Seeing that the babysitter was overworked, Qian Jing Dongshu called and asked Curacao, who recovered the fastest, to pick her up.

Sometimes when the girls were not at home, she could do all the housework.

“Next, it’s Doctor Shinde~”

He had only seen the familiar outline of the fierce part not long ago, and he would definitely not make a mistake!

“Let me see where you are……”

The surveillance camera locked onto the target location – it was actually in the women’s restroom!?

Oh no!!!

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes instantly became as red as blood due to excitement.

“Miss, I’m here.~!”

Relying on the fact that he is now a little boy, he rushed straight ahead~

Teitan Elementary School Teachers’ Special Female Toilet


High-pitched screams rang out.

A group of female teachers blushed, their pants and skirts flew off, and they ran out shyly, holding their panties in their hands.

“”Mr. Qian Jingshu!!!”

What’s wrong with this kid!

Even if he couldn’t hold it in, he couldn’t go in the opposite direction without looking at the sign!!

He even deliberately opened the doors to see if there was anyone there!

Too much!!

No matter who was squatting, they were squatting for the ones who had just been untied.

The female teachers were collectively like a group of disturbed magpies, boiling with excitement!

The toilet was right inside, near the small window.

Vermouth, who was disguised as Aizawa Tomoaki, was so frightened that she didn’t dare to go out.

She was wearing a mask, and her face was hot and red with embarrassment.

“This Dongshu-kun, is he looking for me?”

People have three urgent needs. It happened that the class was not over yet, so she went into the female restroom reflexively.

As a result, she is now in an unspeakable passive situation.

The main thing is that she can’t go out in this outfit!

Otherwise, won’t she be regarded as a pervert?!

There are so many spies in Teitan Elementary School, and it is not certain whether there are hidden police who are specifically protecting Dongshu-kun among the female teachers.

She dared to guarantee that even if she wore her clothes inside out, tore off her disguise and walked out openly, someone would definitely notice the abnormality.

Not to mention, it happened suddenly, and she didn’t prepare women’s shoes for going to the restroom!!

A maverick female teacher with strange clothes will attract attention wherever she goes! What

‘s more, she was jumping up and down outside because of Dongshu-kun!

Belmode was nervous and held her breath, fearing that she would be seen as a pervert in disguise.

She was busy listening to the sounds outside, so she didn’t notice that her vicinity had quietly quieted down.

Qian Jing Dongshu shook her short legs and came down from the small air window.

With her little hand, she patted the padding on Belmode’s shoulder.


The airbag pretending to be a tall man deflated

“I found it~.~”

Qian Jing Dongshu grinned.

His cute little voice suddenly rang out, and Vermouth was not used to it, and her body froze instantly!

She lowered her beautiful eyes helplessly and tore off the mask.

“Yeah yeah, I knew I couldn’t hide it from you”

“I surrender.”

Vermouth was a little shy, she hadn’t even pulled up her pants yet.

“Honey, can you turn around first?”

She didn’t mind him watching her in bed.

But she was too embarrassed to be in the bathroom.

“I didn’t realize that my Sharon still has an idol burden.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled teasingly and really turned around.

Anyway, with his full level of sensitivity and flexibility, he can still get in the best angle to peek accurately~ rustling.

Vermouth tidied herself up, opened the door and went out to wash her hands.

She knew that since Qian Jing Dongshu had a way to come in quietly, he must have a way to get rid of the chattering female teacher outside.

A woman dresses up to please herself, how can she let her beloved see her so imperfect.

Put on lipstick in front of the mirror first~

Qian Jing Dongshu followed behind with his hands behind his back

“So, Sharon, you are back from abroad too?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Did you hand over the plan to someone else to follow up?”

Reunited with his lover, Belmode’s tone was particularly happy

“Of course not~ How could I let someone else do the things that my dear Fuyuki-kun entrusted to me?”

“Just seeing you shrink from the long-distance call made me feel itchy and I really wanted to see you up close.

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at her and smiled unhappily.[]

“So you women are all here to brush my little Dongshu together?” If

Sister Bei didn’t come by accident, then she didn’t come to him to unclog the sewer.

Besides, when he came to the toilet, he saw that she was very well-drained and didn’t need his help to relieve herself.

Who is that beautiful woman?

Qian Jing Dongshu felt like a cat’s claw was scratching in his heart, and he became more and more curious.

“Hmm? Besides me, there are other women?”

Vermouth put on her exquisite makeup and turned around.

Her charming and seductive face was like a beautiful jade covered with clouds, and she was very dissatisfied.

“Who is here? I promise that none of them can make you feel comfortable like me!”

Vermouth’s beautiful eyes were burning as she looked at the tiny Qianjing Dongshu.

Her motherly heart was touched, and her full of emotions instantly deteriorated, with a loving and doting smile.

Like a volcano erupting, it was out of control!

Vermouth was born in the cold Karasuma family.

She knew from a young age that the younger generations were just disposable blood bags and drug test subjects to Karasuma Renye. She had never felt the warmth of love from ordinary parents and relatives since she was born.

Before this, she sneered at the simple mother-daughter relationship.

But when she saw the delicate and charming Dongshu with a white and tender face, her maternal instinct, which she herself did not realize, broke out. She just wanted to hug the little person in her arms, give everything, and love him hard!

It’s so cute!!

If she and Dongshu had children, it is estimated that they would not be as cute as his father when he was a child!!


The more Vermouth looked at him, the more she liked him from the bottom of her heart. She couldn’t help but pout her red lips and just leaned over.


Why did the touch seem a little wrong? She felt a chill on her back, and when Vermouth met Qian Jing Dongshu’s evil red eyes, she was caught off guard and was stunned!

“Sharon, you send me warmth from afar. You really love me deeply.”

“How can I not fall deeply in love with you?”

Qian Jingdongshu approached her with a wicked smile.


Is it too late to turn around and run away now?

She seems to have gone a little too far!

“I regret seeing Dong Shujun laughing at (Zhao Li Zhao)’s words!”

“Who said that it is difficult for children to achieve great things?”

Vermouth’s cheeks were flushed with blood, and she stumbled and fled!

Qian Jingdongshu did not forget to shout in satisfaction behind her:

“Sharon~ Don’t forget to finish it!”

Since Sister Bei is using the identity of Akai Tomoaki, this person won’t have to appear in the future.

What FBI witness protection program is bullshit.

Qian Jingfuyuki will not allow anyone who causes misunderstanding to exist.

Even coincidences in the plot are not allowed!

“By the way, looking at this, Sister Bei couldn’t help but come and see me when I was a child”

“Maria, Miyano Akemi and the others couldn’t help but return to Japan, so I don’t have to do my work.”

Qian Jing Dongshu thought of this possibility and quickly sent a message to tell them to calm down.

Even if they have to arrange shifts, don’t rush over all at once, all of Japan is watching.

It’s not beautiful that the fake death was not complete, and the beauties betrayed it first.

“So, who is that mysterious sewer beauty?”

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