“Landlord, I heard that you are a blessing to women and are good at solving women’s problems.”

“I would like to ask you what I should do in this situation?”

Sachiko Katsuragi, a female student of Kyoto Medical College, is a gentle and kind girl from a good family. She is about to marry into the family of diplomat Tsujimura and become the daughter-in-law of Tsujimura Isao.

However, she has a worry that she dare not easily confide in others. She can only send her worries to the landlord Sang Qianjing Fuyuki’s email box like a tree hole.

When Qianjing Fuyuki sent an email to Hattori Heiji, he happened to see

“Gentle lady, I’m watching, just say it.”

Sachiko Katsuragi didn’t expect the landlord to really reply to her, and she was surprised and nervous.

“It’s like this, my future mother-in-law is very harsh on me for some reason~……”

“No matter what I do, I can’t seem to please her. My boyfriend is still having affairs with other women. I really don’t know what to do.”

“Sometimes I really doubt whether choosing this marriage is a mistake?” The prospective young master who is in a period of confusion

, it must be very delicious to intercept.

Qian Jingdongshu narrowed his eyes and his index finger moved! He was originally planning to push the diplomat plot and then talk to the Sherlock Holmes fans. Seeing this, he replied to her without hesitation.

“Ms. Sachiko, if you are free today, I can come to visit you.”

“Eh? How can I be so embarrassed?”

Sachiko Katsuragi was flattered.

But when she thought about her boyfriend who was away from home all day, and asked her to move into Tsujimura’s house early, under the pretext of adapting, she ended up being criticized by her mother-in-law every day.

Sachiko Katsuragi made up her mind.

“Then I’ll tell the housekeeper, thank you for your help, landlord.”

“Boss, why are you here too?”

“Qian Jing Fuyuki! Why are you everywhere?”

At noon, Maori Kogoro and Conan were shocked when they saw Qian Jing Fuyuki appear.

Then Conan sneezed violently, and his big snot came out.

“Why did you catch a cold?

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at him.

“Tsk, it’s that guy Kidd. He actually used a dummy to fish!”

“I was tracking him with a group of policemen last night, and only found out that I was tricked by that guy when I got to the sea!”

Conan cursed angrily

If I have the chance, I will also push him into the sea water! Ah, ah…

“Oh, boy, are you feeling uncomfortable because of your fever?”

“This is the white liquor I brought, have a sip.”

A strong Kansai accent sounded from behind the crowd.

Hattori Heiji and a lively girl came over.

He reached out from his bag and took out a bottle of white liquor, opened it without saying a word and gave Conan a big sip.

“Hey! How can you give such a strong alcohol to a child?”

Mouri Kogoro was speechless.

“Dai Jiaofu~ Heiji is usually very sensible! Besides, drinking Laobaigan can really help people dissipate heat.”

Yuanshan Heye looked at everyone with bright eyes.

The girl’s beautiful face was like a white jade sculpture, without a single flaw.

Under the pink casual clothes, her exquisite curves were extremely attractive, and the wonderful ravines were looming.

The pair of jade legs like snow were even more slender, tight and powerful, making people wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped around them.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he stepped forward to greet with a smile on his face.

“This must be Miss Yuanshan Heye, right?”

“Hey, aren’t you the great landlord? Do you know me?”

He Ye was quite surprised.

“This is not surprising, this guy’s hacking skills are now well-known”

“My father and your father are both in the police system. They can hide it from others but not from him.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hattori Heiji had met Qian Jingfuyu once at the game conference last time, but they didn’t get to know each other well.

This time, he finally came to give a formal handshake

“Hello, landlord Kuwazeni Fuyuki-kun, I am Hattori Heiji from Kansai, a high school detective”

【Sign in with Hattori Heiji and get the full level of Kendo as a reward! It overlaps with the”Weapon Master” position and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Toyama Kazuha and you will be rewarded with the highest level of Aikido! It overlaps with the”Invincible Taijutsu” and has been merged!】[]

“Hello, Hattori Heiji-kun, and Miss Kazuha.

Qian Jingdongshu shook hands with him, and then his eyes were burning, focusing on the beauty.

“Where is it~ Landlord Sang’s eyes are like fire, about to burn people.”

He Ye’s heart was beating fast, her pretty face suddenly turned pink, and she didn’t dare to look at him.

“Hey, you have to be so smooth when you pick up a woman, there are real people here!”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan all snorted.

Conan’s face was red after drinking, and he shook off the dizziness in front of his eyes. He didn’t even bother to ask Hattori Heiji and the boss why they were here.

“Mrs. Tsujimura, you haven’t taken us in yet.”

“Oh, right, I just remembered, landlord, you are here to collect rent, right?”

Diplomat’s wife, Tsujimura Kimie, Tsujimura Isao’s second wife, and Katsuragi Sachiko’s mother-in-law.

She looked at Qian Jingfuyu for a while, and suddenly remembered what it meant to say

“Ah? The residence of a diplomat is your property?”

Mouri Kogoro, Conan, and Hattori Heiji were all shocked.

Qian Jingfuyu shrugged and smiled.

“This is nothing. Maybe one day the Osaka Castle will be mine.”

According to the progress of the system’s real estate map unlocking, that day might not be far away.

He confidently mixed into a large group of people and entered the Tsujimura family.

Katsuragi Sachiko received the news and hurried out to greet him.

“Landlord~! I finally waited for you~”

When I opened the door, I saw my mother-in-law’s doubtful face and the surprised faces of a group of people, big and small.

Katsuragi Sachiko’s delicate and beautiful face suddenly turned red.

She looked so embarrassed that she could be put on the pot to steam.

“Ah, grandma, you are here too.”

“Sachiko, you and the landlord……”

Tsujimura Kimie looked at her, then at Qian Jingfuyushu, and suppressed the turmoil in her heart.

She looked deeply at this future daughter-in-law whose life story was complicated and only she knew it best.

“Wait, I will take the distinguished guest to meet your father-in-law first, I have something to talk to you about!”

After saying that, he took the lead to lead the people to the study.

On the way, the old man of the Tsujimura family just came downstairs and showed off his fishing results to everyone with a smile.

Qian Jingdongshu looked back at Katsuragi Sachiko who was still standing stiffly in the same place, and his heart moved. She was so pitiful, of course he would comfort her later.

“Use props, automatic sprinkler knife!”.

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