“Officer Megure, my tenant, Mrs. Sharon, and I have something to discuss.”

“I’ll go to the police station to make up my statement when I get back.”

Qian Jingfuyu said to Officer Megure.

Vermouth thought his next stop was his yoga studio.

His face was flushed, and his smile deepened.

“Oh, OK, then you go ahead and do your work, Fuyuki-kun.”

Inspector Megure was very nice to Qian Jing Fuyuki.

Maori Kogoro gritted his teeth and snorted.

After Conan’s gestures, he finally understood what he meant.

He took Conan and left with Inspector Megure and his group.

“The team over there! Have you searched the third floor?”

“Inspector Nakamori, I’ve looked for him! Kid is nowhere to be found!”

“Damn, is that guy a rat? Where on earth can he get into?”

In the corridor, the police from the second investigation section were almost crazy looking for him.

Maori Kogoro couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“The venue is so small, and they haven’t caught Kidd yet?”

“Even if the person ran away, they should have left a dummy or something to mock him.”

Conan also frowned, puzzled. Little did he know that right above their heads!

Behind the air conditioner hanging on the outer wall of the second floor, Kuroba Kaito himself was also complaining!

“Seriously, Officer Nakamori really worked so hard this time!”

“Was it because of the excitement of finding Xiaolan?”

When he didn’t know that the situation was getting tense, didn’t he want to leave?

He had just wiped off the invisible paint on Qian Jingdongshu’s painting, and when he was about to take off from the balcony, he suddenly found that he couldn’t leave without the bomb!

Thinking of the huge crisis he had discovered around the art gallery, Kuroba Kaito broke out in a cold sweat.

God knows that when he used the hook to climb over the eaves and walls, he found rows of bombs surrounding a large circle and sticking to hidden corners, and his back felt cold!

“Let’s not talk about whether the police would believe me when I said there was a bomb.”

“To be honest, except for Officer Nakamori who may have full faith in my character, everyone else is talking nonsense, and there are also a bunch of media outlets that are making groundless accusations. How can Kaito Kidd’s reputation be good in the future?”

Kuroba Kaito was so anxious that he grabbed his hair.

“Damn it! If only someone could defuse the bomb!”

“Grandpa Terai, why didn’t you teach me this?”

At the same time, two surging streams of people, nearly two thousand people, gathered at the street entrance in front of the art gallery.

Looking around, it was all a sea of heads.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As a cadre of the Nimicide Society, Dudao Kiriko fired a gun into the air with a provocative look on her face!

“Black Organization, your road ends here!”

You lackeys of the Karasuma family, you stinking crows hiding in the neon darkness across a century!

There is no two suns in the sky, and no two masters on earth.

Now, it is your turn to abdicate and let the wise take over!

“What a miserable society!!”

Everyone in the winery was immediately in an uproar!

“No wonder Lady Vermouth was stuck in the art museum and lost contact!”

“It turns out that they teamed up with the police to ambush!!”

“Too shameless! Let’s fight them!”

The war from the black forces is about to start!

The action team quickly asked the rescue team to go with the bomb disposal team first.

“We will hold back the Nican Society, you guys go and rescue Lady Vermouth!”


Busujima Kiriko took a quick look at their little moves and immediately sneered

“As long as I’m here, Vermouth will never be saved!”

“Come on, go and catch that woman named Vermouth! Kill them without mercy if you encounter a cop!”

The Japanese black forces are now extremely arrogant.

As long as they are paid enough and don’t bomb the Prime Minister’s Residence and the Imperial Palace, they can do whatever they want!

“Stop them!!”

The winery saw that Dudao Tongzi led the Nican Society to move first, and fought back.

The two black torrents immediately collided fiercely like fierce and brutal beasts with claws exposed!

The blood was endless.

No one noticed that a slender figure was standing on the edge of the tall building, looking down at all of them indifferently.

“Just hitting this level is not enough for the master to appear, let’s make it more intense.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Outside the art gallery, the winery bomb disposal team rushed to carry out targeted blasting under the escort of the rescue team!

The building shook!

The ground under the feet of the people inside trembled violently, and they looked in shock at the place where the huge movement came from.

What’s going on? Is it an explosion?

Conan’s pupils shrank, and he shook off Maori Kogoro and rushed to the direction where the sound came from.

“Hey! Conan! Where are you going?”


The building suddenly trembled, causing Kuroba Kaito to slip and half of his body slid out of the balcony. He quickly fired a hook to secure it.

A white cloak flashed by and caught Conan’s eye!

He looked up and was shocked!

Kaito Kidd!!.

“Landlord, be careful!”

There was an explosion outside, and the building shook. Vermouth didn’t think twice and protected Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned slightly.

“Earthquake? No, if I heard correctly, it sounded like explosives?”

Didn’t the bomb disposal team that Sister Bay called come in?

Or is the winery so hardcore that they would destroy the art gallery to save one person?

“Those rubbish! Didn’t we tell them not to act rashly?”

Vermouth cursed inwardly, and met Qian Jingdongshu’s suspicious eyes, feeling guilty.

If those idiots in the organization really wanted to destroy the art museum because she was in danger, then it wouldn’t be a question of whether to defuse the bomb or not.

Vermouth quickly pulled Qian Jingdongshu’s hand

“Landlord, it’s too dangerous here, let’s go out first!”


There was another explosion!

Qian Jingdongshu’s expression was serious.

“No, Xiaolan and the others are still inside, I can’t go alone.”

The drama is over, only one step is left.

He looked deep in his eyes, and held Vermouth’s hand, gently stroking it.

“By the way, Mrs. Sharon, don’t you have anything to tell me from just now?”

He is now forcing Sister Bei to put everything aside and confess to him. It’s coming.

Vermouth has used the beauty trick, and seeing that pretending to be pitiful and begging is fruitless, hesitating for a moment and making up his mind

“Dongshu-kun is so smart, he must have noticed it.”

“That’s right, I’m the woman in black who fought with you last time on Rice Flower Street”

“I come from a special organization, hiding behind the darkness of neon for a hundred years……”

No matter what, if she loves him, she shouldn’t hide anything.

She will open up everything and accept all the criticisms from Fuyuki-kun with a completely sincere attitude.

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