In the crowd, Xiao Hei was so excited that he almost danced with joy.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, I have made all the preparations now, let’s see if you can survive! ?”

A hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

“Toba Kento-san, you’re shaking with excitement”

“”At least restrain yourself.”

Qian Jingfuyuki’s mocking smile rang in his ears.!!!

Toba Kento froze!

He felt like he was falling into an ice cave!

“you you……”

“Dongshu-kun, you are not dead! ?”

Everyone around looked at him in surprise.

“Hattori-kun just said that he seemed to see me go to the garage, but he didn’t say that he saw me burn in the fire.”

Zen Jing Fuyuki raised his eyebrows and glanced at Hattori Heiji.

“This is not fishing, I just want to confirm one thing again.”

Take out the note he just found, Qian Jingdongshu and Fujisawa Junming asked for his

“Who wrote the notes between us?”

Fujisawa Toshiaki’s eyes flickered.”I, I don’t know either.”

“I found it by accident at the door of the room when I went out to smoke after dinner.”

“At that time, someone said that the book was hidden under a car seat in the garage. Who knew that Mr. Jingu would be killed soon after?”

“After that, I was right under everyone’s nose! I really had nothing to do with the murderer!”

“Yes, you almost became one of the victims.

Qian Jingdongshu finished speaking, and the Sherlock fans around him were all confused.

“This topic is too jumpy and out of the blue. What is Dongshu-kun talking about?”

“What is this note? What does it have to do with the criminal?”

Only Conan caught up with his thoughts and stared at the note on Qian Jing Dongshu.

【If you don’t want Ayako to die, let’s talk in the garage!】

“It’s Miss Ayako! The criminal threatened Brother Fuyuki with Miss Ayako’s safety!”

“If Fujisawa Toshiaki-san had happened to sneak into the garage by himself because of the note!” Hattori Heiji, who had just walked out of the mist, also had his eyes lit up.

“Because the light is too dark, one is looking for a book and the other is looking for the criminal. Mr. Fujisawa will use a lighter”

“If Fuyuki-kun suspects someone is the criminal, he will shoot in the dark without hesitation, just like he did just now!”

“In an environment filled with gasoline, a little flame or sparks from a gunshot would cause both of them to be engulfed in flames at the same time!

Qian Jing Dongshu Bingo snapped his fingers.

“Yes, you were even inspired by Maria Toda’s words and made additional preparations.”

“If you’re afraid that I won’t take action, you can take the tarpaulin that covers the car and make it into the shape of a human, or just look like a vague ghost in the dark!”

“Whether I was frightened and fired randomly or shot Fujisawa Toshiaki, the outcome would be the same!”

Everyone gasped when they heard this meticulous method of killing!

Toba Kento’s face turned pale, but he still refused to give up and quibble.

“Where is the evidence?! How can you say that I wrote these two notes?”


Qian Jing Dongshu said coolly

“There are no computers or fax machines in the hotel. All the answer sheets were printed out by Mr. Jingu and brought here.”

“If you ask Miss Ayako, who is also from the same mystery club, to identify you, then you won’t be able to hide your true colors, Kento Toba.”

“Oh, and also, do you have the habit of copying answers onto a scrap of paper before you hand in your paper? You can find out by asking her.”

Toba Kenren froze!

At this time, Iwai Hitomi suddenly screamed again, her face pale.

“Oh no! Kento Toba once came to me privately and told me that Miss Ayako hated green bean soup and asked me to prepare red bean soup for her!”

“He also said that Miss Ayako was notoriously difficult to please, and would only drink if someone familiar with her brought it to her.……”

“Miss Ayako has not shown up despite all the commotion, could it be that… he poisoned the soup! ?”

“What did you say? Miss Ayako!!”

Everyone’s face changed and they hurriedly ran upstairs.

Qian Jing Dongshu stopped them.

“Don’t worry, I prepared the food for Ayako, and she was really too tired to get up.”

Who made him so angry, and so excited to see Kazuha.

In order not to scare Kazuha away with his surging enthusiasm, he had to vent his anger on Oki Ayako first.

“Besides, it was also because I questioned Ms. Iwai Hitomi that the criminal was completely panicked and took the risk.”

“So what did you ask, Fuyuki-kun? You were so mysterious just now.”

Kawazu Ikuo couldn’t help but complain

“Of course, no one has ever asked me about my food preferences before.

Qian Jingfuyu smiled wantonly, looking at Toba Kento, whose body was shaking wildly and whose true colors were completely exposed. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Kawazu-san, you and Fujisawa Toshiaki cheated to please me by finding out what I like to eat.”

“The only strange thing is that asking what I can’t eat and what I’m allergic to immediately reveals his bad intentions.”

“Combined with the only blank paper, the straw paper that could not be found, and the socket that suddenly short-circuited when it came to him,”

“Of course, he was the only one who set up numerous traps to kill me and my acquaintance Miss Ayako!”

The whole audience was in an uproar![]

“”Toba Kento, why on earth did you do this?!”

The identity of the murderer was revealed.

Fujisawa Toshiaki could no longer hold back the fear of being killed, and angrily grabbed his collar and questioned him.

“Of course it’s because of you and Kanaya Hiroyuki, two bastards!”

At this point, one lie needs to be covered up with countless lies.

As long as Oki Ayako and Iwai Hitomi provide these two confessions, and then compare them with his handwriting, everything will be exposed.

Toba Kento didn’t pretend anymore.

He stared coldly at Fujisawa Toshiaki.

“Who asked you to publish that irresponsible book, The Laughing of Irene Andora?》!”

“Irene Ann Dora is Holmes’ confidante, the woman he respects most in his life! How can you defile her!”

What ? Just because of such a ridiculous reason! ?���Heiji and Conan couldn’t stand it anymore

“Isn’t that enough? And Qian Jingfuyushu, who is not a Sherlock Holmes fan, showed such a condescending and disdainful expression when attending such a sacred gathering of fans!”

“Oki Ayako, you and I are both die-hard fans of Sherlock Holmes, but when you see such an arrogant Zeni Fuyuki, you superficially say that Sherlock Holmes is not as good as him! You even came to ask for the questions to be leaked, you are a traitor!”

Toba Kento exploded

“Damn them all!”


Qian Jingdongshu slapped him so hard that his glasses flew off.

“Stop going crazy here, I think you are the one who deserves to die the most!”

“You say you love Sherlock Holmes madly, but aren’t you the one who actually uses rare books to fish?”

This slap made Kento Toba’s head buzz, and his teeth spurted out with blood!

Everyone felt relieved and cheered, without any sympathy.

Little did they know that this slap was accompanied by spiritual power, which would cause Kento Toba’s blood to flow backwards in his meridians. He would die suddenly without knowing why until he finished recording his statement at the police station! After tying Kento Toba up, Qian Jingfuyu looked at Conan and Hattori Heiji who were feeling sympathetic.

“You watch the people and wait for the police to come. The phones are handed back to everyone.”

“I’ll go upstairs to check on Kazuha and Ayako, don’t let them get scared by the explosion just now.”

The big and the small nodded quickly.

However, Qian Jingfuyu returned upstairs, with a clear goal to go straight to Kazuha!

The incident has been resolved, of course he has to receive the gift he has been waiting for.

In the room.

Kazuha was looking distressed, looking at the damp pants that had not been dried.

“How can I return this to the landlord?”

“And where did my amulet fall?”

I changed my pants back and forth and didn’t notice where the little thing was.

He Ye was looking for it all over the house with her butt only covered by the bear panties and her slender and straight white legs swaying in a W shape.

At this time, the door opened and Qian Jing Dongshu walked in. Looking at her, his eyes flashed red.

“He Ye, what are you doing? Are you giving me benefits?”


He Ye turned around in confusion and met Qian Jing Dongshu with deep eyes!

【Confirm the target, and then launch the”Bull Explosion Kyoto””!】

【From now on, she will unconsciously bow down before the host!! 】

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