Everyone went back to their rooms to settle down.

Qian Jingfuyu and Kujo Reiko closed the door and made sure there was no surveillance.

Then they put down their things and started to collect clues.

Kujo Reiko tried her best to ignore the big bed that was so noticeable and quietly opened the manual.

“I don’t know if you have noticed, Mr. Fuyuki, that old lady Mamiya’s legs are not normal.

Qian Jing Fuyuki sat down beside her.

“He doesn’t look like he has been sitting in a wheelchair for many years and has become too atrophied, right?”

The heat from the man made Kujo Reiko’s cheeks hot and her mind drifted away.

But because of his pleasant smell, she softened her body and did not refuse.

Qian Jingfuyu’s test was successful, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his voice was magnetic and low again.

“I also found that although she was very thin, her arms were strong and she was very agile when pushing the wheelchair.”

“This is too strange for an old Basang who is unable to walk, stays in a wheelchair and lacks exercise.”

“Also, even if you want to sound weak when speaking, you still have enough energy to leave a deep echo.……”

He pinched his chin and chuckled.

“This Mamiya family has a lot of secrets.”

Kujo Reiko’s ears were red, and she looked at him in amazement.

“Dongshu-kun is indeed as powerful as the rumors say.”

“At present, it seems that there is no major problem for Mamiya Takashi and Mamiya Mitsuru”

“I plan to start my investigation around the most suspicious old lady next.”

At this time, the excited voice of 05 Sanxiao came from the corridor outside.

“Look, from this angle the entire chessboard is clearly visible!”

“Ah, there is a large tennis court over there! Shall we go down and play tennis later?”

Qian Jingfuyu and Kujo Reiko listened to the children’s words and walked to the window.


At this time, Xiao Ai came in from the door. She jumped to the windowsill, intentionally or unintentionally separating Qian Jing Dong Shu and Kujo Reiko.

Today, she was inexplicably possessive, and she just wanted to be closer to Qian Jing Dong Shu, so she kept showing off. She always wanted to be better than other women of unknown origin.

Xiao Ai snorted and glanced at the surprised Kujo Reiko, looking at Qian Jing Dong Shu

“Did you also solve the chess riddle below?”

“For a genius like you, you should be able to understand the answer to the riddle in just one glance.”

Kujo Reiko couldn’t believe it.

“Dongshu-kun, is what this child said true?”

She boasted of her talent and intelligence, and she fought against so many cunning and treacherous criminals in the court, and she could even fight against Eri Kisaki, but she couldn’t see the clues!

“Ah, this mystery is quite boring. I will keep it secret for now and solve it together after catching the real murderer.

Qian Jing Dongshu blinked and kept it a secret.

“Then Fuyuki-kun, I’ll have to trouble you to help me again later.”

Kujo Reiko was curious and also had a strong desire to win.

Since Fuyuki-kun was so far ahead, she had to catch up and not let him look down on her.

“How does Lingzi want me to help? Qian Jingdongshu was curious.

“Let’s go play tennis together~”

Kujo Reiko smiled shyly and took out a skirt that was convenient for exercise.

“I had already found out before coming here. I was planning to stay here for a few more days as an adventure traveler.”

“If Dongshu-kun is my opponent, and we fight until we are sweating profusely, then if I temporarily leave the sight of the people in the castle and act alone, such as coming back to take a shower, it will definitely not arouse suspicion.”

Oh, that’s a really good excuse.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes lit up.

He likes to fight with beautiful women the most, and beat them until they are sweating profusely.

“So what are we waiting for, let’s go together.”

Xiao Ai found that she was ignored and couldn’t help puffing up her cheeks in anger.

“Useless detective, why can’t you solve the case?”

“Wait, I want to go pick up the ball with you guys.”

Ai, who was obsessed with Fuyuki, didn’t go with the detective team.

This led to Conan being the first to discover the mechanism. After he triggered it, he entered the secret passage, and the children were panicked.

“Conan suddenly disappeared!”

“Could it be true that, as that Mamiya noble brother said, there is a ghost in the castle! ?”

“What the hell, don’t forget that Conan has the detective badge I made for him.”

Dr. Agasa came out from behind and said proudly.

He pressed down his glasses.

“Yoshi, I just need to look for him now and lock his position.”

Just after knocking Conan unconscious with a stick, Xiao Hei came out of the secret passage and approached them:!!!

Before the little red dot on Dr. Agasa’s glasses appeared,

Conan’s blood-stained hat suddenly swayed in front of him.


Dr. Agasa’s heart tightened immediately!

He didn’t care about the children and rushed to the bloody hat.


Xiao Hei wanted to knock Dr. Agasa down with a stick like before.

Who knew that before it fell, it seemed to hit his forehead, making his brain buzz.

“What’s going on?”

Little Black’s eyes were full of stars, unbelievable!

“Shinichi’s hat, where is he!”

Dr. Agasa has bent down to pick up the hat, and continues to press his glasses tremblingly.

Xiao Hei didn’t care about his head being heavy, and hurriedly took out a syringe to inject it!

Dr. Agasa rushed.

Xiao Hei’s eyes were spinning, and he used his last consciousness to close the secret door, and also rushed.(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time on the tennis court,

Qian Jingdongshu had received the system pop-up box and suddenly felt funny.

“I didn’t expect that this time, Xiao Hei would be so stupid as to attack the doctor first.”

Although he had to follow the plot, he let it go a lot, but Dr. Agasa’s anti-injury attribute was full.

Whatever injury he suffered, the opponent would also suffer. Both sides lost.[]

In this case, if Xiao Hei doesn’t die now, he will be tortured to death by himself.

“Haibara-san!! Wow, Conan and the professor are gone!!”

“What should we do? Are you with Brother Dongshu? Can you let him come back? We are so scared!!”

The detective badges on Xiaoai’s side suddenly quarreled.

Xiaoai frowned and said to herself,”It’s troublesome.”

That unlucky detective, who was irresponsible for bringing people here, actually disappeared first.

After all, she couldn’t leave a few children alone in a strange place. She looked at Qian Jing Dongshu

“I’ll go back and see”

“Okay, Xiao Ai, you go.”

Qian Jing Dongshu deliberately raised his chin to her, suggesting that extraordinary measures should be used in extraordinary times.

Xiao Ai is now full of martial virtues, even though she is small.

The guy who wanted to kill Yuan Zi last time is now dead without a trace.

Xiao Ai felt warm in her heart, nodded to him, and ran away

“”Fuyuki-kun! It’s your turn to serve~”

Kujo Reiko took a breather and took a break, feeling that the performance was not real enough.

She lifted her skirt and wiped the sweat off her face, not noticing Qian Jingfuyuki’s eyes lit up.

Although the weather was gloomy, her fair and plump features were as dazzling as the sun.

“Okay! Reiko, you have to be careful~”

Qian Jingfuyu deliberately served the ball outward!

The tennis ball swept out a strong wind and passed through the net. In the shocked eyes of Kujo Reiko, the racket was directly hit away, and the whole hem of her skirt was lifted up


Jiujo Reiko blushed and hurriedly pressed down her skirt.

“Dongshu-kun, your serve is too fast. I won’t continue the challenge.”

“I’ll go back and wash up first, you can come back later.”

Kujo Reiko gave Qian Jing Dongshu a look, asking him to try to delay the gaze of the people in the castle.

“Just leave it to me.”

Zen Jing Dongshu smiled wickedly. He deliberately didn’t remind her that even if she was a beautiful woman, he would have to pay her enough if she asked him for help.

How could just pretending to be a girlfriend be enough?

Today, this unyielding and charming lady from the Inspection Office would be completely defeated.

Ai found that she had underestimated the difficulty of raising children.

Each one was more capable than the other.

It was like a greedy glutton hiding in the castle.

There were traps everywhere, swallowing up one after another.

Conan was fine, but Dr. Agasa was missing even though he was so old?

This was not the end. Genta and Mitsuhiko inexplicably separated from the group and disappeared while walking.

In the end, only Ayumi clung to her tightly, shaking constantly.

“Xiao, Xiao Ai, this is what brother Fuyuki calls you, right?”

“Are we all going to die?”

“Then can you tell me, are you also with Brother Dongshu?”

“I feel like you and I look at Brother Dongshu with the same eyes. You must like him very much, right?”Are children nowadays so perceptive?

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth.

“Yes, I am with him, that lazy, yet irresistible bastard.”

“Yoshida, you……”

“Call me Ayumi! Woo, it would be too tragic if you were still so strange to me before you die.”

Ayumi hugged Xiaoai’s arm tightly, about to cry.

Xiaoai had no choice but to follow her.

“Okay, Ayumi, if we can’t find anyone anywhere, let’s go directly to Jiaota over there.”

“I feel that all the mysteries will be solved there.”

The two girls leaned on each other and came to Jiaota hand in hand.

Xiao Ai turned back and said before opening the door.

“You count down to 300. If I don’t come out on time, you run out as soon as possible and find Qian Jingdongshu.

Although I have enough weapons to protect myself, it’s better to be prepared just in case.


“Stop talking so much, go!”

Xiao Ai said, turned on the flashlight on her watch, and walked into the darkness without looking back.

At this time, a tall Xiao Hei opened his eyes wide and watched the prey walk into the trap.

He pulled down the mechanism.


Xiao Ai’s heart trembled, and she turned back suddenly!

Her pupils reflected a huge iron cage falling from the sky, locking her in it!

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