“Son-in-law? Mr. Mamiya, what’s going on? Qian

Jingdongshu’s face darkened and he asked unhappily.

Mamiya Mitsuru hurriedly wanted to explain, but he heard the young Mamiya nobleman snort coldly.

“That’s what you heard.”

“My mother had two husbands, and this father is my stepfather.

Then he introduced himself seriously.

“My name is Mamiya Takato, and I am the only male of the third generation of the Mamiya family.”

“This is my grandmother, also my grandmother, the real head of the Mamiya family.”

The 83-year-old old lady Mamiya Masuyo seemed to be exhausted, with her eyelids drooping.

“Hello everyone, I’m sorry to have embarrassed you due to my family misfortune.”

“Your mother, the lady of this house is……”

Qian Jingfuyuki asked

“My mother died in a fire many years ago, along with her servants and old friends who came to visit my grandmother.”

Mamiya’s expression darkened, and he pointed to the dark and chilling tower not far away.

“It is there, because a servant accidentally walked there and lost his way, and starved to death in the mountains. There have been rumors that my mother’s wronged spirit lingers there.”

“No, my daughter must still miss me, her wife, Sanjiulingzi, and she wants to come back to see me.

Mamiya Masuyo suddenly started to grumble.

She pushed her wheelchair back in dissatisfaction.

“You all said she was dead, but I think she is alive and well.”

The old lady’s trembling voice echoed in the cold wind.

Dr. Agasa and the three members of the Junior Detective Team all felt a little uncomfortable.

“What a spooky look.”

“It’s obvious that the old woman has suffered a mental shock. She’s not normal.”

Ai frowned, and felt her pockets. The gun given to her by Qian Jingdongshu and her own poison were all there, so she felt relieved.

Qian Jingdongshu and Kujo Reiko looked at each other, and they noticed a detail at the same time.

“Nene, since the castle is not under the control of Mamiya Mitsuru, then wouldn’t it be a waste for Fuyuki and us to come here?”

Conan asked sharply.

Mamiya Mitsuru was so embarrassed that he broke out in a cold sweat.

“This… Dongshu-kun, please listen to my explanation.

Qian Jing Dongshu ignored him and looked at Mamiya Noble

“Since you are the heir to the Mamiya family, what do you think we should do?”

“My time is precious and cannot be wasted like this.”

His eyes were dangerous, as if he would not mind using rough means if the Mamiya family did not give a satisfactory answer today.

Facing the terrifying pressure, Mamiya Takato immediately broke out in a sweat. He quickly bowed and apologized.

“Uh, Fuyuki-kun is really a fool, and his father is just out of his mind.”

“He put the castle up for sale online just to fish”

“In order to get the treasure that my grandfather left in the castle, he deliberately used a low price to trick people into coming.”

“If you want to buy the castle at a discount, you have to solve the mystery left by your grandfather. Otherwise, because there is a treasure hidden in it, if you can’t solve the mystery, you can only sell it at twice the market price.”

“All the people who came before gave up because they couldn’t solve the mystery. Who would have thought that it would be you who came this time?”


Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and looked at Mamiya Man, whose eyes flickered wildly and bowed his head in guilt and smiled.

“From this point of view, you are quite smart. You won’t lose anything. You can also get the treasure answer and real estate money for free.”

“So, father, please don’t show off your skills in front of a powerful person like Fuyuki-kun.

Mamiya Takato glared at his stepfather angrily.

“Who can’t see your ridiculous plan? You’d better go in quickly and don’t embarrass yourself.”

Speaking of this, Mamiya nobleman gritted his teeth again and forced a smile to Qian Jing Dongshu:

“Since you are Mr. Fuyuki, you will definitely solve the mystery. My Mamiya family will not take any of the treasure, and will give it all to you as compensation.”

This kid! He made all my plans go wrong!

Mamiya was furious.

But who told him to be a son-in-law who stayed in the castle after his wife died? How could he be unpopular ?

He left in a huff.

Qian Jing Fuyuki sneered and pondered in his heart.

This noble Mamiya is still holding on to luck. It seems that he doesn’t know what kind of big pit his grandfather left for them.

Buying a castle? Wrong! He came here for free from the beginning.

“Judicial reform, so spectacular!”

“The lawns are trimmed into grids.”

“Ah, what is this horse head sculpture? There are many here!”

The three children stood in the courtyard with their mouths wide open in curiosity.

Qian Jingdongshu, Kujo Reiko and Xiao Ai stood in the middle.

“Chess? Your Mamiya family’s lawn is very stylish.”

Mamiya Takato hurriedly introduced with a smile

“This was all planned by my long-dead grandfather himself. He said it was related to the treasure riddle, so it has not changed over the years.”

“I have to go look after my grandma now. Excuse me, everyone.”

“Katsuo Tabata, come here and tell us the history of our Mamiya family.

The middle-aged gardener in overalls, a cap, and a reserved demeanor hurried over.

“Hi, all the distinguished guests, please follow me.”

Tabata Katsuo, just as the plot, talked about the wife who died in the fire and the marriage history of her two husbands.

She also said that she and her late husband Sadaki had a ridiculous argument about the old man.

“Madam used to complain that Master Zhenzhao only had eyes for his intellectual father who was full of twisted ideas. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Marrying into the family was just to facilitate her to explore history with the master, and she was ignored.……”

Qian Jingfuyu and the others looked at the huge portraits in the hall one by one.

While listening, Kujo Reiko took out her notebook and kept recording something.

“Hey, who is this lady?”

Tabata Katsuo thought her behavior was a little strange and couldn’t help asking[]

“Oh, she is my female companion, Miss Kujo Reiko. Qian

Jingfuyu said, looking at the beauty beside him teasingly.

Kujo Reiko blushed and reacted quickly, shyly taking Qian Jingfuyu’s arm.

“Search~ I am Dong Shujun’s new love, and I came here to have a romantic date trip with him to the castle in the mountains”

“oh oh……”

Katsuo Tabata was stunned for a moment, thinking that the rumors were indeed true, this Qian Jing Fuyuki really was a romantic man wherever he went.

Dr. Agasa and others also tactfully did not expose him, and silently cooperated with the work of the beautiful prosecutor.

Conan went around investigating alone as usual.

Xiao Ai looked at the intimacy between Qian Jing Fuyuki and Kujo Reiko, her eyes flashed, and she walked to the wall with her hands behind her back.

“Ah~ Didn’t you notice that there’s something wrong with the dust on the wall


“With so many huge portraits, even if the castle has only a few servants, they should be able to take care of them regularly.”

“Why does it look like no one has paid attention to it for a long time? There is a thick layer of dust on it.”

As soon as the words fell, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Oh, right! It’s really strange.”

The three little ones came running over, and Conan looked up at the giant portrait that occupied the entire wall, thinking.

The original plot didn’t have this. Is Ai really anxious?

Qian Jingfuyu thought of the dependence effect of the nesting heat buff, and his eyebrows raised in joy.

He walked over and rubbed Ai, and turned back to ask Katsuo Tabata in confusion.

“What’s with all this dust?”

“It was the old lady’s idea. She wanted everything in the castle to remain the same as when the old master was alive.

Tabata Katsuo scratched his head.

“Speaking of which, there are still many places in the castle that have not been cleaned.”

“Because there have been no guests for many years, there are only three guest rooms that have been cleaned up temporarily, so please make do with them.”

Miya Mitsuru has been tossing around for so long, and has invited so many people to guess the riddle, but nothing has been found.

Tabata Katsuo and other servants have long been accustomed to it, thinking that Qian Jingfuyuki and others will stay for a day or two at most.

Qian Jingfuyuki looked at the group of people around him, big and small.

“Since the rooms are limited, I will allocate them.”

“The doctor looked at the boys and said,”Ayumi and Ai will live in the middle, and Reiko and I will live next door to them so that we can take care of each other.”

Dr. Agasa and the Junior Detectives accepted it well, and Ayumi and Ai had no objection.

Only Reiko Kujo was shocked.

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun and I are in the same room?”

“Yes, Reiko, we are a couple after all~”

Qian Jingfuyu emphasized the word”a couple” and smiled.

“How can we do something embarrassing between lovers in front of the children?”

“You don’t want to hide from me and sleep in a separate room, do you?”

Kujo Reiko’s delicate and gentle face flushed red, and she was in a panic.

Not good, she seemed to have walked into Fuyuki-kun’s trap without knowing it.

But now, she still had to rely on him and continue to investigate the case in secret.

Kujo Reiko knew she was going into the wolf’s mouth, her cheeks were covered with pink clouds, but she still nodded helplessly.

“Ah, then we should stay in the same room. It’s just that my sleeping posture is not good, please bear with me, Fuyuki-kun.”

“Bad sleeping posture? That’s easy.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled even brighter.

“Gardener, you guys must have a big bed in such a big castle, so just change the bed for us little couples.”

“If it’s inconvenient to move, I can move it myself.”

Jiujo Reiko’s face turned even redder, and her swan neck was covered with a layer of rice color, her ears were as red as blood, and she almost bit her tongue.

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, it doesn’t have to be like this, two beds will do.……”

“Hey, yes, yes, why are you being so polite to me, Reiko?

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled until his eyes narrowed, and that was the final word.

No, this is all possible!?

This operation was so amazing that even a gardener like Tabata Katsuo, who had never seen the world, was stunned.

Dr. Agasa, Conan, and Xiao Ai also looked away, and at the same time, their eyes half-mooned.

“He really tried hard to swallow this prosecutor in one bite.”

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