then Dongshu-kun, what about those who are dragging down the museum?”

Xiaolan didn’t know why she had changed, but instinctively knew that she had to suppress her bloodthirsty impulse and not lose control, otherwise it might lead to bad consequences. As time passed, a little blue and purple sequins appeared in the corners of her eyes. Her already plump figure became even more beautiful and radiant, like a real sexy mermaid, who could sweep away the soul at a glance.


Conan keenly noticed something was wrong.

Why did Xiaolan’s temperament suddenly become like this? And her eyes…

But the bomb disposal was imminent, and he didn’t have time to think too much.

Besides, opening his mouth might cause trouble.

Qian Jingfuyu pointed to the ceiling at this time, responding to Xiaolan’s words

“Isn’t this the solution?”

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and was surprised.

“Automatic sprinkler?”

Director Ochiai’s eyes suddenly opened under his thick eyebrows.

“As expected of Qian Jing-kun! He actually thought of using the emergency fire extinguishing device of the museum at this time!”

Emergency fire extinguishing device?

Twelve years ago, Nakamori Ginzo, Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro and others who had experienced that accident were immediately stunned.

“That’s right! Once the internal fire extinguishing device is turned on and the fire alarm sounds, the people inside will try to escape even if there is an earthquake!”

“Yoshi! Organize order immediately!”

Nakamori Ginzo immediately gained strength!

Even if they fight to the last moment and are blown to pieces, they, the police, must do their best to save more people.

They will never let the tragedy of Xiaolan and her family being separated happen to them again!.


Conan was held by Qian Jingfuyuki and ran to where Kuroba Kaito was.

“Most of them have been dismantled and are waiting to be processed, but there are a few key core detonators. The walls are too slippery and there is no place to gain leverage.”

“My grappling gun is not equipped with a suction device, so neither the kid nor I can get in. If it’s the landlord, there must be a way!”

Kuroba Kaito saw Qian Jingdongshu and got straight to the point.

They all knew that this was a race against death.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the position, his old face turned red and he coughed.

Those places were originally put there by him to make things difficult for others.

Who knew that he would end up pitting himself now?

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

Conan and Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

But soon, they remembered another big problem.


The two looked at each other in horror, and Conan hurriedly used sign language to

“Wait, Mr. Landlord, can you defuse this bomb?”

At this point, Qian Jing Dongshu certainly didn’t mind telling the truth.

“I can’t defuse bombs, but I can still dismantle things and unlock them.”

Magic Kaito’s signature skill, he is now better than Kid himself.

“Unlock it by dismantling something?”

Kaito Kuroba felt a chill on his head, and for some reason, he felt something was wrong.

Qian Jingfuyu rubbed up and performed for them.

Kuroba Kaito’s expression was blank.

“No way? Can he do magic?”

Looking at the skillful tricks that looked so familiar, he was completely stunned!

���When did you accept a disciple from outside?

“What should we do with these bombs?”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the time, there were less than five minutes left.

Even if Kuroba Kaito was strong enough, this bag of bombs was heavier than Conan, and it would be difficult to carry them all away.

So at this point, he could only use his ultimate move!

“Conan-kun, I can tell at first glance that you are not an ordinary child.”

“”Defusing a bomb should be like playing for you, right?”

Qian Jing Dongshu suddenly said.

Kuroba Kaito frowned reflexively.

This young landlord would not be desperate to seek medical treatment.

Even if such a young child is precocious, can he understand the complicated process of defusing a bomb!

{Hey! How did he know!

Conan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the hairs on his body exploded!

Because he was too shocked, he couldn’t help but speak.

“Of course, my dad taught me that in Hawaii.”

Conan met Kid’s shocked gaze and tried to shut up, but it was too late!

“Not only can I defuse bombs, I can also play football, ski, skate, shoot, drive (including cars, planes, helicopters, speedboats), play the violin, speak multiple foreign languages, use computers, swim, play chess, mahjong, and read Braille.……”

“My dad also said that I have a lot of room for improvement in other areas.”

It’s over!

In front of Qian Jingfuyuki and Kaito Kid, he actually revealed all his past!

Apart from the fact that it was Kudo Shinichi, the only thing he didn’t say was the embarrassing thing about wetting the bed when he was three years old!

Conan looked desperate and had no desire to live.

Why did his mouth seem to have a grudge against him now, always having his own ideas.

Is he cursed?

Waving the white flag, just leave some pants for others!

“As expected.”

Conan looked at Qian Jingdongshu’s surprised and understanding eyes, terrified and helpless, and a little desolate in his request for help.

“Yes, I can do it. Why don’t you let me do it? Give me the tools.”

After ten sentences, the”Tongue Against One’s Will” just failed. As soon as

Conan said this, he was surprised again.

Hey, he seemed to be able to speak again suddenly!


Please readers, for the sake of this long chapter, give me some flowers, comment votes, and support me by collecting it. One is not too little! I must eat Sister Bay tonight.

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