“”He Ye, your face is so red, are you sick?”

Qian Jing Dongshu stepped forward and asked deliberately with concern.

As early as when he was just weighing Oki Ayako, he noticed the small movement on the other side of the wall.

Seeing such a cute He Ye was frightened, how could he not tease her mischievously.

There is a big gift waiting for her after this incident. He

Ye was startled when she heard his voice suddenly. Her small ears were hot, and she was just about to take a shower because of shock and shame.

Seeing that Qian Jing Dongshu himself was still calm, she was almost burning up.

“”No, nothing! Landlord, you should be more careful!”

He Ye was embarrassed to hint too obviously.

After all, the hotel is not soundproof and there are people everywhere.


Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and walked towards her.

He Ye’s cheeks flushed and he stepped back quickly.

“I, I have to go downstairs to take a shower, so I’ll leave you first!”

She hurried away, but she didn’t expect two women to come up behind her.


The gloomy-faced Shimizu Nanako and the hotel girl Iwai Hitomi bumped into her head-on, and all three girls fell down.

“”Oh, I’m so sorry! Are you two okay?”

He Ye covered her forehead, panicking and almost crying.

The pants are getting tighter and tighter!

If this continues, they will definitely be discovered!

Shimizu Nanako and Iwai Hitomi are too close to Qian Jingfuyuki at this moment.

The two women’s faces changed strangely at the same time.

“”Hitomi-san, you should clean the floor of your hotel!”

Shimizu Nanako couldn’t hold it in any longer, and ran to the room with her legs tucked in.

She forgot that she was here to spy on the landlord.

Iwai Hitomi blinked, rubbed her legs, and took out a rag with a red face.

“”Si, Si Mi Ma Sai! I’ll take care of it right away!”

He Ye thought it was her own problem, blushing with shame, and she looked like a steam sprayer.

She hurriedly stopped Iwai Hitomi

“”I’m sorry, Hitomi-san, I’ll clean it myself!!”

It was so embarrassing. The landlord was right in front of her. He knew what happened in the diplomat’s bathroom.

It was embarrassing again!

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the three girls’ shy and embarrassed eyebrows and laughed in his heart.

Seeing that He Ye was busy kneeling there to wipe it, Qian Jingdongshu kindly bent down

“He Ye, you can’t handle it alone, I’ll help you”

“No no! I can do this, Fuyuki-kun!”

How can a man be allowed to do this kind of thing!!

Kazuha’s face was furious, and he pushed Zeni Izuki away firmly.

Damn it, he must get it done before Heiji and the others find out!!

Zeni Izuki looked down at Kazuha and passively admired the snow-white and open scenery for a while.

The corners of his mouth kept rising, and then he shrugged helplessly.

“Since it is your own wish, He Ye, I will leave first. You have to work hard.”

“Hi! Don’t worry about me, Fuyuki-kun! Don’t call me for dinner!”

Kazuha’s face flushed and she waved her hands. Seeing Fuyuki take the initiative to walk her down the stairs, she felt relieved.

She really didn’t dare to bet that if she continued to flow like this, people would notice her.

If kids like Heiji and Conan noticed, she would have no life!!

As everyone focused on answering questions, time passed in a flash, and it was time for dinner the next day.

“Is this question really made by a human? Why do I feel like the organizer is playing a prank on me?”

Hattori Heiji looked constipated as he compared the answers with Conan.

The others looked like they were hollowed out, and they were not much better.

“It’s too difficult. Judging from what Mr. Jin Gu said, it seems that there are more perverted questions waiting for us.”

“It’s so hard to get a rare edition of Sherlock Holmes’s book!”

Iwai Hitomi came over with a food cart

“Mina-san has been overworking her brain, so let’s enjoy our delicious dinner first.”

Qian Jingfuyu looked around the room and asked in surprise.

“Ms. Kazuha and Ms. Ayako are not feeling well, so Mr. Kanaya won’t come to dinner either?”

“Hey, the boss is always so secretive every time he holds such a party, and he only appears at the end.”

Iwai Hitomi served the dishes one by one, and she was already used to it.

“Yesterday he specifically told me to hand in my answer sheet and have it graded by Dongshu-kun.”

“I was asked to hand over the key of the safe containing the books to him.”

“Hmm?! Mr. Kanaya is willing to give up his power, and he is not afraid that Fuyuki-kun will steal the book from the dark box?”

Fujisawa Toshiaki, Kawazu Ikuo and Toda Maria were deeply surprised.

“Shinhyakusuna~Anyone may be interested in books, except Fuyuki-kun.”

Nanako Shimizu, who changed into thick woolen pants, coughed.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she immediately explained:

“I heard Kanaya-san talking to Hitomi-san, he is very confident about Fuyuki-kun”

“First, because of Dong Shujun’s status, there is no reason for him to do such a vulgar thing. He wants a rare book, and countless people will rush to give it to him.”

“Secondly, he himself is not a Sherlock Holmes fan, so there is no need to hide the book unless he wants to tease us.”

In addition, she has a strong intention to please this well-known Japanese boss, and everyone should know it even if she doesn’t say it.

After hearing this, Conan looked at Qian Jingdongshu with a half-moon eye: I’m so sorry, the boss is just that kind of person.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and said:”Since Mr. Kanaya is not here, I, as the referee, will take over.”

“Let’s eat first, and then everyone hand in the papers to me.”

Everyone agreed and buried their heads in eating. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Iwai Hitomi was helping to add more rice, she suddenly remembered an interesting thing and said with a smile:

“Speaking of which, this event was more lively than ever because of Fuyuki-kun’s participation.”

“Oh? What did you say? Qian Jingdongshu was really curious.

Others also looked over, and some of them looked unnatural.

Iwai Hitomi smiled.[]

“Because there are referees other than the boss, and the boss was not here this time, many people asked me about Dong Shujun’s eating preferences.”

“Isn’t it obvious that he wants to bribe you?”

Fujisawa Toshiaki and Kawazu Ikuo looked at each other and coughed.

Hattori Heiji and Conan stared at them with dead eyes.

“What? Someone wants to take a shortcut?”

“It’s bad to answer the questions in an upright manner.”

After dinner, Qian Jingdongshu graded the papers.

Everyone stared at him as he piled up a large pile of papers and flipped them down in a few seconds.

“The review speed is so fast that even Mr. Jin Gu, the question setter, would have to admit defeat.”

“I’m so nervous. I’m going to the toilet.”

Toba Kento laughed dryly, and seeing that Qian Jingfuyu was about to turn over his, he hurried out.

Under this invisible pressure, Toda Maria, Fujisawa Toshiaki, Kawazu Ikuo and others could no longer stay and stood up and left.

“I’m really looking forward to the result but also scared. I’ll go out for a walk and calm down.”

“I’m going to smoke a cigarette”

“I’ll wash my face.”

Hattori Heiji and Conan propped up their chins in boredom.

“Kudo, you will definitely pass. Next, I wonder how many people will be able to participate in the abnormal difficulty quiz together.”

“Maybe the master is hiding among them.”

Conan’s glasses flashed.

When everyone came back from the show,

“After reviewing it, I found an interesting thing……”

Qian Jingfuyu put down the paper and looked at everyone with interest, and just fixed his eyes on a person who was guilty of something he had done.

Hattori Heiji was sitting by the window, and suddenly rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Conan, look, isn’t that Mr. Kanaya’s car?”

“”Ah! Really! But there’s a cliff over there!!”

Conan was so shocked that his voice changed.

Everyone looked in the direction they pointed.

Suddenly, they saw a van sliding towards the cliff, and they could vaguely see the plump figure of Kanaya Hiroyuki in the driver’s seat.

“Hello! Mr. Kanaya!!”

“Did he fall asleep in the car and press the handbrake and accelerator? Stop him quickly!!”

Hattori Heiji and Conan opened the door like crazy and tried to run out.

“”Get out of the way!”

Qian Jing Dongshu shouted, leaped over their heads, and rushed towards the van like an arrow!

“”So fast!”

Hattori Heiji was surprised. Even though he had seen Qian Jing Dongshu’s inhuman skills last time, he was still shocked by him again.

And he didn’t know if it was his illusion, but Qian Jing Dongshu was stronger now than before!

Every move he made made his soul tremble, and he felt an oppressive feeling that was almost suffocating!

“Brother Dongshu, stop that car!!”

Conan knew that his short legs were useless, so he shouted from behind.

“What a joke, the weight of a car with people on it sliding down is not something that can be stopped by human power! ?”

Hattori Heiji and the others all thought that what he said was a fantasy.

But the next second!

Everyone’s mouth opened wide, their eyes almost popped out of the window!

What did they see!!

Qian Jingfuyu rushed to the front of the van and stood calmly. When everyone was terrified and thought he was going to die and be squeezed under the car!

He stretched out his hand without any force, just like a light push!


The wheels of the car spun wildly, and it was unable to move on the spot, splashing layers of sand and dust on the ground!


Everyone stared blankly���, then he punched the hood of the car and the engine like a superman, forced the car to stop, and kicked it away from the cliff!


The van was really stopped.

Before everyone could take a breath and marvel at the landlord’s terrifying martial arts as rumored.

The car door swung towards them and creaked down.

Kanaya Hiroyuki in the driver’s seat remained frozen in place, holding the steering wheel, motionless, with his eyes open.

Now everyone could see that he was dead

“Mr. Jin, Jin Gu!! Fan!”.

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