Conan’s glasses were heavy and glaring.

He made up his mind!

Apart from the necessary bloodshed and casualties, he must try to maintain peace around him and not scare the children in the school!

After Ireland was hastily treated, he wanted to approach Qian Jingdongshu again.

He found that the bad luck he couldn’t afford to offend had come again.

Conan chased him and sabotaged him in various ways, so as not to let him complete the task.

He hated Ireland so much that he simply investigated him as well.

“Hmm? Kudo Shinichi?”

Another big fish!

He just knew that the boss was upset because of the stagnation of the research on the elixir of life.

If he brought back Kudo Shinichi, who had shrunk but was still alive and kicking without any side effects, the boss would definitely be optimistic about him!

In that way, he would have another bargaining chip to suppress Gin!

Qian Jingfuyu looked at the boomerang that was inserted backwards, and told Conan with a”three zero zero” smile. Conan also got angry and started to move directly!

“You are asking for death, who can you blame! Boss, you can do whatever you want to me!”

I wanted to save you, but you didn’t remember to stab me instead. I can’t do anything about it. Goodbye!

Conan was upset. After hearing that Ireland knew his identity, he even wanted him to be killed by the boss! Without the Grim Reaper to interfere, Ireland finally got his fingerprints in ecstasy after Qian Jing Dongshu deliberately let him go.

After comparing, haha, it was Qian Jing Dongshu!

“Gin, this time I have the evidence of your betrayal to the boss!”

Ireland was so proud that he sent a message to Gin.

Gin sneered after reading it,”What a jerk!” He threw the phone away and did not reply.

In the evening, he continued to clean up with Qian Jing Dongshu.

After finishing today’s bombing work, Qian Jing Dongshu yawned and went home

“Dong Shujun……”

As soon as he entered the room, he saw the young nanny, wearing a uniform and black silk stockings, kneeling shyly at the door and offering to undress him.

The other girls watched from the side, and for the first time ever, no one intervened.

After all, new sisters should be humble and not scare others.

“Oh, it seems like everyone is getting along well.”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and pinched the nanny’s plump breasts.

“I’m quite full today, so I won’t bother any more. Let’s go to sleep!”

Just as he was rubbing his hands, he was looking forward to choosing the whitest and thinnest beauty with the softest and most huggable body from the forest of beautiful legs to sleep with.

The girls were looking forward to it shyly.

The doorbell rang.

“Hmm? Who else can come to visit at midnight?

Qian Jingdongshu frowned, and Bao Benguang hurried to open the door.

“Oh, officer?”

Shizuka Hattori had just escorted a female official to visit abroad these two days.

When she came back, she heard that Qian Jing Dongshu had died in an explosion.

She didn’t even care about the time difference and rushed to the door to ask what happened.

Even the powerful Dongshu could subdue a professional female state guest bodyguard like her even with his hands locked.

How could an explosion happen without him noticing?

Even though she was slightly injured during the mission, Shizuka Hattori’s face was pale, but she still forced herself to ring the doorbell.

“Officer? Is that Miwako?

Qian Jingdongshu walked over.

They were all his women, and since they had come all the way here, there was no need to pretend.

“”Little kid!?”

Hattori Shizuka couldn’t believe it, looking at the little boy who barely reached her knees.

That lazy tone with a seductive ending that made women blush and their hearts beat fast could only be from Fuyuki-kun!

“”Eh, Jinghua?”

Qian Jingdongshu looked up and was also shocked.

Is she injured? Why is there nothing under her uniform!

There are only a few white bandages that were stretched loose by intense activities. Her flat and tight belly and the undulating mountains can be seen from top to bottom, showing her snow-white skin with a jade-like luster.

The terrible thing is that those bandages are only enough to cover the top. Seeing this scene, he almost couldn’t control himself (to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are also traces of blood under the uniform skirt… The source of the infiltration is the mysterious and intriguing dense forest

“Sit down quickly, I will help you with your wounds.”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s face suddenly became serious.

Without saying anything, he pulled Hattori Shizuka into the house.

When the girls saw Hattori Shizuka’s appearance, they also quickly dispersed and looked over worriedly.[]

“Is Inspector Jinghua okay?”

“I brought the medicine box.”

When the angel Xiaolan saw the bandage under her clothes, she immediately ran into the house to get the medicine box.

When Shizuka Hattori saw so many people staring at her with their bright eyes, her legs shrank and she became embarrassed.

“Arnold, can you just let Dongshu-kun help me?”

“Because the injury happened to be in a very secret place……”

Curacao is clear at once……..

It’s normal for people who work as police officers or security guards to have strange injuries.

“Then let’s all go back to our rooms and not disturb Fuyuki and the others.”

Hiki Eri and Yukiko were also very considerate and asked the sisters to leave.

“Eh? Then I……”

Bao Benguang was a little confused when he first arrived, so Yuanzi and Qingzi took him to the opposite side.

“That Jinghua sister is so beautiful, Fuyuki-sama will have her company tonight, let’s not be light bulbs.”

The two girls smiled and winked at her.


The doors closed one after another, leaving Qian Jingfuyu and Hattori Jinghua in the living room.

“Excessive bleeding, it seems that there is something in the body that has not been removed, is it a shrapnel?”

Qian Jing Dongshu asked casually after taking the pulse.

Hattori Shizuka’s delicate face suddenly flushed, with an expression of disbelief.

“Dongshu-kun, you can see this? What a great medical skill!”

“actually, I……”

She pursed her red lips shyly, but still opened her legs to him.

“In order to protect an important person, I threw her down during a gunfight and shrapnel entered her.……”

“Because the doctors there were all male, and I returned home as soon as I heard the news of your death, so I didn’t care about your injuries.”

“I just ran vigorously, and it seems to have gone deeper. I can’t take it out by myself, and it’s uncomfortable to move it gently.”!!!

Yoshi, it turns out that this is the magic of the accidental passage!

This is how to unclog the sewer.

Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes suddenly burst into a light that made Hattori Shizuka look a little scared

“Dong, Dongshu-kun, is this too much trouble? Or should I find someone else to treat it?……”

She couldn’t help but want to get up.

But a small hand seemed to have a thousand pounds of strength, firmly pressing down her shoulders and not letting her leave.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled brightly without a trace of evil.

Hattori Shizuka couldn’t see the wolf tail swinging wildly behind him.

“Hey~ Now that I’m here, I can help you get things and apply medicine.”

Qian Jing Dongshu stretched out his little hand to her.

Isn’t this the advantage of being small?!

To unclog the sewer, just reach in and dig!

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