“Ah, what does Dongshu-kun mean by this?”

Seeing Qian Jing Dongshu’s smile deepen, his eyes slid down a little bit.

As he stared, the temperature of the air around him rose.

Princess An’s face turned red little by little.

Her beautiful eyes were floating, and her inexperienced slender legs began to fail.

“If it was Phantom Sang Dongshu, I would be willing to accept any punishment.”

In fact, she was lucky to be conquered by her idol!!

“I really can’t drink any more.”

Princess An pouted her lips in grievance.

Qian Jingdongshu put down the champagne and rubbed her golden hair hard.

“That’s all for today, Princess An. Just give me this gem.~”


Princess An’s face turned pale.

This is the token that the person gave her!

“It doesn’t matter, just tell her exactly what she said when you get back, she won’t blame you.

Qian Jingdongshu winked at her and turned away.

“Ah~ Phantom-sama~”

Princess An leaned softly against the bedpost, staring at his elegant back with red eyes, her face full of obsession.

It was not until Katyusha walked in that she was startled and hurriedly sat up straight.

“Is that the one who wants to see me?”


Katyusha’s eyes lit up, and a holographic screen suddenly appeared in front of Princess An.

“Ah, An, it seems you had a wonderful night.”

A young female voice sounded, as sweet as the sound of nature, which made people easily feel good about it.

Princess An hurriedly stood up, bowed respectfully and lowered her head, not daring to show any disrespect.

“Your Majesty… I have already met Phantom-sama. If nothing goes wrong, he should be the person you want me to meet on this trip.”

“He also accepted the gem with a smile, saying that you would not blame me”

“Really? It was him.”

The female voice stirred up an intoxicating ripple, her voice trembling.

“Great, I’ve finally been waiting for this day..”

“You can go back now. I believe that Japan already has experience in receiving VIPs and will not be too flustered by my arrival.”

“Ah, you are coming here in person?”

Princess An raised her head in surprise.

“Of course, this is an agreement that spans nearly a century, so how can we not prepare well?”

The female voice was in a good mood, with a faint and moving smile, as gorgeous as a spring flower under the sun.

Princess An seemed to have heard something terrible, and her small body couldn’t help trembling.

“That neon is not to……”

“Hmm? An, do you have any objection?”

The female voice changed its tone and an unquestionable majesty came over her.

“No, no!”

Princess An bit her lip and could only secretly pray that the Japanese people would be tougher.

“What did you say? That woman is going to visit Neon! ? ?”

The Black Organization headquarters.

Karasuma Renya’s heart monitor instantly blew up and the alarm sounded.

Rum was sweating profusely, bowed and nodded repeatedly

“Hi! Boss! I just received a message from the European branch!”

“She is speeding up the work at hand and has temporarily postponed all visits and national meetings. It is said that no one is allowed to disturb her extremely important trip!”

“It will only take a day or two! She will be in Neon soon!”

“For this reason, the Japanese Embassy has been expediting preparations to welcome the important state guest! Even the US garrison has borrowed 10,000 troops as a guard of honor!!”

Urasawa Renye’s eyes were full of bloodshot, staring at Rum

“Get the plane ready now! I’m leaving Neon! Speed!!”

“You and Gin and other key members should also be transferred!”

“”All useless waste and encumbrances are gone, hurry up and leave!”

Rum looked nervous. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Boss, isn’t this too hasty? Should we notify my son-in-law Qian Jingdongshu?……”

“What’s the notification? They are all the same monsters!”

Urumaru Renya cursed

“Have you forgotten the lesson from eighty years ago?!”

“The disaster that terrified the whole world!”[]

“Just because of two people, Pandora’s box was accidentally opened! Out of curiosity, they secretly tracked and approached that woman!!”

The more he spoke, the more trembling his voice became.

Even though Karasuma Renya has lived for more than 140 years, he dare not recall what happened in 1918.

An unprecedented flu swept the world.

No one knows the reason, but they only know that it was like a hurricane, sweeping across Europe first, then spreading across the world, and then disappeared strangely 18 months later!

34 years later, he had a chance to attend the coronation ceremony of that lady.

He was shocked to see the person who should have died but had a face like a girl, being crowned under the attention of the world.

At that time, he was exactly 100 years old, and his heart could not help but ignite a burning desire for immortality!

Since Since someone else has done it, why can’t he do it!

He was madly superstitious about all things immortal, and actively sent people to investigate the lady’s past experiences.

As a result, he discovered a secret that could drive the world crazy and terrified.

Her immortality seemed to come at the cost of human lives.

Anyone who gets close to her will encounter misfortune.

Just like what the US Intelligence Agency recorded back then, she was reborn after a catastrophe, and two agents discovered her by chance, not sure if she was the last princess of the fighting nation who had really escaped.

Without a camera, they followed her all the way and secretly drew her portrait.

Once Maria They were injured while training with the mechanical nanny. When they were collecting intelligence, they touched two drops of her blood and a hair.

Since then, Pandora’s box has been opened.

Since the two agents returned to the United States, the nightmare of death has spread all over the world.

After that, all those who participated in the coronation ceremony of that lady, the closest circle of influential European royal (Nuo Lihao) nobles, and all countries were about to… No one was spared. It took as short as half a month or as long as five years, and there were accidents of all sizes, or it ended in nothing.

When Karasuma Renya compared the news he got, how could he not gasp and feel his scalp tingling!

Such immortality Is the price he can pay for not getting old?

That woman is ruthless and cruel, and she has the mechanical goddess of war Katyusha by her side, suppressing all disturbances.

Even if the truth is discovered later, who dares to tell it?

Now, more than 80 years have passed since 1918, and she has changed countless identities. The European royal family should have noticed it!

But it is the unspoken secret that is like a re-sealed magic box. Don’t mention it, don’t say it, and it has become a taboo in all of Europe!

The old royal nobles who know about it dare not approach her, and they will take a detour when they hear where she goes.

Karasuma Renya is no exception.

He hasn’t lived enough!!.

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