
Conan swallowed hard.

“Boss, are you doing chemical gas experiments?”

“Not that serious……”Qian Jingdongshu draws out the sound

“Oh, that’s good, that’s good.”

Conan laughed dryly and patted his chest, just about to wipe the cold sweat off his face.

“……That is, a liquid bomb with a dosage that is enough to blow up the entire Teitan Elementary School.”


Conan immediately became like a mouse touching an electric switch, and every hair on his body trembled!

“Then, what about the bomb in Dr. Agasa’s house?”

Qian Jingdong lazily recorded the ratio of this time.

“Oh, I accidentally gave too much.”

Conan:!!! How could I forget that the boss is also an avid arms dealer!

“Just because of this accident, you messed up all of Japan! ?”

Seeing him nod, Conan took a deep breath, took out his phone, and frantically swiped it to show him

“Hey, Nishitama City is going to go to war for you! How many city officials, including Oki Yansong, died in one fell swoop!”

Qian Jing Dongshu rolled his eyes and sneered.

“It’s none of my business. Didn’t they come to provoke me first?”

Without waiting for Conan to have a virgin attack, he casually threw a whole stack of information about the forces both overt and covert on Conan’s face.

“What is this!?”

Conan flipped through a few pages, his pupils constricted.

All of them were those sanctimonious bigwigs, using the most greedy and evil tone to talk about how to divide up the property left by Qian Jingdongshu after his death.

Including but not limited to real estate, mechanical corps, Suzuki Group and other companies, Phantom Treasure, and even the boss’s woman!!

The words on his lips suddenly became heavy and he couldn’t say them anymore.

With a heavy heart, Conan read on and clenched his fists.

“What!? They even didn’t let Qian Jingshu go!!”

“They plan to create many accidents to wipe you out!!”

“How could this be possible! These scums and scum!!”

Conan knew there were countless reasons for committing a crime, but he just couldn’t accept attacking innocent children.

The boss just turned small and went for a walk around the Twin Towers!

He didn’t do anything, but he became someone that many people wanted to get rid of!

As soon as he stepped out of the school gate, countless dangers came one after another. Even if he wanted to protect him, it was easy to dodge an open attack, but how could he defend against so many hidden arrows!??

“Young, aren’t you? The law will not be put on the necks of those who make and enforce the law.

Qian Jingdongshu ridiculed his naivety.

“Anyone who is familiar with the law can easily manipulate the legal principles”

“The reality is to build relationships, give gifts, and have a complex network of connections.……”

“Even a long time is a huge cost that ordinary people cannot afford to waste in seeking justice.”

“In this world, only the strong are respected, and violence against violence is eternal.”

He finally placed a two-page document in front of Conan.

He knocked on the table.

“Tell me what you think after reading it.”

Conan had expected it, but he still picked it up with trembling hands to read it.!!!

The paper was full of nonsense, just because of an uncertain phantom treasure…

Tianhuang Shouxiang actually had many secret talks in private, and also surrounded the boss’s mechanical army.

One nuclear explosion robot was detained for self-research, and the others were sent to the United States for trading in exchange for more resources to tilt towards Japan.

As for Qian Jingshu, it was just a small insect that they lightly wiped out during their conversation.

Who would have thought that when welcoming the queen, they were still so kind and friendly to the boss! They spoke with great respect, as if the boss was the light of Japan. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People just experienced an explosion…

Conan’s brain nerves are about to collapse!

No matter how smart the IQ is, it can’t solve the mystery of how dark the human heart is.

He found that he was still less exposed to the dark side of society.

Otherwise, how could his worldview be turned upside down in an instant?[]

Self-righteous justice…

Looking at this pile of information, there are many prominent politicians and businessmen in the current Japanese society, even Tianhuang Shouxiang is among them!

A group of adults who are planning to commit crimes.

He can’t reach them, can’t catch them, his palms are almost bleeding, and he can’t do anything to them!!

He is so serious about catching criminals and wanting to enforce justice, but in the end, what is he trying to protect! ? ?

“Are there any police officers from the National Police Agency involved in this?”

Conan’s voice was as dry as if he hadn’t had water for a few days.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows.

“During the last Pisco incident, weren’t you always wondering who that Furuya was?”

“He is the Neon Public Security, Rei Furuya, the organization’s senior intelligence officer Bourbon, disguised as an ordinary person is Amuro Toru.”!!!

Conan was completely devastated!

“Then, then didn’t I attack the police without knowing it?!”

“Hey, I really have to thank you very much. I have a new general with super combat power under my command.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled cunningly.

“You and I are already on the same boat. Now that we have embarked on this path, there is no turning back.”

Conan leaned against the wall weakly.

“No, Boss, please let me take it slow, take it slow……”

From a righteous detective, he suddenly became a potential criminal.

He was just blinded by the cold malice of the Japanese, and then he was rudely fed with so much information.

The character’s position changed too quickly, and he was a little bit unable to adapt.

“That’s it?”

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered.

Just talking about the plot, Conan has been an outlaw countless times!

He is just a small witch compared to the big witch.

“Anyway, I am serious about the art of explosions.”

“Anyway, I just kill those who are not good for me. I don’t bother to deal with ordinary people. It’s just a waste.”

Besides, it’s not as good as the emotional value given by the characters in the plot.

Qian Jingdongshu curled his lips and continued to concentrate on the experiment.

From the string of equations like the book of heaven, Conan saw the future of Neon being bombed and devastated.

“I see… That’s what the boss said he would do to become smaller.”

Fishing all in Japan, all the unfavorable factors were solved at once.

Only he who loves to play can use an explosion and fake his own death as a game to play all the greedy people in his hands!

Conan was shocked and trembled from the bottom of his soul for Qian Jingfuyushu.

“Too scary, too crazy……”

Damn it, we must not let anyone mess with the boss now! We must not mess with children, and we must not mess with the boss who is pretending to be a child and making trouble! A few!.

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