Qian Jingdongshu was still struggling when his cell phone suddenly rang.

【Dongshu, the FBI suspects your death is suspicious and wants me to investigate in Neon. Judy]

When did the FBI become so cautious?

Qian Jingdongshu just finished thinking and slapped his forehead.

“Oh, I forgot that I destroyed Akai Shuichi.”

Without this trump card, who else can come up with the FBI of Science?

“Then you come.”

Qian Jingfuyu replied, and immediately thought of the new doctor who was replaced by Bei Jie.

And he and Bei Jie planned the full moon chapter against Karasuma Renya.

With a thought in his mind, he chuckled and added two more sentences.

“I have become a little girl these days and am a primary school student at Teitan Elementary School.”

“Come here and I will disguise you so that you can appear beside me openly.”

On the other side, Judy was very happy.

She also loves to play.


How could she not be curious about the little Fuyuki-kun!?

Qian Jingfuyuki was still happy to be surrounded by girls even when he was a primary school student.

Other people in the school were in bad luck.

Ireland, a representative figure targeted by the Grim Reaper, now has something to say

“Those little brats, are there water in their brains?”

“Why does he 757 always haunt me?!”

Ireland had a very good plan.

He sneaked into Teitan Elementary School, intercepted Qian Jingshu’s fingerprints and hair, and compared them with Qian Jingfuyushu in multiple ways.

If it was verified that they were father and son, he could just report it to the boss.

But if it was him, then his close relationship with Gin would be a big deal.

Ireland was worried that he didn’t have any leverage over Gin, so he just needed to confirm that he had a tendency to change his ways!

In the eyes of the boss, Gin would be the most shameful betrayer, and would die more miserably than his godfather Pisco!

However, imagination is rich, but reality is skinny.

He stayed in Class 1-B for three hours.

This was when the head teacher, Kobayashi Sumiko, took a temporary leave of absence, and the kids all ran out to play.

He wanted to get on the ground and dig up every brick to look for it, but he couldn’t find any clues about Qian Jingshu.

This wasn’t the end yet, he ran into a few plague gods when he came out. Damn, bad luck never stops along the way.

Especially the one with glasses!

He found that this little guy was weirdly energetic and stubborn, and it was useless to glare at him.

Now Teitan Elementary School is undercurrent, and with Kiel from the same organization by his side, Ireland doesn’t want to attract attention.

He just took a crazy detour. If he can’t afford to provoke and can’t take action, can’t he just hide?

A series of shit happened right after that, and he felt that all his bad luck in life was concentrated on a bunch of bad things.

When he opened the door, he ran into the scene of a frustrated confession and a radical student’s attempted murder.

He finally got rid of the cop and went upstairs, but the elevator jammed.

When he looked up, the corpse with eyes as big as glass balls was staring at him.


He scored twice and was asked to talk by the cop again.

He said he was innocent, but the police didn’t listen.

The fat police officer who made him want to punch him stared at his tendon meat with suspicion.

“If it wasn’t you, would a normal person think there was a dead body in the elevator when it got stuck?”

“On the other hand, Kenichi Tanaya, you said you came from the countryside and used to farm and hunt, so you shouldn’t be so sensitive to human corpses!”

Ireland was so annoyed that his head was about to split.

He couldn’t help but give him a slap.

I don’t know if Conan saw that his muscles were too tense, and he was able to escape with precise reasoning.

He thought his luck was bad enough for two consecutive times, but there was more…

Including but not limited to other people’s falling objects, the unlucky guy who was about to be hit by the wind became him, and he jumped flexibly.

The kid’s glasses reflected, and he came up to ask questions, almost stripping off his underwear!

The elementary school student left a secret code and disappeared strangely, suspected that someone kidnapped and blackmailed him.

The prisoner in the surveillance camera was wearing the same clothes as him!!

………(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

More than three hours passed.

Ireland was speechless, irritable, angry and wanted to kill, forced to calm down, and numbly watched the mystery show over and over again.

He gradually discovered the pattern. It would definitely not be good to get involved with this group of plague gods!

Ireland gritted his teeth and turned back to take the initiative.

The result was that he was pricked with an anesthetic needle and hit in the head by a football. Before he could touch the little girl in the four people, she was hit by a car! []

How could a car come from an elementary school campus in broad daylight!!!

“I was wrong. This school is poisonous.

Ireland was carried on a stretcher, staring at the ceiling of the ambulance with his eyes wide open.

“If I were given another chance, I would meet those little ghosts again”

“I will definitely say: Don’t come over here!!!”

The doctor who was rescuing him saw that he was so emotional and his wounds were all broken.

He hurriedly said to the nurse:”The victim’s heartbeat is too fast, give him a sedative!”


After one shot, Ireland fainted with hatred.

The ambulance sped away in the eyes of Conan and the other four children.

“Phew, now the little tree won’t be in danger.”

“The young detectives, protect the little tree, great victory!!”

The three little fools clapped their hands happily.

Only Conan was still worried.

“The guy was so physically fit that he didn’t even have any broken bones after being hit by a car, just some internal bleeding.”

“No, I have to tell the boss so that he can be prepared.”

Qian Jingdongshu heard about the Irish Unlucky Story from Conan.

He laughed.

In the end, his voice became louder and louder, and gradually evolved into slapping the table and laughing wildly!

“Hey, boss, is it really that exaggerated?”

“It’s so bad that you don’t understand.”

Qian Jing Dongshu laughed so hard that tears came out.

Ireland suffered the loss of not being in the main plot!

It’s not the dark pursuer yet, so there is no plot kill bonus.

You are competing with the elementary school student of the god of death in the daily chapter, isn’t that asking for abuse!

The prestige of playing with the police in the palm of his hand was gone in an instant.

Instead, it was another unlucky guy radiated by the halo of the god of death, so he didn’t have to worry about it.

He hummed a little tune and continued the unfinished experiment.

“Hey, boss, don’t underestimate the enemy! I think that bad guy is pretty powerful!”

Conan wanted to shake Qian Jingdongshu and let him pay attention to the crisis around him!

Suddenly, a faint voice came to his ears.

“I advise you not to touch me, otherwise the entire Teitan Elementary School will become a morgue.”


Conan’s whole body froze!

He was already familiar with the boss’s usual tone, and knew that he would not deliberately joke at this time.

That’s true!

What he was tinkering with, could it be…?!!

Thinking of a certain possibility, his face turned pale.

The whole person was almost scared to death, and the shit was pissed!

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