“”Don’t come over here! Gong, Conan, come with me and record the body!”

Hattori Heiji yelled, carrying Conan and running over.

However, as soon as the two arrived, Qian Jingfuyuki violently lifted the roof of the car and disassembled it completely.

“I wipe……”

What kind of strange power is this!

The two of them looked shocked.

But they were not slow and quickly rushed over.

Hattori Heiji gave Qian Jing Fuyuki a thumbs up.

“Landlord-san, good job! If you don’t move the body, you won’t ruin the details of the scene!”

Qian Jingdongshu threw the roof of the car away.

“There is no detail that can be seen directly from the body.”

“I’ll do the autopsy. You guys just stand aside and watch.”


Hattori Heiji, Conan, and a large group of people who came behind were stunned.

“Fuyuki-kun, you can do this?!”

A role like a coroner forensic doctor is not something that ordinary people can handle!

“Ah, no matter how strange the corpse is, the cause of death can’t escape my eyes.”

With the autopsy skills of the beautiful forensic doctor, Gunda Yumi, Qian Jingdongshu smiled meaningfully and swept his eyes over them.

The hidden Xiao Hei’s pupils shrank, and he screamed in his heart that it was impossible!

He trembled all over and almost stared at Qian Jingdongshu’s movements.

I don’t believe that a big man like Qian Jingdongshu would be”five five seven” and not mind the dirtiness of the corpse and successfully detect the cause of death!

You are bragging, right?!

Qian Jingdongshu sent these people who were not up to the standard at a glance back

“Except for Hattori Heiji and the others, all of you should leave.”

“So that he won’t spit it out halfway through.”As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Jingshu took out a knife.

The invisible and shadowless Xiao Li Fei Dao transformed into a scalpel.

Conan didn’t know what expression to make.

Every time the boss would give him an unexpected”surprise”.

If he wasn’t suspected of committing a crime, the way he carried a scalpel and a gun with him made him look like a murderer!

“The deceased, Hiroyuki Kanaya, was found stiff, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, his feet on the brake and accelerator, and the brake pedal had been detached from the pedal.”

“The temperature inside the car was over 35 degrees Celsius, and the dashboard was covered with a blanket, deliberately hiding the heater. The perpetrators were suspected of using the high temperature to accelerate the softening process of rigor mortis.”

“Now for the abdominal laryngeal tissue dissection……”

“A small amount of food remains in the stomach, and the oxidation reaction of the digestive residues indicates that the time of death is more than 24 hours.”

“The throat was bruised and swollen, which was a case of mechanical asphyxiation.

Qian Jingfuyu’s fingertips flashed with knife flowers, and before Hattori Heiji and the others could react, the autopsy began.

They hurriedly took out their notebooks to record, nodding from time to time.

“Normally, rigor mortis begins within thirty minutes to two hours after death.”

“Within nine to twelve hours, the whole body will be in a state of rigor mortis.”

“It will remain stiff for the next thirty hours, then gradually soften, and return to its original state after about seventy hours.”

“The criminal who killed Mr. Jingu was very cunning. He deliberately made this time-ambiguous setting and wanted to make the car fall off the cliff to lose the most crucial body evidence!”

“Clearly intending to create an alibi!”

The big and the small looked at each other.

“But he was careless and never expected that there was a man named Dongshu who was very skilled and could perform autopsies!”

“With the boss here, he has nowhere to hide!

Qian Jingdongshu stood up and stretched.

“After checking the time, it was found that Mr. Kanaya was killed not long after he explained to Ms. Iwai Hitomi”

“All those who returned to the room at that time were suspected and their statements were recorded separately.”

“Anyone who lies and doesn’t match up could be the criminal.”

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other and they immediately took action!

“Huh? Are you kidding me? We are all suspects?”

The Sherlock fans present were all panicked.

It’s one thing to like reading detective novels, but who wouldn’t be nervous when a murder case really happened?

“Yes, please cooperate and catch the criminal as soon as possible.

Hattori Heiji and Conan just asked Qian Jingfuyuki for the key and went to check the safe.

As expected, the door was smashed open and the books inside were gone.

When he asked if he could turn on the monitoring bug, Iwai Hitomi told him that those were fake and that Kanaya Hiroyuki had deliberately frightened everyone for the atmosphere.

“Uh, I’ll go first. Ikuo Kawazu and I can testify against each other. We were secretly comparing answers at the time of the crime.”

At this moment, Fujisawa Toshiaki and the others didn’t care whether it was embarrassing to cheat or not.

Shimizu Nanako’s eyes drifted

“After I eavesdropped on the conversation between Mr. Kanaya and Mr. Hitomi, I was secretly keeping an eye on Mr. Fuyuki.”

“After all, he is the referee. If someone bribes him, it will undoubtedly be unfair to everyone.”

“As a result, I saw that woman, Oki Ayako, cunningly pulled the landlord into the room to reveal the topic, and then I bumped into Hitomi-san many times. Everyone saw how busy she was that day.”


Is this what they can listen to?

“No wonder Miss Ayako hasn’t come out, she can’t get out of bed!”

Fujisawa Toshiaki couldn’t help showing an envious expression to Qian Jing Fuyuki.

Fuyuki’s spirit of going wherever he goes is really a role model for men of our generation.

Speaking of another hidden Kazuha, Hattori Heiji said in a deep voice:

“He Ye is not feeling well. She won’t come out no matter how I call her. She also told me to leave her alone.”

“She has no grudge against Mr. Kanaya. We are just here to make up the numbers for Kudo. We have no motive for committing a crime.

Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Maria Toda and Kento Toba.

Maria Toda was about to cry.

“I, I can’t provide an alibi, I’m alone in the room thinking hard”

“Ah, during this time I saw Fuyuki-kun go to the garage and let the hover car run by itself”

“Later, the wind blew up the large tarpaulin covering Mr. Jing’s van, which scared me so much that I thought there was a ghost!

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows.

“I was with Miss Ayako first, and then I went to the garage.”

“He found that the fuel tanks of the cars that everyone was riding in had holes drilled in them, and fuel was leaking everywhere. Only the bottom of his van was intact.”

“I thought it was Mr. Kanaya’s doing, and that this was part of the final perverted puzzle.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Now all that’s left is Toba Kento’s confession.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Toba Kento bit his nails nervously and nervously.

“I was also thinking about the topic alone.”

“Is that so? Toba Kento-san, but the paper you handed in is clearly blank.

Qian Jingdongshu suddenly took out his answer sheet from a pile of answer sheets.[]

“Unless you are the criminal, know that Mr. Jingu is dead, and have the book, there is no need to answer the questions.”

“Otherwise, why don’t you bother to answer the questions?”

Everyone was shocked and looked at Toba Kento in disbelief.

Toba Kento seemed to be stunned.

“Uh, no, I got the wrong one! ?”

“I, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I always copy the answers on rough paper first.”

He explained with sweat on his forehead.

“Then bring me the scrap paper with the answers written on it.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him with a half-smile.

“This… is also possible!”

Toba Kento’s face turned pale, his feet were weak, and he was about to walk towards the room……

Everyone looked at each other, frowning and following.

No matter what, he was the most suspicious now.

But when Hu Yeyan entered the room and was about to plug in the desk lamp, the fuse was blown

, the whole hotel was out of power, and the room was completely dark!

“what happened!”

“”Ritomi-san? Where is the circuit board?”

Everyone panicked.

Fujisawa Toshiaki turned on his lighter.

In the bright flame, Qian Jingfuyu stood in front of him, revealing his figure.


Hattori Heiji and Conan keenly sensed a cold murderous aura in the air!

It was as if someone was secretly targeting Qian Jing Dongshu!

The two of them were startled and rushed towards him.

At this moment!


A gunshot rang out.

Everyone froze, trembling and looking at Qian Jing Dongshu who was holding a gun to intimidate.

“It’s a gun!?”

“Dongshu-kun is really well prepared!”

Xiao Hei was so scared that he trembled all over and almost peed on the spot!

Not to mention attacking Qian Jing Dongshu again, nothing happened until the lights came on.

Toba Kento searched everywhere but couldn’t find the straw paper, and was completely panicked.

“No! The paper I used to answer the questions is missing!”

Hattori Heiji and Conan narrowed their eyes and helped him search through the boxes and drawers to find it.

“The book was gone, and the paper and pen were gone. The window was open, and there were signs that someone had climbed out.”

“The socket of a common desk lamp is tied with a thin iron wire, which causes a short circuit when plugged in. The possibility of malicious framing cannot be ruled out.”

“The only ones who don’t have alibis now are Fujisawa Toshiaki, Kawazu Ikuo, Toda Maria, and Toba Kento-san.”

Zenijei Fuyuki went back to his room to get his phone.

“Anyway, I’ll call the police first. The criminal should be caught before they arrive.”

“Huh? Dongshu-kun, you got a clue so quickly?”

Everyone was stunned. They were still confused. You understood everything?

“I just asked Ms. Hitomi Iwai a question when everyone was away.”

“The criminal never expected that he would be full of loopholes in my place.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled mysteriously at everyone and left first.

The people who were still confused and Xiao Hei were staring at his back with horror and murderous intent.

“It’s so scary… No matter what, this Qian Jing Dong Shu must die as soon as possible!!”


Fifteen minutes later, the garage suddenly exploded and a raging fire burned.

Everyone in the hotel was immediately alarmed.

Except for Qian Jing Dong Shu, Oki Ayako, and Kazuha.

All the Sherlock Holmes fans came to this event in panic.

“What happened? How could a garage explode?”

“Book! Someone hurry up and save that rare book! It’s going to burn!”

Kawazu Ikuo held a note tightly in his hand and rushed in like a madman.

Hattori Heiji held him tightly.

“Hey! You want to die!!”

“”Strange, where’s Brother Fuyuki?”

Conan looked around hurriedly.

Logically, the boss couldn’t not come to join in the fun.

Is he going to sleep with a beautiful woman? Impossible! It’s already this time!

“No, I just saw Fuyuki-kun coming to the garage, and he seemed to be investigating the oil leak again.

Hattori Heiji’s face was extremely tense.


Conan’s pupils shrank, and he looked at the huge flames that engulfed everything in horror.


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