Boom boom boom!!

Fires were everywhere outside the museum, and black smoke from bombs was everywhere.

The long sound of the fire alarm struck people’s hearts.

Kyoto citizens in the surrounding streets shouted in panic at the same time and fled in all directions!

“It’s the Mud Society! And an unknown black society!”

“Run! They are all a bunch of murderers who kill without blinking an eye!! Don’t get hurt by mistake!”

“”Wuwu, Daosang! Kasang!!”

Crying and screaming.

In addition to the fighting on the street, the surroundings were also in chaos.

“Send more police force!! Suppress with all your strength!!”

The National Police Department received the news before the unprecedentedly bad firefight.

But the Nican Association and the winery went to war too suddenly and decisively this time.

Unlike the previous stalemate, the police were given time to mediate and the Self-Defense Forces to warn!

At this moment, the National Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Department could only grit their teeth and mobilize all police forces, together with the First and Second Investigation Sections who happened to be on business at the Medieval Art Museum, to try their best to prevent the spread of the war, evacuate the crowd, and apply for armed forces to airborne deterrence.

But no one expected that there was a signal jammer placed by Kubota in the art museum that had not been completely dismantled, and it could not receive any information from the outside!

It is conceivable that the senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department gave urgent orders to Nakamori Ginzo and Megure Jusan, but found that the order fell on deaf ears, how confused they were!

“What?! Both Nakamori and Megure are trapped?!”

“They are not in the art gallery, what is going on!!”

Boom boom boom!

When the winery does something, it must be done thoroughly.

The blasting team immediately blew down the front and back doors, calculating that the emergency closure system in the art gallery would be activated!

The heavy gates were lowered and locked at the same time!

This was originally an anti-theft device to lock out thieves, but who knew that it would turn the inside into an isolated island, with no one to cry out to!

“This is an explosion, not an earthquake!”

“Could it be a terrorist attack?!”

Old policemen such as Nakamori Ginzo and Megure finally realized that something was wrong and hurriedly organized their men to come back.

However, the explosions happened too frequently, the signal was limited, and the personnel were scattered.

Except for the first search section, most of the people in the second search section were scattered outside to catch Kidd, and they acted in small groups.

They, like some tourists in the art museum at the moment, had no idea what was going on. They just thought it was an earthquake and hurriedly found a safe place to hide!.

“Lord Vermouth!!”

“But whoosh! Is the master in danger? There is no response to the phone call!”After waiting for a long time without any response, Vermouth’s men were all anxious.

The satellite phone could not be interfered with, so something must have happened to the master!

After a short delay, the sharp knife team of the Ni Cang Society came to find them.

“It’s not that easy to save people!”Inside the department!”

Enemies meet, but they each serve their own masters.

The two groups met on a narrow road and instantly became jealous.

The bombing team and the people sent by Busujima Kiriko to hinder them fought together.

Everyone knew more or less that there was a bomb here.

No one was stupid enough to use a gun directly. If it went off accidentally, everyone would have to be BBQed.

On the rooftop of the art gallery, a brutal and fierce hand-to-hand combat was taking place.

Little did they know that Vermouth, who they were fighting for, was alone, looking worriedly into the art gallery, worried about a heartless guy.

“Dongshu-kun… please be okay.”

One minute ago

“I see, Mrs. Sharon, your name is Vermouth.”

“But I still like to call you that, Sharon~”

He used a heavenly voice, and the infinite magnetic and lingering voice came out of his mouth. He fascinated Vermouth.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at her and smiled casually, patted his butt and got up from the ground.

He took her hand and bent over and kissed it.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely get out alive, as promised by your yoga studio.”

As he said this, Qian Jing Dongshu smiled proudly, his red eyes were like blazing fire, as if they could contain the vastness of the world.

“The world is so big, but there is no one in this world who can kill me!”

Looking at Qian Jing Dongshu’s back as he walked away without hesitation,

Vermouth covered her face with the warmth of his big hands.

Ah, Dongshu-kun is so dazzling that she feels ashamed even in the darkness, and she loves him so madly… Maybe it is because of his arrogance and capital that she can throw herself into the fire and cannot extricate herself.

“Since Dongshu-kun said so, I will wait for you to come back to the yoga studio!”

“And the guy who forced us to separate just after we were honest with each other……”

She must settle this account carefully!!.

【Ding! Vermouth is affectionate to the host, +1000 emotion points!】

【Ding! Vermouth is reluctant to leave her host, +1000 emotion points!】

【Ding! Vermouth is worried about her host, +1000 emotion points!】

【Ding! Vermouth continues to be shy, admiring, longing, worried, and missing, +500+500+500……!】

After a brief taste, Fuyuki, who had seduced Bayonetta, collected his emotions happily and smiled slyly. What he told Vermouth was the absolute truth, but how to interpret it was up to Bayonetta herself.

Now, he had to rescue people and defuse the bomb, and then deal with the arrogant winery outside, and increase his reputation in Kyoto.

You know, there are quite a few main storyline characters trapped in the art gallery.

Unlock the black market once, and then go to the yoga studio to capture Bayonetta after dusk. That’s it!.


Bang! Bang!

“Still no use! The gate is too tight, I can’t get out!”

No matter how hard Xiaolan tried, she couldn’t open the door, and sat on the ground in frustration.

Director Ochiai said helplessly:”These gates were originally made of explosion-proof materials, so they are extremely strong.”

On the side, Maori Megure and others had tried, and they were all exhausted.

Everyone looked grim.

“No, no matter how difficult it is, we have to go out! If we continue like this, I’m afraid there will be even greater dangers!”

At this time, a reporter couldn’t help but wonder

“Where is the little boy running around? Where is

Conan? He is in danger now and can’t take care of himself. How many people care about him?

Outside, in less than ten minutes, the explosion sounded again.

Especially the fire sirens outside, which made people anxious.

Was it only the art museum that had an accident? Or were the buildings on the street outside also affected?

The more worried he was, the less he dared to think about it, because the consequences were too suffocating.

“Qi Kexiu, why did those saboteurs who planted the bomb choose this time?”

Looking at the thick smoke billowing up outside the window and the flames climbing along the windowsill,

Maori Kogoro’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

“Officer Megure, we must think of a solution, otherwise if this continues, everyone will be trapped to death!”

Officer Megure knew that what Mori said was true!

But they couldn’t do it even if they put all their efforts together!

Not to mention that the art gallery has several floors, plus the underground exhibition area, and who knows how many people are trapped here!

Officer Megure’s head went bald just thinking about it

“Everyone can only stand under the ventilation vents first, prepare wet cloths and sufficient water. Once the fire outside burns in, immediately pour water on yourself and cover your mouth and nose!!”

Separated from the crowd by a wall, Qian Jing Dongshu’s face also darkened.

Just now, he found that there was a small problem in the transfer of the property rights of the art museum.

In theory, after Manaka died, Ochiai personally entrusted the art museum to him, and the ownership of the property rights was already clear.

But! Because of some clever people in the winery, the door collapsed by blasting, and the internal emergency sealing device was activated. The search team could not get out, and the case had not been reported through the procedures.

It was this small detail that caused the normal property rights operation of the system to be stuck.

The territory he opened up himself must be handed over by the previous owner of the property in person, even if it was verbal, or if the owner of the property died, the property rights of the house were officially legally changed to ownerless/pending transaction and inheritance status.

So as long as Megure and others can call outside to report the case, confirm that Manaka is dead, and the property is temporarily ownerless and waiting for the transfer of property rights, regardless of whether it involves a certain case, Dongshu will naturally have a way to get the property rights of the art museum from the public management.

So the situation is now tricky.

The house itself has no consciousness of its own, and it cannot recognize the owner and is covered by the system’s custody protection range.

The pressure was immediately given to Dongshu himself

“The bomb is less than fifteen minutes away.”

“We must make a quick decision.”

Since the property rights of the art museum are not his, and the outer part has been blown to pieces, there is no need to feel bad.

Since there is no way to escape the shattering, just make full use of it!

Anyway, he will find the person who caused the loss soon! Dongshu’s eyes are cold.


He is so focused on speed that he doesn’t bother to hide anything at this moment. He directly uses the strongest force at the level of Kyogoku Makoto and punches down fiercely!



“”What’s that sound?”

Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro and others looked at the gate in doubt.



The ground was shaking, but it was obviously different from the previous explosions!

“”It seems like something is coming!” Xiaolan was shocked.

A layer of dust was gently shaken up from the ground.

It was like the absolute silence before the storm.

The next moment!

Boom! Bang!

The gate that was so tightly closed just now, in front of the shocked eyes of Maori Kogoro and others, was torn into pieces, and smoke exploded everywhere!!

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