“What is this? A fighter plane!”

“Sure enough, this is the secret weapon they prepared to give us a head-on blow!!”

Misunderstanding X2.

The commanders of both sides were shocked and called a halt at the same time, and hurriedly sent people to investigate what was going on.

“Report! There are people in that plane! There is more than one person, and it seems that they are about to take off and bomb us!”

After checking the situation, the spies on both sides reported in horror!

It was already wartime, and the misunderstanding was even greater.

“Aim at that plane! Bombard it!!!”

“After we shoot this thing down as a trophy, we will drag it back to let the scientists of the organization see what is going on!”

Even if you don’t know much about the future technology, you will be dazzled by the incomparable dazzling and beautiful smooth lines of this fighter plane.

Of course, good things cannot be given to the enemy! Even if they can’t take it away, they must destroy it and break it into parts and share it!

The closer Koba got to the fighter plane, the more excited he was, and his body trembled unconsciously.

“It is truly a masterpiece of nature!”

“Incredible, this thing can really fly in the sky!”

Today’s fighter planes are still far from the aesthetics of later generations. Torpedo planes are already the latest air strike weapons.

Other imaginative concept planes are just for show. How can they be as dangerous and beautiful as Qian Jingdongshu’s plane?

“Report to your superiors immediately, I have important information!”

Koba reacted with a start, and immediately realized that this was also a good opportunity for him to make a great contribution!

No matter which force or organization created this secret weapon, since he had come across it, it was a rare opportunity!

If he could stay and strengthen the armed momentum of the organization, the bandits that had troubled him for a long time would definitely not be a problem!

At the very least, his seat would move forward, and he would intervene in the core earlier than originally planned!

Koba looked greedily at the exquisitely designed supersonic fighter.

“See if there is anyone around, block the news!”

Such a big surprise cannot be released to the outside world in advance, so as to let his ambitions go down the drain!

“Yes! Mr. Koba!”

The men immediately dispersed.

As luck would have it, they ran into the two unlucky American agents.

“Is it an American! Or an agent!”

A brave man can’t stand a group fight, not to mention that Koba has more than 30 people on his side, and even he himself is well-equipped for the plan.

“The United States?”

After checking the secret pattern on the agent’s body, Koba didn’t care.

Unlike other major powers that played an important role in the First World War, the heavyweight commander who pushed the United States to the altar has just shown his prowess and is not disabled yet.

The fighting nation has fought each other internally, and also regards itself as the top power that once looked down on Europe. After rectifying its internal affairs, it can compete with the Hans, the sun never sets.

Who would take the United States seriously, who only joined the Entente to fight a few minor wars because of its neutrality and can only make money from wars!

“Knock them out and tie them to a tree. We’ll come back and deal with them after we capture this mysterious fighter plane!”


“Maria, this is a brainwashing machine, designed to wash away the weakness and cowardice in your character and amplify your perseverance.”

“You just need to sit in it and take a nap. When you come out, the whole world will be different for you.”

The brainwashing machine was built. Qian Jingdongshu brought Maria over and said

“This, will it really not disturb my memory and make me forget about Fuyuki-sama and my mother?”

“Of course not, just treat it as a minor operation.”

Maria nodded,”Then I’ll do whatever you say.”

She sat in the machine, and Qian Jingdongshu raised his hand to beckon Katyusha to take over.

From now on, Maria and Katyusha will have to adapt to life without him.

In the next eighty years, they will depend on each other.

Qian Jingdongshu also set up an online self-update program for Katyusha, which will independently choose the direction of transformation based on the current world’s top technological level.

It doesn’t have much intelligence, but it is absolutely loyal and can protect Maria’s safety and take care of her daily life.

Scan her physical condition data anytime and anywhere.

Worried that the parts can’t keep up, the world technology tree will point to a nuclear explosion, which will threaten Maria.

Qian Jingdongshu prepared a universal toolbox and temporarily borrowed it to bind it, and then directly update the nuclear weapons.

Wait until eighty years later, when the magicians at the end of the century meet again, and then take the toolbox back.

Just as Qian Jingdongshu was making preparations for teaching in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, the alarm bells rang wildly in the fighter plane, and a red light

【Warning! Warning! Enemy attack!

Qian Jingdongshu’s full alertness was triggered on the spot!

Without thinking, he turned back and threw it to Maria, which was a 100% success!

No accidents can disturb Maria’s brainwashing transformation!

Then, he squinted his eyes and walked out, wanting to see which blind characters came to provoke him at this time.

“Unexpectedly, they failed to break the defense of that plane. They continued to shoot!!”

Bang, bang, bang!

A series of cannon shots and gunfire rang out.

Smoke billowed from two directions. Qian Jingdongshu understood at a glance.

“So I was shot even when I was lying down?”

Choosing a place to stay in the wilderness can be dragged into the battle of the fighting nations?

He laughed in anger, and felt even more speechless.

Three days must be left for Maria to teach her how to become the one who can survive the war, to comfort her mentality and let her firmly move forward towards her goal.

How can the United States have the time to waste on these little shrimps?

“System, activate the Earth Grip!

Qian Jingdongshu sneered.

【Please host to choose the target to use!】

【Once again, a friendly reminder, this skill indiscriminately anchors everyone in this time and space, please choose carefully!

Qian Jing Dongshu felt that this reminder was a bit strange, and he was too lazy to think about it. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He just buried the person who blindly bombed his plane in front of him.

It’s all over, and there is no news to the outside world. God knows what he did here. Did n’t there often legends in the past about ghost planes and ghost ships that disappeared mysteriously during World War I and World War II?

“The target is now greedy for the fighter plane and wants to harm me, Maria and Alexandra.

Qian Jing Dongshu said in a general way.[]

By the way, we can clear up those troubles that are lingering in Europe.

Next second!

【Determine the target group to use, and release the skill! 】

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The earth cracked open with terrible cracks, and terrifying black holes on the surface were quickly formed.

The two camps that were constantly bombarding, the ambitious Koba, and even the outside world had different opinions, and the bigwigs who coveted the supersonic fighter

【The Earth’s Grip, Devour! 】

Amidst the mad shaking of the earth, the entire valley was swallowed up by a giant black hole.

Outside, everyone looked at the big guys in horror, as if they were being dragged into the bottomless black hole by the claws of the devil from hell.

Some were giving passionate speeches.

Some were still running around on the battlefield.

Some were still on patrol.

One by one, their bodies perished.

Even if the most advanced technology was used to investigate these black holes, they were destined to be determined to be sinkholes, and nothing would be found!!

【Ding!! Warning!! Warning!!】

【Most of the people related to World War II were erased, which seriously affected the course of the world!】

【Please, host, remedy this as soon as possible!

Qian Jingdongshu was just looking at the huge black pit in front of him with satisfaction, which was comparable to the Kola Super Deep Borehole. He was immediately stunned when he heard this.

“Earth Grip can be performed outside my sight! ?”

【Yes, please remedy it immediately!!】

Seeing that the science was about to collapse before it even started.

Qian Jing Dongshu took a breath and scratched his head.

“It seems like this is a bit too much.”

Although I don’t care about the historical process of such a two-dimensional world, I can let Butterfly take away World War II at once…

Qian Jingdongshu checked his backpack and found a magical item!

“Got it! The Investiture of the Gods Free of War Card!”

The red eyes instantly lit up!

Since we can’t fight, then don’t fight!

Global Free of War!!

Let’s sing and dance together to spend the next eighty years smoothly. Wouldn’t it be good to make him the mascot of the plot background?

“System, use the prop Fengshenbang exemption card!”

“Anchoring the entire world, no matter what form of war, conflicts with more than 10,000 people, bloodshed and casualties are forcibly prohibited!”Within 10,000 people, they can do whatever they want, but this can turn into a meat grinder, and he can’t do anything about it.

In order to kill some well-known disgusting characters in World War II, he locked all the violent phonographs in the artifact box of Neon Tianhuang. The high-precision password lock on the artifact box will be connected to Katyusha and update the password at any time. No one can destroy it and open it, and can only be poisoned by the violent magic sound.

In other words, if he hadn’t taken it back personally, according to the tradition of worshiping ghosts and artifacts during festivals, the two successive Tianhuangs would have died collectively with their loyal ministers.

With the exemption from war, all large-scale gunpowder smoke is prohibited.

“Now, Maria’s revenge is not a problem.”After

Qian Jingfuyu used the exemption card, he went back to teach Maria.

Time and space have changed. What does the whole big butterfly have to do with him continuing to brush the plot of science after the First World War?

Three days passed in a flash.

Maria, who had been reborn, had tears in her eyes and watched Qian Jingfuyu leave with Katyusha.

“No need to see me off, I’m leaving! See you in eighty years!”

The time flow is over!

Qian Jing Dongshu waved to them and disappeared in the time tunnel.

“Let’s go, Katyusha.”

Maria wiped away her tears and watched Master Fuyuki dismantle the fighter plane and transform Katyusha with the strongest weapons and universal toolbox.

“The great Catherine the Great once said that if she were given two hundred years, all of Europe would prostrate itself at her feet!”

“I have you, the guidance of Master Fuyuki, and a world without war for eighty years.……”

“Enough to take over the entire European territory one by one and present it to him!!”

At this moment, the ambition of the Romanov royal family and the blood of the fighting nation in her body were completely mobilized.

Maria, who had lost her lover, had a flame burning in her eyes that would burn down Europe.

“At all costs, revenge and restoration of the country! Go for it!”

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