While Alexandra and Maria were talking, Qian Jingdongshu was not idle either.

He finally thought of the use of the love robot.

“Never obsolete, and automatically extend customization”

“Isn’t it just right to transform it into a mechanical nanny to protect Maria and save and upload data at all times!”

Not forgetting the original intention of this retrospection, Qian Jing Dongshu took out the robot and toolbox and started to transform it. At three o’clock in the morning,

Maria was shyly led out by Alexandra.

“Master Dongshu, my daughter will be in your care from now on.”

Alexandra pushed, and Maria timidly walked to Qian Jing Dongshu and performed a skirt-lifting ceremony.

“Master Fuyuki… My mother asked me to stay by your side and serve you well.”

“No matter what you need, I will definitely make satisfying you my top priority.

Thinking of the secrets of the European royal boudoir that her mother had just taught her,

Maria’s cheeks flushed and she felt at a loss.

“Oh? That’s perfect, let’s start early.

Qian Jing Dongshu was in a hurry, so he took Maria to a nearby hotel and booked a room.

With a rustle, the pure and shy girl was stripped.

The oriole started to sing, and it took a long time to stop.

While the red and white were fighting, Alexandra secretly took away the royal seal and got some of the treasures hidden in Yekaterinburg.

“Most of the gold is temporarily hidden in a hidden fortress on the shore of Lake Baikal.”

“When the emperor was alive, he ordered his confidants that if anything happened to our family, they should be drowned in the lake and no one should be spared.”

“It is said that a large part of the gold that was intercepted and hidden by Japan was adulterated, but no one believed them.”

“The jewels were scattered among the grand dukes of the collateral line, but they were all staunch royalists who only recognized the seal and not the person.”

“A considerable amount of money is also kept in reputable banks in small countries such as Switzerland under pseudonyms.”

“Responsible for collecting returns on regular investments in the accounts of other overseas royal nobles, as well as managing the taxes and real estate of titles and fiefs scattered across Europe.……”

“With the death of our family, those fiefdoms and real estate will definitely be occupied by the bandits. Master Fuyuki will have to find a solution with Maria in the future.”

“Finally, there are the secret treasures in the dark rooms of the four palaces of this country. Because they are too precious and the quantity is huge, they probably dare not use them casually.”


Alexandra said a lot in bits and pieces.

What she didn’t say was already occupied by the Revolutionary Army.

Even so, Qian Jingdongshu fully felt the wealth of the Romanov royal family who ruled this land for three hundred years.

They are now on the way to the nearest military airport.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the route planned by Alexandra, which just happened to take in all the famous national museums and palaces in later generations.

Wonderful! Wonderful!

“Okay, hold on tight and I’ll take you flying!”

Grab the plane as fast as possible, let the robot help with the transformation, Alexandra and Maria help.

When both the red and white sides noticed something was wrong and wanted to intercept, this supersonic fighter that should not belong to this time and space had already taken off!

There was no decent air interception system at this time. Qian Jingdongshu had a clear goal and went straight to the first one, the British Museum!

As the first of the four oldest museums in the world, it is a glorious witness of the golden sun never setting.

There are too many spoils of war stored here, and almost every year there are blind thieves who want to steal treasures.

Even though the current British Museum is affected by the First World War and is a little turbulent, it does not affect daily exhibitions.

Before today, it has always been recognized as the world’s leading defense with strict facilities.

However, today, when a man sets foot here.

All the glory here is destined to become a joke, and the world’s most magnificent treasure display place has become history!

“Activate the violent phonograph, maximum power!”

Putting on the Magic Kaito gloves, Qian Jing Dongshu snapped his fingers.

The huge speakers produced stereo surround sound, and the sound of the violent phonograph continuously filled the entire museum.

Instantly, the patrolling security guards and tourists watching the exhibition all froze.

The next second, they all looked like zombies, with red eyes and violently smashing and killing!

Qian Jing Dongshu quietly mixed in, brought two women and the robot, and went shopping without thinking, taking whatever he saw!! (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I can’t believe it.……”

Alexandra and Maria were members of the royal family, and this was the first time they had done something so unorthodox.

The mother and daughter were dumbfounded, but holding on, they really felt excited.

Looking at these arrogant Yinglun guys who were proud of the glory of the empire, they were fighting like bulls. They just took the treasures and felt great.

“Hurry, hurry, there is still their royal treasure to be taken”[]

Qian Jing Dongshu thought this was too slow, so he added a few more mechanical arms to the robot.

At first glance, it looked like an octopus-like mechanical alien, with its claws almost waving out afterimages.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, after taking it, he threw it to the Evil Girl Island.

The Golden Palace was magnificent, but it lacked some embellishments!

“It’s them, catch him!!”

As a national museum with top security in the world, the reaction speed was fast enough.

But when the external security received the alarm and rushed in, all they saw was Qian Jingdongshu wearing spring shoes, climbing over the eaves and walls with two women and a robot, and leaping into the sky to board the plane and flying away.

“”What, what is that!!”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the latest black-and-white fantasy movies didn’t have such challenging mechanical technology! Are they really not dreaming?

All the security guards collectively doubted their lives!

This is far from over.

The British royal family, Louvre Palace, Gallic royal family, Metropolitan Museum, the still-undisintegrated Auger Empire, De Hans…

As long as Alexandra circled the treasure locations of her relatives on the map, she didn’t miss a single one!

They said they would rob all of Europe without any mercy!

They blew up everything!

The inventory was completely cleared out!

Qian Jing Dongshu wanted them to not be able to keep a single authentic item.

The dragon was invisible from head to tail, making all the Western robbers tremble in fear and see what a real thief who stole the country was!

After three days, Qian Jing Dongshu’s plane had not been tried. The map has been taken down.

He did not deliberately hide his whereabouts, but just made a small disguise.

Maria was disguised, and Alexandra simply showed her true face. (Okay)

This is the bad taste they agreed on, to make the world think that the last queen of the fighting nation came back to life for revenge.

In just three days, the portraits of the three people were presented to the desks of the royal families and those in power in all European countries.

But there was nothing they could do to them!

Because they were still fighting the first war.

They didn’t even clean up their own mess.

Join forces to intercept? Where’s the face!

They even stared at each other to find out who would be the first to create a secret weapon to deter the world with force!

So there were a few sporadic interceptions in various airspaces, and Qian Jingdongshu solved them all with the precise strikes of machine guns.

“Master Fuyuki, my body is about to collapse”

“Before that, the only thing missing was the treasures of the four palaces of the fighting nation.”

“Now they should have realized that even if others couldn’t recognize me, they would definitely recognize the queen of the last Sand Emperor!”

Alexandra’s eyes were filled with burning hatred.

“Let’s give them a grand farewell!

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