Yuko is really good at pleasing others!

Okino Yoko is a little slower, but she is not to be outdone

“I am the same, I love BOSS Fuyuki-kun deeply!”

She looked at the camera with red eyes

“I hope that fans will pay more attention to our new works in the future.”

“If the transformation fails, I can only say goodbye to the screen.”

Fuyuki smiled. Okino Yoko actually played tricks for him.

But the effect was good.

He glanced at the moment of silence, and the emotional value suddenly exploded.

If it was just an earthquake, then now it is a tsunami that can drown all the neon lights!!

Two popular female stars actually publicly confessed for a man, not hesitating to destroy their own star journey, and shed tears on the spot!

The reporters’ eyes were all bright, their breathing was rapid, their veins were bulging, and their pens were about to emit sparks.

“Hello, Nichimei TV, big news! Arrange exclusive coverage immediately!!”

“Rice Flower Radio, quickly switch to the entertainment special report!!”


There were too many people, and the backstage phone was busy until it was completely unreachable!

The fan group was crying and going crazy!!

“Ah this……”

Maori Kogoro and Conan were all shocked to see the group of demons dancing wildly.

“It’s worth it for a man to do this!”

What kind of magic does Qian Jing Dongshu have? These women are all moths to the flame!

Vermouth and Xiaolan also unconsciously looked at him for a long time.

Maybe, because he was standing there, it was worth it.

Qian Jing Dongshu gave everyone time to digest it, took the microphone and smiled

“Ladies and Gentlemen, now it’s time to turn to the launch promotion of our Seagate Entertainment.”

“I believe everyone has just seen the little warm-up activity. Those are the props that will be used in our new movie. Aren’t they cool?”


Some girls at the scene couldn’t help but stare at Qian Jingdongshu with hearts in their eyes.

“Fuyuki-sama~ But you are more handsome!”

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled again.

The women’s hearts were all hooked.

Ah, no wonder Miss Okino Yoko and the others made such a choice. If it were them, they would also be confused. How could there be such a perfect man!

“What a pity! If the museum hadn’t been demolished, I would have been willing to rent it out for a new movie.”

Zhen Zhongyi heard something was not right and immediately jumped out.

“Wait, Qian Jing, compared to art, I think it is more important to fill your stomach. How many men in the world can make a living by relying on their looks like you?”

How can you do that? It’s too disrespectful to Dongshu!

All the women glared at Zhenzhong.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled calmly.

“But I think I rely on talent.”

?【Confirm to use,”Da Vinci’s Smile” 24-hour top painting skills have taken effect! 】

Zhenzhong looked disdainful:”Huh? How shameless!”

“Do you think anyone can talk about art these days?”

Maori Kogoro and Conan were even more skeptical.

Isn’t this guy just a second-generation rich kid with a cute family fortune? What kind of talent can he have?

Collecting rent in public?

Qian Jing Fuyuki:”I can copy any painting in the painting hall with just one look, and make it more perfect, doubling its value.”


Everyone looked at each other.

What arrogant words!

I’ve never heard of a fake being more real than the real thing and being sold at a sky-high price!! Shinaka sneered on the spot and pointed at the largest and most conspicuous painting hanging in the venue.

“Qian Jingjun, stop joking. Just take this painting”Heavenly Punishment”. Can you draw it?”

Xiao Lan’s heart immediately tightened and she couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise.

“How is that possible? This is just to embarrass me!”

Before coming, Vermouth had made some preparations.

She looked at the painting, her brows slightly furrowed.

“Dongshu-kun might be a little too arrogant. That is the legacy of a national treasure-level master of Japan. Even if you have a photographic memory, you can’t do better than this detail.”

“How could he find someone to copy it in such a short time to help him hide it?……”

Xiaolan was worried that Vermouth was directly thinking of helping to fake it.

Anyway, Dongshu couldn’t be prevented from leaving the stage.

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the”Heavenly Punishment” that the curator had deliberately hung there.

He was humble in words, but proudly said:”What’s the difficulty?”

To be frank, he is now a top-level painter, just like Leonardo da Vinci in his prime.

The style of writing, the use of colors, composition, light and dark relationships, detail processing, texture effects, contrast techniques, perspective, emotional expression… all have reached the realm of seamlessness and unity of man and painting!

Qian Jing Dongshu bent over the desk and sketched wantonly.

His brushwork was like a god, so sharp, and so bold that he completed it in one go without any pause.

At this moment, he seemed to be glowing on the stage.

Everyone was stunned.

For half an hour, everyone was shocked by the selfless aura of Qian Jing Dongshu.

They watched him put down the last stroke with bated breath.

“Okay, please enjoy it.

Qian Jingfushu threw down his pen, walked away without even looking at it. Ikezawa

Yuko and Okino Yoko didn’t appreciate the painting either, and hurriedly took a towel and warm water to wipe his hands and rub his shoulders.

“Thank you for your hard work, Fuyuki-kun~”

“Boss, you are too awesome! I knew you could do it!”

At this moment, the people gathered around the table and realized what was happening.

The painting was not lifelike, but seemed to be alive. The eyes were sharp, as if they wanted to break out of the painting and kill the demons to judge the people.

The pent-up anger suddenly burst out with wide eyes!


“I, I am really not dreaming!”

“Such painting skills and artistic conception, if the ink hadn’t dried yet, I would have thought that the master had come back to life!”

“No! I am a professional calligraphy and painting connoisseur! I can guarantee with my fifty years of experience that even if the master were still alive, he would have to admit defeat in the face of this move! I want to take this Master Qian Jing as my teacher!”

“The master of the art can be a master, and the one who is skilled can be a teacher. Master Qian Jing not only raised the value of the whole painting, but also sublimated the whole theme! It is not an exaggeration to say that this painting will be a national treasure of Japan!”

“Just this painting alone must have taken decades of hard work, and many people will never be able to achieve it in their entire lives! Today’s young people are incredible, with such a profound background… Are there really lost geniuses among the Japanese people?!”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan both felt that what everyone said was a bit exaggerated.

It was just a painting. After watching the original version, they had already passed the stunning stage.

How could it be considered a good painting? But when they really went there with Xiaolan.!

That moment made the heart tremble and the scalp numb, as if being stared at by the Holy Inquisition Knight.

It was as if the heart was grabbed fiercely!

Conan’s pupils shrank. It turned out that the legend of Ye Gonghaolong was true!

The two were completely speechless.

A stroke of the pen shocked the gods and ghosts, and the skills shocked the four!

Qian Jingfuyushu, worthy of it!

Not to mention Okino Yoko and Ikezawa Yuko, who were already fanatical and mindless worshipers.

Xiaolan and Vermouth, both of them trembled in their hearts at the same time, looking at him straight with admiration and passion.

Vermouth inadvertently saw herself in the mirror used to decorate the venue at this time, and was shocked.

This woman with pink clouds all over her eyes, charming eyes, and peach blossoms that people dare not look directly at, is it really her!?

Bourbon’s words flashed through his mind again.

“The way you look at people is not innocent.”

Bang, bang, bang.

Vermouth covered her face with one hand, but her red lips couldn’t help but rise again and again.

So that’s it, she really fell for this man.

Then, let’s go all the way.


I caught a cold and my brain was hot, so I lay down for most of the day. But I didn’t want to let down my readers, so I got up and started coding. My readers, please take care of your health. I

‘m asking for flowers, reviews, and collections here. My readers’ support is my biggest motivation to update!

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