After tasting the tender and fresh Princess An and getting the largest gem in Europe for free,

Qian Jing Dongshu was in high spirits and returned home with a full load.

But when he entered the house and saw Elena with a serious face, he realized that something was wrong.

“Hubby, I think we’re missing a big factor.”

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with the elixir?

Qian Jingdongshu took the yogurt from the refrigerator and asked in confusion.

“Look here.”

Elena took out the Free Spacetime Camera and fast-forwarded Maria’s journey in 1918. She highlighted some of the places she passed by and the states of the passers-by.

“When ordinary people take the elixir of life, after the effect of the drug takes effect, the rays of Pandora’s Heart will neutralize the cells and multiply infinitely, thus achieving eternal balance.”

“My telepathy is also the product of the fusion of Pandora’s Heart Rays and my own human magnetic field.”

“But you see, Maria’s own magnetic field did not adapt in time, causing Pandora’s Heart rays to leak out crazily.”

“The radiation from the meteorite was radiating outward without restraint… causing a terrible catastrophe.

Qian Jingdongshu saw that it was the same as the flu that occurred at the end of the First World War. He was stunned.

“Isn’t it such a coincidence?”

Elena continued to adjust the time of the free space-time camera.

“Speed up Maria’s time and see how she adapts. No more, no less, exactly 18 months.”

“Her internal signs are self-adjusting and consuming each other at just the right level, so there will be no more uncontrolled radiation emission.

She looked at Qian Jingdongshu seriously.

“In other words, ordinary people will be fine within 18 months of taking the medicine, but it will cause great radiation hazards to those around them.”

“I have no abnormality here, because I have taken A many times before, and I am used to it because it contains meteorite powder.”

“My telepathy was awakened instantly, but Maria took two years to develop it.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t feed it to Eri-san and Xiaolan, otherwise the whole Neon and the world would be ruined.

Qian Jingdongshu was convinced. The Second World War was gone, and the flu could bring back butterflies.

He looked at Elena with a headache.

“So is there a way for this elixir of life to remove defects?”

“(afbh) I alone am not qualified to study virology at this level.”

Elena looked at Qian Jingdongshu in embarrassment.

“So I have to borrow Xiao Ai from you, my husband. We have to check the data of the past 80 years together and then conduct a deeper investigation into the influenza cases.

This is really a big project.

Qian Jing Dongshu did not hesitate to let Xiao Ai drop out of school and come to help Elena first.

Xiao Ai was shocked when she found out.

“What kind of robot can upload test data automatically for 80 years without stopping, and also summarize it in a blank account! ?”

“The teacher had already made the elixir of life, and she ate it herself! Give it to that guy to go back in time and find someone to test it?!”

No wonder Qian Jingdongshu is so fearless and dares to play with the boss of the Black Organization.

He really is walking in the long river of time, both God and the devil, the omnipotent Kami!

After being shocked, Xiao Ai immediately swore in her heart that she would never reveal this secret that could drive the world crazy!

“System, settlement.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at how much emotion value was left.

It was time for the magician at the end of the century to start

【Sign in with Princess An and be rewarded with the title of World Thief, Dream Phantom!】

【It is detected that the host’s current emotion value is 45w. Do you want to redeem the blind box?】

“Draw ten rare blind boxes and exchange them!”

Ding Ding Ding Ding—— (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property rights”Suzuki Museum of Art” fragment *1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property right”Bellagio” fragment*1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3 fragments of the special property”Diplomat Tsujimura’s Residence”. All unlocking conditions have been met and it has been unlocked!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property”Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hotel” fragment *1】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the welfare item”Automatic Sprinkler”! After using it, all women the host meets within 24 hours will be sprinkled with water like crazy! One-time item!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the welfare item”Niubao Kyoto”! Use it on a selected target, and the beauty will unconsciously bend down in front of the host! One-time item!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the welfare item”Rocking Spring Bed”! Choose a location, everything can be a bed, a one-time item!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the welfare item”Open the door and see the fruit”! After using it, the host will taste the sweetness of a good harvest if he opens the door within 3 hours! One-time prop!

Qian Jing Dongshu read ten lines at a glance, and the smile on his lips could not be suppressed.

Real estate, welfare, everything he was very satisfied with![]

“But the Diplomat and the Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hotel?”

“This reminds me of someone.”

Hattori Heiji! Osaka Black Chicken!

He is in the plot of the magician at the end of the century, so we have to open up his character line first?

In order to confirm his guess, Qian Jingfuyuki checked the unlocking conditions of the Suzuki Museum of Art

【Suzuki Museum of Art Property Rights:

Conditions 1: Get acquainted with Hattori Heiji and win over Toyama Kazuha

2. Complete the story of the magician at the end of the century and get the property rights of the Bellagio

3. Conquer Shi Kaobing and obtain all the treasures of the Romanov dynasty she has collected

4. Give a head-on blow to those who covet the treasures of the fantasy thief Phantom]

Bellagio is actually a prerequisite?

Qian Jingfuyuki clicked to view Bellagio again, and the simple conditions made him a little confused

【Bellagio property rights:

Condition 1: Learn about its existence in the plot of The Magician at the End of the Century

2. Get the transfer of the original property rights owner]

Since it is the Magician at the End of the Century, Qian Jing Dongshu immediately thought of an existence.

He moved his fingers to check

“Sure enough, the villa of Natsumi Kosaka was converted into the Bellagio many years ago.”

It is known that Maria is still alive, so the Bellagio must be under her name.

Both sides are magicians who want to pass the end of the century. Qian Jingdongshu is not in a hurry to see his old friend from eighty years ago.

“First, take down Hattori Heiji and capture the cute and lovely Kazuha~”

“Hehe, today we are going to have a fight!”

He rubbed his hands excitedly and sent out an invitation email!

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