
Vermouth’s heart was so frightened that her body reflexively bent sideways and dodged back. She supported herself with her hands and turned to relieve the force. She knelt on one knee and raised her head.

Her golden hair was scattered and hung messily on the side of her face.


She looked at Qian Jing Dongshu’s face, which suddenly turned cold, with confusion and hurt.

Did she reveal a flaw somewhere?

Until –

Ding Ding Ding!

Three flying knives hit the ceiling ventilation duct at the same time!

100% hit!


Kaito Kid, who had just shown his head to take a breath after putting on his outfit, suddenly gasped and his eyes widened as big as fried eggs.

Just as he saw a flash of silver light, the knife was nailed between his fingers!

What a scary guy!

How did he know that I crawled here!?

And what happened to the beautiful woman whose skills were as neat as Neo’s bending in”The Matrix” and whose temperament suddenly changed!

“Hmm?”Is there someone over there?

Vermouth suddenly turned around, her eyes as cold as a venomous snake.

Damn it, he actually made her misunderstand Dongshu-kun!

Then! Her whole body froze! Her beautiful pupils shrank suddenly.

Did she just accidentally blow herself up!?

How could a weak yoga studio owner have such good skills?

Not to mention that they had fought the night before!

If Dongshu cared about her deceiving him…

Vermouth’s blood coagulated all over her body, and she didn’t dare to look at the man’s face at this moment.

So she didn’t notice that Qian Jing Dongshu was looking at her with a smirk on his face. He showed his cards to the core members of the Black Organization, and it was done.

Who said that the invisible and shadowless Xiao Li Feidao who casually sent out the knife was not his trump card?

He sent out the knife on the surface just to scare Kidd and get a wave of emotional points.

This wave, it was completely Sister Bay’s carelessness!

“Mrs. Sharon, you……”

Qian Jingdongshu heard footsteps coming from the other side of the corridor and frowned, sighing in disappointment and vigilance.

“We’ll talk about our business later.”

“Kidd!! Where is Kaito Kidd!! Who is the informant? Show me the notice!”

【Sign in with Ginzo Nakamori and be rewarded with the Eye of Insight! When the plot begins, you can discover hidden treasures from a bird’s eye view!

This is really a treasure hunting weapon. It is a special weapon for criminals hiding in the vault and the treasures of thieves.

Qian Jingfuyuki curled his lips and saw Ginzo Nakamori rushing over with a group of police officers from the Second Investigation Section.

Conan followed closely behind with excitement.

Kidd! He can crack that kid’s trick once, and this time he will never let him get away!

Qian Jingfuyuki walked over and took out the preview letter.

“Here, I found it when the staff was helping me put away the painting.”

Nakamori Ginzo looked at the handsome young man who spoke to the point and nodded in approval.

“Thank you, brother, for narrowing down the search area for our police. What’s your name?”

Police officers who are busy on the front line all year round don’t have time to watch TV.

“Nice to meet you, Officer Nakamori. I am the landlord of Beihua Street and a partner of Zhongshi Art Museum, Qian Jingfuyu”

“I was the one who wanted to hold this press conference. Drawing”Heavenly Punishment” was just a sudden idea of mine. Who knew that Kaito Kid would target me.”

Qian Jing Dongshu spread his hands and said frankly.

After reading the preview letter, Nakamori Ginzo immediately pinched his chin and thought.

“I get it! Kaito Kidd always touches me in various ways before he attacks!”

“Every time that guy releases a trailer, he likes to scare people and be weird and high-profile!”

“Based on my experience, maybe he just wants to take advantage of the fact that you, Fuyuki-kun, are attracting everyone’s attention and perform a trick to replace the original with the fake one!”

“In fact, the person is hiding in the art gallery and has not left!”!!!

Officer Nakamori, how can you be so sharp!

Seeing that the police from the Second Investigation Division are going to spread out to catch him, Kaito Kid was so scared that he turned around and ran away, not caring about being exposed.

I didn’t expect the notice to be exposed so soon, but Qian Jing Dongshu is really too sharp!

Besides, from what he said, he wants to take over the art gallery.

Then cancel the plan and run away!

Before that, we have to remove the invisible paint on the painting first!

When he moved, Qian Jing Dongshu’s ears moved, and he said to Nakamori Ginzo:

“Officer Nakamori, I think I heard an unusual noise right above our heads.”

“What? Who would be so good as to climb a pipe when there is no road to take? It must be that guy Kidd! Catch him!!”

Nakamori Ginzo waved his hands angrily, and the police all ran out.

When he turned around, he was more friendly to Qian Jingfuyushu

“Thank you for reminding Fuyuki-kun. If we catch Kaito Kidd, you will be credited with great achievement!”

“Do we still need him to catch Kidd?”

Conan curled his lips.

Looking down at the football belt given by Dr. Agasa, he was secretly excited. He was just worried that he would not have the opportunity to avenge his previous shame, but Kidd came to him himself. It was great!

Qian Jingfuyu raised his eyebrows. Of course, he would not leave the opportunity to show off to Conan.

“Thank you, Officer Nakamori. I’ll help too!”

In fact, he went to paddle the biggest water and brush the most emotional value!

He ran after her, and before leaving, he did not forget to give Belmode a complicated look.

“Mrs. Sharon, you just wait for me here, don’t try to sneak away!”

As he said this, he seemed to glance at the corner behind Vermouth and walked away.

Vermouth was startled, remembering Dongshu’s eyes.

Did he want her to give an explanation?

Knowing what she was facing, Vermouth’s feet were still firmly planted there, self-deprecating

“I’m really going backwards as I grow older. I’m being controlled by someone.”

Since she realized what was in her heart, she didn’t want to cheat Qian Jing Dongshu. It would be best if they could sit down and have a good talk.

Of course, if they could go back to the yoga studio to interact, maybe Dongshu would be happy and they could put aside their past grudges…

I don’t know what Vermouth was thinking about. Her cheeks were flushed and she was so beautiful.

But in the next second.

Beep, beep, beep – in the silent corridor, the familiar bomb countdown made her heart beat…���stop!

“How could there be a bomb?”

Vermouth’s pupils trembled violently, and she pushed aside several well-disguised bomb flowers in a row, panicking.

“Who is it! Who is so crazy that he wants to blow up the art gallery at this time!”

Vermouth gritted his teeth.

He couldn’t die. Even if her identity was destined to be exposed to the world, Qian Jingdongshu must live well!

Her beautiful eyes closed and opened again, and a fierce look flashed.

She made a phone call.

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