It’s getting late, and Yoko Okino and the others have other plans.

“Boss, please think of us.~”

“No matter where we go, we will always keep you in our hearts.”

The two girls looked back every few steps and left reluctantly.

All the artists, connoisseurs and collectors present immediately talked about Qian Jing Dongshu.

Without exception, they were all talking about this precious painting.

The press conference came to an end, and now it has completely become a show for Qian Jing Dongshu’s personal painting exhibition.

All the celebrities were arguing with each other, and they were proud to have a word with Qian Jing Dongshu.

The real owner of the art museum, Manaka, was left aside.

“How could Kexiu, this brat! He is so lucky!”He failed to make things difficult for others and got slapped in the face instead, which also made Qian Jing Dongshu famous. Manaka was so angry that he left in a hurry with a sullen face, and Ochiai hurried to catch up.

Qian Jing Dongshu noticed it and glanced at the time.

Seeing that the old men around him were about to get angry and start a fight, he said:”I won’t sell this painting, so I’d better put it away.”

Under the disappointed and regretful eyes of the crowd, several staff members hurriedly came on stage to clean up.

“It’s a fortune. In addition to the armor, there is actually a painting like this.”

Kawada’s eyes lit up, and he was about to act roughly, but before he touched the painting, he saw a demon with bared fangs and claws and wailing mouth in the dark painting. The black eyes and mouth were facing him, and scarlet blood kept spurting out. The

Holy Inquisition Knight, covered in blood, looked at him dimly, and the sword seemed to be about to cut off his head in the next second, and blood splattered on the spot.……


Kubota fell flat on his face.

His face turned pale and his eyes were wet. He was actually frightened by a painting and lost control of his bladder!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

Some unruly artists laughed out loud on the spot.

“He is indeed a master, his painting skills are so superb that they can be described as miraculous!”

“You are too kind, but people see him as a human and ghosts see him as a ghost.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled meaningfully.

“”Think, think of Masai!”

Kubota’s face turned red and blue, and he was so embarrassed that he dug his fingers into the side and ran away.

Behind him, another man in work clothes paused and made a V sign in his heart.

“Yoshi, everyone’s attention has been diverted, which is convenient for me……”

Kuroba Kaito looked down at the picture frame mounted on the table.

If it was”Heavenly Punishment” itself, it would be a bit troublesome, but the imitation of the new painting would be different.

He only needs to hide it secretly, put on a unique magic show, create something out of nothing, and make a big fuss, and the art gallery will not be demolished.

In this way, Xiaolan, who is stranded outside, may see it and find her way home.

But just when he was painting and secretly throwing the preview letter, Kuroba Kaito glanced at it and his heart skipped a beat!

Did the knight in the painting just look at him?!

The hairs on his back stood up at the same time!

Kuroba Kaito turned back slowly in horror and met a pair of red eyes.!!!

Qian Jingfuyu was looking at him with an elusive playful look on his face.

What a terrifying pressure!

Kuroba Kaito was secretly frightened. He had never seen a young man with such a terrifying aura. Even the white horse tan with a prominent family background was far inferior to him!

Qian Jingfuyu was also surprised.

Kaito Kidd? He really caught a big fish.

【Sign in with Kuroba Kaito and be rewarded with the highest level of magic!】

Glancing at the place where Kubota had just rubbed his hands, Fuyuki thought that it seemed that the plan had to be slightly changed.

While he was thinking, his eyes met with Xiaolan, and he nodded casually with a smile.

This smile fell into Xiaolan’s eyes, and her heart was throbbing and she couldn’t describe it.

She was standing in front of two paintings of”Heavenly Punishment”, watching the staff working, still immersed in the shock of her first sight.

She was full of emotions, as if she was eager to have an outlet.

But what exactly was that emotion? ?

Xiaolan, who was still a little slow at this time, couldn’t think of it.

Instead, she inadvertently glanced at one of the staff members, felt that he looked familiar, and glanced at him more.

“Ah, you are the lady who was with Qian Jing yesterday.”

The director Ochiai greeted her kindly from behind.

Xiaolan turned around and smiled.

“Director Ochiai! The press conference held by the museum was very successful. I think Fuyuki is very satisfied!

She is very happy that so many people have seen Fuyuki’s excellence.

Director Ochiai is now relaxed with his hands behind his back, and is very grateful to Qian Jing Fuyuki

“No, this is all the result of Qian Jingjun’s support”

“Without him, how could there be such a unique armor warm-up performance?”

“By the way, he is not only a great painter, but also a great script writer. He designed the play of Punishment Knight.”

Of course this guy is a lot of drama.

Because he is the first victim.

Conan listened to it and complained with dead eyes.

“What, the scene of punishing the knight was thought up by Fuyuki-kun?”

Xiaolan was stunned when she heard this, and immediately thought of the day when Qian Jingfuyuki saved her and said that Zhenzhong would be punished.

“Could it be that Dongshu-kun’s script was inspired by me?”

Is this also the surprise he silently prepared for her! Oh my God, how should she describe Dongshu-kun!

There is no man in the world who is more gentle and warm to her than him!!

Boom, boom, boom… Xiaolan’s heartbeat gradually accelerated.

Xiaolan’s face began to heat up.


The overwhelming and tangled emotions had a direction to rush to.


Xiaolan opened her beautiful eyes slightly.

It was not an illusion, but she seemed to really like Dongshu-kun a little bit!.

The appearance of Kaito Kidd temporarily disrupted the plan, but it was not a big problem.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Vermouth who was laughing for some reason.

Miss Bayonet, I’m sorry, I have to take off your vest.

You should not mind being honest with me earlier, right?

Picking up the notice, Fuyuki made a phone call directly to the Second Investigation Section, which was responsible for catching Kidd.

Sure enough, not long after, a row of police cars outside rang their bells, surrounding the art gallery tightly.

“What’s going on! Where did so many police come from!”

Vermouth was awakened by the overwhelming sound of alarm bells, and she was in doubt.

Could it be that she was targeted by the Red Team just after her true appearance was exposed?

The Japanese police have always been incompetent. What’s going on?

A drop of cold sweat slid down Vermouth’s forehead.

She was not afraid of the police now, but she was afraid that the man next to her would find something strange.

“Huh? Mrs. Sharon, why are you sweating so much again?

Qian Jing Dongshu approached with concern.

He made a gesture to reach behind her.

Vermouth’s eyes narrowed, and her heart was in her throat.

Before she could speak, whoosh!

Qian Jing Dongshu attacked her without any warning.


Thank you all for the flowers and tickets you sent me. For the love of the readers, I will write two more chapters to collect 10,000 words today before I go to sleep!!

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