Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Maria, who was confused and uneasy in her excitement.

The extreme excitement of sweeping across Europe in three days, and her mother’s rebirth after death, seemed to give her a strong sense of unreality.

The girl was weak and terrified at the moment.

In just three days, the countdown to the time flow was passing by bit by bit.

He was too busy sweeping the treasures in Europe.

Even if Qian Jing Dongshu entered the Evil Girl Island, he couldn’t be stuck in the bug and extend it indefinitely.

After thinking it over again and again, he decided to stay for another three days.

“System, deduct 200,000 emotion points, and stay in this time and space for another three days.”

During these three days, he will do his best to explain everything to Maria and teach her the most basic survival skills.

For example, how to use his modified fully automatic nanny robot Katyusha

“I am not in a hurry to start with the four palaces. Maria still has a lot to learn.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled at Maria.

“Maria? That’s fine.”

Alexandra’s eyes were filled with confusion, unwillingness, and helpless relief.

At this point, she had experienced more colorful things than she would have dared to imagine in her life in the past three days.

If she wanted revenge, it would depend on Qian Jingdongshu’s willingness.

“Then I will use my last moments to teach Maria.”

She was determined to wipe out all her enemies, so she let her only daughter Maria complete it!

Even if the Romanov dynasty was really going to perish, it would definitely drag its enemies down with it!

What’s more… her daughter followed such a great and omnipotent existence, and there was a wealthy man who could shake the whole world, and maybe she could even restore her homeland.

Alexandra looked at Qian Jingdongshu and made up her mind secretly.

Qian Jingdongshu’s series of high-profile moves finally fermented in European countries.

No matter how hard she tried to suppress the news, the museums and royal treasures of various countries that were exploded were all seen by the world.

Not to mention that many people also witnessed the arrogant and fashionable Super Fighter 230 that seemed to come from the future!

At this moment, the bigwigs in the second war were in a complicated mood, not to mention it for the time being. It was really embarrassing that their hometown was raided first, and they couldn’t deal with them.

And the few people who were about to make their debut in the second war were also shocked by the news reports. At this time, a failed art student who was still a corporal in the battlefield:

“Air Force! We must vigorously develop the Air Force in the future!”

No matter which factory it comes from, this is just a super fighter, it can overwhelm all European countries!

If this kind of fighter is mass-produced, it will be a crushing air attack!

Wouldn’t it be overwhelming and invincible!!

A future commander-in-chief who is in charge of the US Navy happened to visit the Sun Never Sets at this time.

In the heart of a certain square-faced Qiu Lao, a private meeting took place.

The two of them happened to receive the news that their royal family and museum were forcibly broken into, arrogantly looted and then left.

Looking at the military aircraft manufacturing factory that was originally only in the trial stage and had not yet become a big climate, both eyes immediately became more serious and solemn.

Fighting nation.

Received a secret report from an insider, saying that people in various European countries have witnessed the resurrection of the last Sand Emperor Queen Alexandra after her death, and frantically launched looting and revenge around the royal families of various countries.

The top leaders here were collectively confused, and they all suspected that they had not woken up.

“The army of the Boer army is about to enter Yekaterinburg, but the family of the Tsar has indeed been executed!”

Even if there are still rumors in the outside world that the third princess Maria fled with the crown prince Alexei.

How could they not know it internally?

That is completely nonsense!

Since the night of the execution three days ago, all the boys and girls with the same characteristics in the entire Yekaterinburg area have been secretly solved!

Facing the dragnet, they can escape, can they still fly into the sky!?

As for the loss of an aircraft being manufactured in a military factory, no one has associated it with the above.

Who made the Boer army press forward step by step, attracting most of the firepower, and the top leaders thought they were doing something again. (It just so happened that the Boer army thought so)

There are also key targets like Alexandra. If you want to escape the heavy blockade and leave the basement alive, you must be blind to collect the bodies!

“I don’t know which bastard wants to use Alexandra’s name to force our fighting nation to continue to participate in the war!”

They finally killed the Sand Emperor’s family, and their own people in the country haven’t figured it out yet. Can they fall into that quagmire again!

“Investigate! Investigate thoroughly!”

“Which daring thief pretended to be Alexandra?”

The top leaders collectively gave an angry order.

As for the news that all European countries were robbed within three days, they didn’t believe it at all.

God knows what evil ideas those robbers have!

Nothing was lost, but they threw dirty water on others and provoked a war. This is their specialty!

Qian Jingdongshu likes to teach through entertainment.

Realizing that Maria was confused, he personally let her relax first.

It was a stormy night.

When Maria dragged her tired body back to the room, she saw her mother Alexandra staring at her.

“Maria, you are no longer a greenhouse flower.”

“You are the last direct descendant of the Romanov dynasty!”

“Are you not moved at all when you see your loved ones die tragically?”

It was the first time that the innocent Maria heard her mother say such harsh words to her, and she was stunned.

Alexandra held her hand tightly, allowing her to clearly see her body becoming transparent and about to disappear.

“I don’t have much time, I just hope you will remember two things for me in the future!”

“The first thing is to submit to Master Fuyuki unconditionally and let him become your real support.”

“The second thing is to avenge all the enemies who destroyed the Romanov dynasty and recover the homeland in your lifetime!!”(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When mentioning hatred, Alexandra’s expression was almost ferocious. This scene was deeply imprinted in Maria’s eyes.

It caused an unprecedented shock to her heart.

In the end, watching her mother disappear in front of her, Maria sat on the ground in a daze.

Her hands were still in the action of grabbing something (afcf)

“Mother…I am alone again”[]

Qian Jing Dongshu did not hide from her that he was from the future and would return to the original time in a few days.

Maria’s previous shock, confusion, and helplessness were nothing compared to the fear of her family’s brief reunion and then leaving forever.

“If Master Dongshu also leaves, can I…really do it alone?”

Qian Jing Dongshu told her that she had taken a drug that could make her immortal.

For a long time, she would have to stumble and survive in this chaotic world alone until the moment he appeared.

Maria was too young and ignorant at first, and she didn’t realize what the long wait meant.

Now, she understood a little.

She couldn’t accept her mother’s departure, and Master Dongshu…

Qian Jing Dongshu heard Maria’s sad cry and suddenly had a headache.

This princess was too weak and vulnerable.

Even if Katyusha was given to her and she was armed to the teeth, what was the difference between her and a steel-toothed little white rabbit.

She wouldn’t bite unless she was provoked.

“Wait, Rum’s mechanical brainwashing seems to be able to solve this problem.”

Remove the weak part of the character and amplify perseverance, calmness and aggressiveness.

In this way, Maria follows her mother’s words and focuses on revenge and restoration of the country. She should be able to hold on until the start of the Science timeline.

“Well, the plan is feasible. Let’s build the brainwashing machine now.”

The materials are rubbish at the moment, and it can only succeed once.

It doesn’t matter if the conditions are simple. It’s just right to practice with Maria, who has a thick blood bar and is not afraid of tossing.

Even if it doesn’t work out, there is still a 100% success card!

Taking advantage of the ample time, Qian Jing Dongshu hurriedly got busy.

After Maria is successfully brainwashed, he will start a comprehensive survival teaching in troubled times.

While Qian Jing Dongshu was busy, their temporary place of residence was noticed by a group of people.

At this time, a leader of the Second World War named Koba, a young heavyweight of the fighting nation, happened to be in charge of collecting grain nearby.

“What? You said you found a UFO?”

In 1878, a report in the United States first mentioned UFOs, which caused a small shock in the world at that time.

Koba, an intellectual youth who was determined to make progress, had naturally heard of it.

Frightened by the advanced supersonic fighter shell modified by Qian Jing Dongshu, Koba’s hands were pale and he hurriedly gestured.

“Yes! It’s in the mountains north of this town!”

Koba frowned.

This was a very delicate moment for him, and he couldn’t let any variables affect his plan!

“Let’s go and have a look!”

Whoever obstructs his plan to take power must be eliminated one by one! Even if a real UFO comes, it is no exception!

On the other hand, because the Sand Emperor’s family has lost contact, it is very likely that they have died.

Such a major event that can affect the world situation naturally attracted the attention of many parties.

The undercover agent sent by the US Intelligence Agency earlier happened to plan to try to approach the target from where Qian Jing Dongshu was.

“”Wait, look, what is that!?”

A group of people looked at the strange-looking fighter in shock. Is that a plane?

Or is it the legendary UFO?

“No, it looks a bit like the one that caused a storm in Europe a few days ago.……”

“Sure enough, the rumors are not groundless, they are really related to the fighting nation!”

“How could they produce such a terrible weapon when everything was in chaos! ?”

The two agents looked at each other in disbelief.

With the idea of gathering as much intelligence as possible, they hurriedly approached that place.

Nearby, two small-scale armies had just finished a battle.

The Bofang side was obviously in decline, with only a few hundred people left, fighting and retreating.

“There is a small town over there. Go in to get supplies first, hold your ground, and apply for online support!”

Seeing this, the other side naturally took advantage of the victory and pursued!

“Don’t even think about escaping!!”

Two or three thousand people, one fleeing and the other chasing, poured into the valley.

Then, they all witnessed the supersonic fighter with a strong presence.

Both sides said at the same time:!!!

Shocking impact!!

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