As soon as the sprinkler buff came out, Katsuragi Sachiko snorted softly and immediately held onto the wall in panic. Her face was full of pink, and she couldn’t believe it.

What was going on? Her stomach was churning and she was suddenly out of control…

It was as if a relative had come to visit her early.

“Miss Sachiko, are you feeling unwell?”

When she saw the housekeeper and the servants noticed this, she was so scared that she quickly shrank her legs and waved her hands.

“No, it’s okay!”

She ran back to her room quickly. Her skirt was dirty, so she had to change it quickly.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and looked away.

Conan glanced at her carelessly.

“What? The boss’s swaying smile really makes me feel a chill in my back.”

“Is someone else going to be unlucky?”

Hattori Heiji suddenly bent down and approached him.

“Hey, boy, you know where Kudo Shinichi is now, right?”Four One Zero”


His face, which had been red after drinking, almost turned pale with fright.

Did Hattori Heiji notice something!?

Then he heard Hattori Heiji say with a firm tone:

“I have inquired about it. You first approached Mori-san as a relative of Kudo.”

“Where is Kudo in Kanto now? Someone asked me to pass on the invitation to the Sherlock Holmes fan event to him.”

Sherlock Holmes fan event?

Conan’s attention was immediately drawn to this.

His eyes lit up instantly, and because of his illness, he didn’t even notice the strange look that Hattori Heiji gave him.

“This kid, I suddenly realized that if he didn’t wear glasses, he really looked like Kudo.”

He Ye was walking, and his white socks suddenly stuck to the steps.


She looked down and her face suddenly turned red!

“”Madam, where is your bathroom?”

Tsujimura Kimie was preoccupied and wore more clothes than usual, so she didn’t notice anything unusual.

She pointed to the corner of the corridor and said,”My bathroom is over there.””


He Ye covered her skirt, her delicate face flushed like a burning cloud, and she quickly moved over like a rabbit.

“”Miss He Ye, do you need help?”

Qian Jingdongshu asked kindly.

He Ye was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

Her brain was steaming and she shook her head frantically.

“No, no! I… people have three urgent needs! It will be over soon!”

He Ye rushed to the toilet with the momentum of Aikido.

There were only suspicious spots in the corridor.

The three detectives didn’t pay attention to the woman, and no one noticed.

Seeing the servant coming over strangely to wipe off the traces with a mop, Qian Jingfuyu smiled without saying a word.

Wait for Tsujimura Gongjiang to open the door.

A huge opera sound came, the sound was a bit harsh

“Honey, oh my god, didn’t we agree to ask Detective Maori to come and investigate?”

“And the landlord, he’s here to collect the rent.”

Tsujimura Kimie turned off the player, then walked around behind diplomat Tsujimura Isao and pushed him.

“Husband, husband?”

“Wake up, don’t sleep anymore. I told you not to stay up late. You can fall asleep while handling official business. I admire you.”

As Tsujimura Gongjiang kept complaining, Tsujimura Xun, who was propped up with his head and seemed to be sleeping, suddenly fell sideways, knocking over the chair.

“Ah——!! Husband!!”

Tsujimura Kimie stared at his hand in disbelief and screamed!


The looks of Maori Kogoro, Conan, and Hattori Heiji changed!

Two adults and one child rushed over in a hurry,”Muri, the person is dead!”

“His lips and fingertips were all purple and black, clearly he had died from poisoning!

Qian Jingfuyuki knew the plot and looked at Tsujimura Kimie with a normal expression.

“Since there is a murder, we should call the police immediately.

He called Officer Megure over.

“Hey, Maori-kun, why are you involved in every murder case?”

“”Fuyuki-kun, you’re not dating a beautiful girl this time, are you?!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Inspector Megure saw them, he got a headache reflexively.

Maori Kogoro looked aggrieved.

“When a person is unlucky, even drinking cold water will get his teeth stuck. Sir, what does this have to do with me?”

“I am dating a beautiful lady, but it was Miss Sachiko who invited me here.

Qian Jingdongshu said calmly, spreading his hands.[]

“Miss Sachiko?” Officer Megure was puzzled.

Hattori Heiji said:”It should be the daughter-in-law of this family! Mrs. Tsujimura’s face was not right just now.”

He couldn’t help but glanced at Qian Jingfuyu.

No wonder people say this guy is a playboy. There were two high school girls at the last game exchange meeting, and now he went to the diplomat’s house to hunt for Yanren’s daughter-in-law!

It’s wild enough.

“Where is that person?” Officer Megure looked around.

“Miss Sachiko is very afraid of her future mother-in-law, so she doesn’t dare to approach her casually……”

Qian Jingdongshu walked downstairs naturally with one hand in his pocket

“I’ll go find her and ask her if she can provide any clues.”

“Ah, thank you for your help, Fuyuki-kun!”

Inspector Megure and the two detectives and one detective at the scene did not suspect anything and watched him leave.

Then, the three of them speculated based on the scene that this was a carefully planned murder in a locked room.

“Yoshi, there must be Kudo’s shadow behind that guy and Maori Kogoro”

“Let’s see who is the strongest high school detective!”

Hattori Heiji was full of fighting spirit and vowed to solve the case before Kudo Shinichi!

Conan grabbed his chest, and the white liquor resonated with the A in his body. His bones were about to explode and melt, and he was about to become bigger.

“Damn it, why did it have to be at this time?……”

He just found the key to the truth by following clues and eliminating interference!

Look at Hattori Heiji running out to find something with confidence.

Conan wanted to chase him, but he fell to the ground, scaring Kogoro Mori and Inspector Megure.

“What happened to this kid!?”

“It must be a fever. I’ll go find a doctor!”

Seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly sent Conan to the Japanese-style room next door and called a doctor.

“No need… go find the boss… he can treat……”

Conan couldn’t finish his hoarse words, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his body began to change.



The same scream happened in the bathroom and in Katsura 2.7 Kiyoshiko’s room.

In the bathroom, Kazuha was so embarrassed that she was about to explode.

“How could this happen?!”

How can she go out and meet people in this sticky and unspeakable state!

A wall separates them.

Qian Jing Dongshu helps the shy junior quasi-chairman Gui Mu Xingzi, who is now completely developed and no longer has to worry about her mother-in-law making things difficult for her.

“From now on, Sachiko-san can just do things for me.”

“You are studying at the Medical University, majoring in psychiatry. My company is in need of talents like you.” He whispered in her ear in a low voice.

“Hey… I will listen to Dongshu-kun.”

Even if she didn’t agree, her mother-in-law would be furious and kick her out when she found out!

But the heavy stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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