In the middle of the night, Hattori Heiji felt something was wrong and came to look for Kazuha.

Kazuha’s eyes were filled with tears and she fell asleep feeling wronged.

He only heard a little noise from the crack of the door and then saw Qian Jingfuyu coming out.

“”Fuyuki-kun? How’s Kazuha? You’re not scared, are you?”

At this moment, Qian Jingfuyuki’s satisfied expression inexplicably made him feel irritated. Hattori Heiji frowned, trying not to think too much, and asked with concern.

“No, He Ye is doing very well now.

Thinking about how he made He Ye’s little mouth rosy,

Qian Jing Dongshu burst into tears.

“I will go to Osaka again when I have time. Hattori-kun, when Kazuha wakes up, thank her for the hospitality on my behalf.”


Hattori Heiji was confused.

The next day, the police prepared the car and everyone left.

He couldn’t help but find Conan because of his curiosity.

“Hey, Kudo, do you know what it means when a woman sucks on a man?”

“Ah!? ?”

Conan’s pupils trembled!

“Haduri! I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person!”

“Speeding in broad daylight!! Didn’t you see how people looked at you? I’m still a child!!”

Hattori Heiji was scolded for no reason and felt that he was wronged

“What on earth are you talking about!”

“You idiot!”

Conan’s face flushed, he gritted his teeth, grabbed his ear and poured out his blood.

“Ah! ? ?”

This time it was Hattori Heiji’s turn to have his pupils tremble violently, his spirit collapsed, and he burst into tears on the spot!

“Kazha!! After all, Heye was given to that guy!!”

“I don’t believe that such a pure Kazha would……!!!”

Conan glanced at him speechlessly.

“Then why do you think women would fall in love with an ignorant idiot like you?”

“You have grown up, have you never relieved yourself?”

“What do you mean by”convenient for yourself?”

Hattori Heiji looked gloomy and slumped his head against the seat.

“Hey, hey, no way, haven’t you?!”

Has he grown so big in vain?

Conan tried to grab it.

The next second he was stunned.

“Haduri, what do you care! ?”

“What do you care? Aren’t all boys like this?”

Hattori Heiji looked at him strangely and drew two circles in the air.


“So He Ye should just follow my boss. It’s a good thing she didn’t follow you, otherwise she would have suffered a lot.”

He didn’t say another word and turned his head to catch up on his sleep.

He thought about Lu but didn’t care. He couldn’t even kick the ball. What kind of man is that!

Humph, he is a little eunuch with useless functions, but at least he has all the parts, and he can despise this guy.

“Kudo, don’t speak half of your words! Hattori Heiji was so confused that he scratched his head.

He would never have thought that he was born with a deformity, a shame for men.

“System, settlement.

Qian Jingdongshu felt refreshed after going out to conquer the three beauties.

Next, it was finally the end of the century magician.

【Sign in with Yukiko Katsuragi and get rewarded with the maximum level of psychology!】

【Sign in with Ayako Oki and get a full-level cheat as a reward!】

【Sign in with Kento Toba and be rewarded with the title of Sherlock Holmes’s Hardcore Fan……】

Qian Jingdongshu directly asked the system to merge what should be merged and to delay what should be delayed.

【Congratulations to the host for meeting all the conditions and successfully unlocking the special property”Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hotel””!】

【The host critically attacks Kazuha, and obtains the main character Hattori Heiji’s continuous shock, collapse, anger, and heartbreak, and the emotion value is +2000+2000…!】

【It is detected that the host’s current emotion value is 40w. Do you want to redeem the blind box now?】

“I’ll save up a little more, and when I meet Maria again this time, we’ll have a final settlement of eighty years, and maybe she’ll give me a big surprise.

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the progress bar of the real estate system upgrade, and curled his lips in anticipation.

After dinner, Dongshu and the women at home were bored and chatted.

Suddenly, a report popped up on the TV news

【We have an important news announcement! Her Majesty Queen Isabeth of Hans will be visiting our country!】

【It is well known that Her Majesty is very interested in the only remaining royal jewels in Europe.】

【This time she will attend the 51st Easter egg exhibition of the last Tsar Nicholas II held at the Suzuki Museum of Art!】

【Linghe Tianhuang and Nagano Akishichi will accompany her throughout the trip. The whole country of Japan is celebrating. Starting tomorrow, the whole nation will have a three-day holiday to warmly welcome the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen!!

It seems that they are afraid that the Japanese people are not aware of the important status of the head of the sixth permanent state.

The photo of Queen Isabeth, who has blonde hair and blue eyes, beautiful appearance, and a friendly smile, stayed in the news for several minutes!

The eyes of Eri Kisaki and Yukiko were immediately attracted.

“She is a real role model for women. In the entire European royal family, apart from the British Queen, the next one is Her Majesty Isabella.”

“Power is indeed the best beauty medicine for women. She doesn’t look like a 40-year-old woman at all. People would believe her if she said she was a young lady in her early twenties.”

“I heard that she is still single and doesn’t consider marriage for the sake of her career. It’s hard to imagine what it would be like for such an iron-fisted queen to fall in love?”

The girls were surprised and discussed around Queen Isabeth.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the photo that was also very familiar in the plot and smiled meaningfully. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The plot of Kaito Kidd Crystal Mother was butterfly.

In this way, the largest yellow gem in Europe was accepted by him without hesitation along with Maria.


At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated.

【Leaving Neon is dangerous, the backbone of the organization was secretly transferred abroad – Gin】[]

Next, there was Vermouth’s urgent message.

【That nightmare-like woman is coming to Neon. She is the real witch who will bring bad luck. Don’t get close to her!!!

Qian Jingfuyushu also���Reply to them.

Koizumi Hongzi’s tense magic voice came to my ears again.

“Master, Pandora, the immortal witch who single-handedly caused heavy losses to the magic side 52 years ago, is about to visit Neon!”

“The disaster that nearly brought about the extinction of the magic world established the reputation of Katyusha, the undefeated mechanical war goddess beside her!”

“Even now, traces of the Hell’s Gate after the war still remain all over the world!”

“The raging fire continues, and the anger of the many heroes on the magic side is difficult to calm down.”

“You may not be able to defeat such a dangerous person, so it is better to avoid him as soon as possible!”

“Just say the word, and I will open the portal now to escort you, Xiaolan and the others away!”


Did his Katyusha use a nuclear explosion to bombard the magic side?

The props produced by the system are indeed top-level killers even after the transformation of the love robot.

With the devil’s horns, Qian Jing Dongshu had no obstacles in talking to Hongzi in his mind:

“Don’t worry, this Pandora is one of us. Katyusha was also made by me eighty years ago and I put her by my side to protect her.”


Koizumi Hongzi was shocked.

Eighty years ago, the master…

How old would he be now?!

No, the age of the tyrannical Lord of Darkness could never be judged by his appearance!

Koizumi Hongzi laughed dryly with sweat dripping down her cheeks.

“As expected of you! I feel relieved now!”

He was thankful again in his heart that he had only used the love props to test and did not let this terrifying master do anything serious.

At the same time.

Because the FBI suffered heavy losses in Japan and overstepped its authority to transfer personnel, more than a hundred U.S. troops were lost inexplicably.

James, who was ordered to suspend his duties and reflect on himself, finally got the chance to be reactivated!

At the airport, he looked at a tall man wearing a knitted hat with excitement.

“”Shuichi, I finally saw you!”

The two got in the car together and turned on the radio to hear the news that Queen Hans was coming to visit Neon.

Akai Shuichi held a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes shining.

“This Easter egg is sure to win”

“Is it because of the latest intelligence provided by the Investigation Bureau that there is a clue to the treasure of the great thief, the Phantom, who mysteriously disappeared eighty years ago?”

James said in surprise

“Not bad.”

Akai Shuichi lowered his hat, his face full of anticipation for the challenge.

“Since Queen Hans was willing to break superstition and come out of the tightly sealed castle”

“One of the Easter eggs and the treasure must be real!”

“If it weren’t for the genius of Japan’s rich Fuyuki Ii, who invented a powerful nuclear explosion robot to shock the world”

“As soon as the news of the appearance of the Dreamy Phantom’s treasure comes out, the entire Neon will instantly become a killing field for countless hunters!”

“Even if they dare not do it openly, the royal families of the six major countries and the European principalities have long been unable to hold back and are ready to make a move.”

As he said this, Akai Shuichi put out his cigarette with his bare hands and looked at James excitedly.

“By the way, I also heard that a mysterious sniper (Wang Zhaohao) appeared in Neon?”

“ignore him���With no master, if there is such a ghost assassin, everyone will definitely rush to win him over.”

“Now let’s see who reacts the fastest… I can’t wait to compete with this new lover!”

That night,

Qian Jingfuyu received a call from Yamamoto Minaru from the black market.

“Master Fuyuki, ever since the news that Queen Hans is coming to Neon spread, within 24 hours today alone, more than 60 organizations, large and small, have been buying information about the mysterious sniper on the black market.”

“Among them, overseas individual financiers, royal principalities, and even dignitaries from the six major countries accounted for 85%, and only a very small number of 15% were normal commissions.”

“You see……”

Qian Jingdongshu took a quick look at the backdoors of the cyber security departments of various countries.

His eyes flashed with the latest internal arrangements of the world-renowned intelligence agencies such as the FBI, M16, and CIA.

Seeing Akai Shuichi and others arrive in Neon, he raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, not bad, it’s really rich to put out a bait.”

“In this case, how can we ignore the generosity of the sponsors? Just accept all the orders.

“All, all received? Close!”

Master Fuyuki seems to be playing a little too big this time.

“Hmm~ Challenge Modo Modo, this will make the date with Maria after nearly a century more interesting.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and closed the webpage, his red eyes flashing with deep interest.

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