Time is running out, now is not the time to worry about whether or not to talk.

Conan worked hard.

Kuroba Kaito was still shocked to see his busy little figure.

“Are you kidding me? Are today’s primary school students so strong?”

“But then again, you, Mr. Landlord, seem to be even better at discovering such a little genius at a glance!”

He looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with admiration.

He felt more and more that this man wasted his talent just by lying down and collecting rent as a landlord.

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and didn’t try to be modest with him.

“I have always had a very accurate intuition.”

Conan paused for a moment when he heard this, his eyes dead.

Sure enough, this guy had already discovered something was wrong with him at Miss Yoko’s house.

Then his identity should have been guessed to be more or less accurate.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it seemed that there were at least half of the bombs waiting for Conan to defuse.

Qian Jingfuyu was very calm, and Kuroba Kaito was sweating coldly.

After all, he was young, and he was busy trying to find topics to divert attention.

“I heard that the landlord has caught the murderer, just based on the small details of him stealing the painting and scouting the location.��”

“Then how did you know I was in the pipe?”

He was really curious.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at this face that looked exactly like Kudo Shinichi, with his big shoe sole print on it.

The key point was that Kuroba Kaito didn’t know yet, and he still had that cocky and romantic expression, which made him want to laugh.

“The staff and others were looking at the painting, Kubota was cutting the corners, and you were looking at the frame, as if you were wondering whether to stick bubble gum on the back after painting to leave a bug.”

“At first, your eyes were different, and then the rustling noises you made when you moved were too irritating. How could I not notice them?”!

Kuroba Kaito slightly widened his eyes, and now he was really convinced by Qian Jingfuyushu.

“There aren’t many people I, Kaito Kidd, admire in my life. This guy who is as good as me can barely be considered one of them.”

“But in terms of observation, you are better than Kudo Shinichi.”

Coupled with the terrifyingly accurate intuition and extraordinary action, you are simply invincible!

Conan bit the small flashlight and nodded while defusing the bomb.

No matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he admitted that once Qian Jingfuyuki stopped playing and got serious, he was not absolutely sure that he could win.

There was only one minute left before the bomb exploded.

Conan looked at the last dozen bomb boxes in front of him, and cold sweat covered his head.

“No, I am small and weak, and I can only do this much.”

“The world-class thief, Kaito Kid-san, will do the rest next.”

Qian Jingfuyu directly piled up a dozen bomb boxes and stuffed them into Kuroba Kaito’s bag.

“Hey, hey…Are you really not afraid that I will be blown to pieces?”

Kuroba Kaito looked up in shock, but did not refuse.

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed at him:”Okay, if you hadn’t interfered, things wouldn’t have become so complicated”

“”We’re getting ready to take off.”

He and Conan watched Kuroba Kaito run to the balcony as fast as he could.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Gunfire rang out from below.

Conan and Kidd were so focused on the safety of everyone in the art gallery and the bomb that they didn’t even bother to see what was happening outside.

Now, seeing the dark and chaotic scene of the black forces fighting, they were all stunned.

“What the hell is going on here!”

The Ni Canhui and the winery are really angry.

If at the beginning they were just fighting for Vermouth and the right to speak for the East Wind to overwhelm the West Wind.

Then at this moment, both sides are killing each other. Under the secret instigation of an unknown third party, the fight is getting more and more intense, and they don’t want to stop at all!

Alita quickly stabbed someone and then quietly disappeared, hiding her merits and fame:.

The entire Kyoto police force was shocked.

In just half an hour, thousands of armed men were sent to maintain order, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and they were helpless!!

“The Self-Defense Forces aren’t ready yet!”

“It is very troublesome for the Self-Defense Forces to apply for the use of weapons, and the higher-ups are considering whether to temporarily ask the US troops to take action!”

“Damn! This is clearly Neon’s territory……”.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the big and small ones still in a daze, frowned and shouted

“Kidd! What are you doing?”

Kuroba Kaito looked down with an unpleasant expression.

“But there are so many people below, what if they are accidentally injured by bomb fragments?……”

“It’s not a big problem, it’s a small scene, it will be handled in a short while.”

Hearing Qian Jing Dongshu say it so easily, Conan and Kuroba Kaito couldn’t help but look at him stupidly.

This is not big?

How small is small? How big is big?!

The bomb is about to explode, Kuroba Kaito took off in a hurry, and rushed straight into the sky with all his strength!

Beep beep beep – just fifteen seconds before the explosion, he threw the bomb package out with all his strength! Use all his strength to start the hang glider at full speed!

Boom -!!!

A huge orange flash of sparks exploded in the sky!

Half of Kyoto could see it clearly.

The huge fireworks exploding in the sky attracted the attention of everyone who was fighting to the death, but it was only for a moment!

Because they were facing an enemy as fierce and brutal as themselves, once distracted, it would be fatal!

Conan watched the people fighting pause for a few seconds, and then rushed forward again, clenching his fists as if he wanted to crush all his bones!

“Where are all the damn police? Is there no one to maintain order?”

“What should I do in this situation!”

My personal power is too small, even his smart brain can’t think of a solution!

At this moment, Qian Jingdongshu jumped straight down from the balcony!

“Mina-san, please give me some face and stop fighting, okay?”

“Qian Jing Dongshu!!”

Conan’s heart stopped beating. He had no time to catch him. He was so scared that he hurriedly grabbed the railing and leaned down.

“This guy, is he crazy!”

Those are all black forces who kill without blinking an eye!

However, the next second, he opened his mouth wide, staring at the figure who was at ease, and couldn’t say anything!


With the addition of gravity, the king Kyogoku Makoto kicked the ground and smashed a semicircular pit.

What a coincidence, it was located in the center of the warring parties!

Qian Jingdongshu was certainly not crazy, he was just very excited.

Here it comes, the last emotional value electronic fireworks!

All help me unlock the black market and contribute!.

“Who is that young man?”

The chief inspector of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department and the head of the Criminal Division, Toshio Odagiri, had just gotten off the car when he saw a young man as dazzling as the sun falling from the sky. He had amazing fighting power, a handsome appearance like a god, and sharp red eyes, even though he was smiling. He was as strong and fearless as a sword, and his aura seemed to pierce the sky.

This was the first impression Qian Jingfuyuki gave to this serious chief inspector.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he actually made the noisy gangs of both sides quiet down for a while.

“”Mr. Fuyuki?”

Officer Megure and others looked over there nervously while organizing the evacuation of personnel.

They all heard Qian Jingfuyuki’s voice, but they never expected that he would dare to intervene fearlessly in such a chaotic situation! Maori

Kogoro looked far away and couldn’t help but admire the boy.

Being stared at by a large group of black, bloody and gloomy gang members even if they were silent.

People like him who have been criminal police have to shudder.

The boy’s psychological quality is really extraordinary!

Vermouth just appeared behind the people in the winery and contacted his men to let the woman, Busujima Kiriko, drink a pot.

Hearing Qian Jingfuyuki’s voice, she was also shocked at the same time, and looked anxiously at the center of the field!

“Dong Shujun!”

The big explosion just now made her heart beat fast!

Before she could calm down, she saw that he really came out alive!

However, she didn’t even have time to be thankful for two seconds. Seeing the current situation clearly, her heart was cold! Did

Dong Shujun know what he was facing when he stood up at this time?

“No matter what, he must be protected!”

“Everyone listen up, even if there is only one soldier left in the battle with Nican today, I want Qian Jingdongshu alive!”

Vermouth’s pretty face was filled with fear!

The whole winery was shocked!

Lady Vermouth actually gave such an order!?

That kid, is he some great big shot? Who is he?

As a long-time enemy, Dudao Tongzi is particularly sensitive to the slightest movement in the winery.

At this moment, she tilted her head and squinted slightly, and immediately noticed the unusual movements at the winery.

“From a pile of loose sand, it seems to have begun to become organized.”

“Tsk, was that woman Vermouth finally rescued by those crows?”

The plan failed, and Busujima Kiriko was very upset, and she looked at Qian Jingdongshu with an especially vicious look.

“Boy, who do you think you are? How dare you stand here and talk to me so arrogantly?”

“It seems that the old lady doesn’t like watching TV. I am the landlord of Mihua Street, Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu sarcastically said

“If this name sounds unfamiliar to you, then you must have heard of me visiting the head of your Nic Club last night and scaring him.”

“I am the bombing lunatic who frightened the second, third and third clubs of Neon.”

“Or do you want me to visit your Nicanhui’s arsenal again today?”!!!

It turned out to be him!

Qian Jingdongshu’s voice was not loud, but under the control of the sound of nature, only the two groups of people on the street and the police heard it.

The people in the winery suddenly realized it.

The police looked at each other collectively.

There is such a thing? How come they don’t know?

The Nicanhui, from Dudao Tongzi on down, all felt like they were slapped hard in the face in public, burning.

The capable man who overturned the black forces of Mihua Street overnight and caused the three major societies to be in chaos, turned out to be this kid, and they didn’t recognize him!

Even the Nicanhui has become a laughing stock on the street since last night, and it’s because of him!

If it weren’t for the fact that the ghost boy president was too timid, why would Dudao Tongzi attack Vermouth.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, okay, okay, it turns out it’s because of you!”

Doubujima Kiriko laughed in anger, her triangular eyes becoming more gloomy.

“As expected , what I hate most is a pretty boy like you. Shoot!”

I heard from the president that this guy relied on two women who were made into human weapons last night to intimidate the three major societies.

Now he is alone. If we don’t kill him now, when will we kill him?

“Not good!”

Vermouth’s heart skipped a beat, and she was about to order people to go up and block the bullet for Fuyuki.

Qian Jing Fuyuki put his hands in his pockets, motionless, and looked at Busujima Kiriko sarcastically.


A petite and sharp figure drew his sword and slashed through the air.

The delicate and expressionless little face only said

“Anyone who touches my master will be killed!”

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