“Brother Fuyuki!! Xiao Ai, she is missing like everyone else!”

Ayumi ran over out of breath. Qian Jing Fuyuki saw that the time was almost up. He checked the system and found that Xiao Ai was still fine, even looking very excited.

Qian Jing Fuyuki touched Ayumi’s head.

“Don’t be anxious, tell me slowly.”

Ayumi hurriedly told what happened.

At the end, she said worriedly:”What should we do? Everyone seems to have been eaten by the castle!”

“Aren’t there me and your sister Lingzi here?”

“Have dinner first, I promise to solve it tonight, and we will go back tomorrow morning.”

Ayumi was still very anxious, but when she met Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes, she nodded.

“Then, I will listen to Brother Fuyuki.

Qian Jing Fuyuki took Ayumi back to the castle.

Kujo Reiko changed into casual clothes and seemed to have just walked out of the bathroom.

She wiped her wet hair and smiled at Qian Jing Fuyuki.

“I’m ready, you can go in now, Dongshu-kun.”

The investigation is over, and the evidence of the case is in hand.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled maliciously, and it was time for him to collect his reward.

“Okay, wait for me to come out, and we’ll talk slowly while we eat.”

Kujo Reiko met his gaze, and her body felt hot unconsciously.

Her pretty face turned red, and she quickly turned aside, thinking that she was still sweating after the activity.

She waved her hand unnaturally to fan herself.

“Wait, Fuyuki-kun, where are the others?”

Kujo Reiko felt strange, why was there so much silence around her all of a sudden.

Ayumi drooped her face.

“Mina and her were originally together, but this castle is so spooky, it eats people!”


Kujo Reiko’s expression became serious for a moment, then she gently picked up Bu Mei.

“Don’t be afraid, Ayumi. Sister will get to the bottom of the case soon.”

“Hey, Reiko, are you and Fuyuki in sync? Why do you say the same thing?

Ayumi’s face was full of surprise.

“Red Bean? Did Fuyuki-kun say that too?”

Kujo Reiko was startled, and then her unyielding fighting spirit began to burn again.

“Then I have to be faster.”

At dinner time,

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, why aren’t the old man and the children here?”

Mamiya Noble had someone prepare a table full of dishes, but there was nothing in front of him.

Qian Jingfuyuki, who had asked Ayumi to stay in the room obediently, looked calm.

“I don’t know, maybe he went on an adventure somewhere, maybe he will show up soon”

“By the way, where is your stepfather?”He looked at the empty seat opposite.

Mamiya Takato was stunned again.

“Eh? Come to think of it, I haven’t seen my father since this afternoon.”

“Ahem, I asked Aman to go out and buy something for me. Maybe he was lazy again.

Mamiya Masudairo pushed the wheelchair and wore a fancy Western-style mesh hat on his head. He said gloomily.

“Grandma, what happened to your head?.?”Mamiya Takato looked strange

“This is the hat my daughter gave me. She said it looks good when I put it on.”

Mamiya Masudairo said impatiently, with a more eerie tone.

“Anyway, it’s raining now, so it’s hard to find someone for a while.”

“Why not wait for my daughter to send them back? She has been helpful since she was a child.

“Grandma! Wake up and don’t scare the guests.”

Then he whispered to Qian Jing Dongshu and Kujo Reiko:

“The last time my grandmother had a hysterical attack was the day the manservant disappeared.”

“Who knew that the person was found starved to death in the forest, and she had always thought that my mother had sent him back.”

Zen Jing Dongshu and Kujo Reiko looked at each other.

It was already obvious who the murderer was who had been deliberately creating confusion.

How could a dead person be resurrected? Even if there was a ghost, how could it be kind enough to send someone back?

The person who spread this big lie was the criminal who was scheming and trying to cover up the truth!

“Madam, according to the information Dongshu-kun found, you are already 83 years old.”

“Your husband died young, and there is no one to take care of you. Don’t you feel lonely?”

Kujo Reiko suddenly spoke. Mamiya Masuyo closed her eyes.

“After so many years, the size of passports and coins will change, and people will gradually get used to it.”

“Besides, I can take care of myself, so why do I need so many people around me to bother me?

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled strangely at this time.

“Oh? Madam, you never leave the house, right? How did you know the size of the passport has changed?”

Mamiya Masudairo’s hand trembled, and his words flickered unconsciously.

“It was A-Man again. He was so cunning that he wanted to trick me into going abroad to travel, and he often used his passport to harass me.”

“What do you mean, young man?”

“Are you doubting my old woman about something?”

Kujo Reiko’s beautiful eyes sparkled, seizing the rhythm like a court.

“Madam, we don’t mean to be rude.”

“I just think that you are so old now, if you fall, or when you are old, it will be more embarrassing.”

“You only have a son-in-law and a grandson of the next generation around you. Isn’t it inconvenient?”

Qian Jingfuyu also stared at Mamiya Masuyo.

“Also, the old lady has been guarding the castle for so many years, without a confidant around her, and it is inconvenient for her to walk, but she has been able to protect the huge family business from being sold by people like Mamiya Mitsuru. She has made great contributions.”

At this moment, even Mamiya Nobleman could hear that the tone of the words was not right.

He frowned and looked at his grandmother, then at Qian Jing Dongshu, and chose to wait and see.

Qian Jing Dongshu continued

“I just checked the Internet on my mobile phone and found out that your grandson just came back from abroad not long ago.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That is to say, after your daughter left, only the son-in-law stayed in the castle to accompany you.”

“How did you manage a tall, strong, healthy man like him so well that his servants dared not resist you?”

Mamiya Masuyo’s pupils shrank, and she looked at him and Kujo Reiko angrily.

“Of course, that’s because A-man is more respectful and filial to me, his mother-in-law, than his own son!”

“I don’t like servants to get close to me, so relying on him and the noble is enough!”[]

“It’s so rude. Young people nowadays are like this.���How do you talk to your elders?”

“I don’t want to eat anymore! Don’t send me midnight snacks either!”

He said, and hurriedly pushed his wheelchair away.

“Grandma!” Mamiya Nobuto was stunned and hurriedly stood up to call her.

Qian Jingfuyu called out:”Mamiya Masuyo?”

Mamiya Masuyo didn’t look back as if she was angry


Mamiya Masuyo’s face suddenly became extremely terrifying, and she turned back suddenly!


The flash went off.

Qian Jingfuyu took a photo of her with his mobile phone.

“Tsk tsk, the expression is scary. I just called out to her casually, why is the old lady so nervous?”

“I feel a bit guilty! Could it be that I just happen to know someone named Nishikawa?”

“I happened to invent a piece of software called Tianluodiwang, which is best at finding people based on bone structure.”

“If you have a lost relative, I can find them for you with just a few clicks of my fingers.”

Mamiya Masuyo;!!!

Behind her small glasses, the dark and cruel murderous intent was about to be out of control!

“That boy, you better be careful at night. My daughter is the only one missing.”

“It would be scary if she couldn’t sleep at night and looked for someone everywhere.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled brightly.

“‘Then you don’t have to worry about it, after all, my car has an external alarm system”

“If anything happens to me, the car will automatically alert the outside world.”

Kujo Reiko also seemed very scared and held the phone tightly.

“What should I do? I just talked to my family.”

“If they were lost in the mountains like that servant, they would definitely come to find me first.”

Mamiya Masuyo’s heartbeat was like a 180-mile race.

These two people! They were clearly well prepared!

No matter what, they can’t be allowed to live!

It seems that this is the only way…

Mamiya Masuyo’s sinister eyes fell on the candlelight on the dining table.

The back of his hand that was pinching the wheelchair armrest was bulging with hideous blue veins!

But in the next second, he heard Qian Jing Dongshu say:

“Oh, by the way, I have something important to do tomorrow, so I have to solve the mystery tonight.

She was startled and let go of my hand.

“What? Fuyuki-kun, you have solved it?”

Mamiya Noble was also extremely shocked. Kujo

Reiko was full of admiration.

“Tell us now, Fuyuki-kun~”

“No hurry, at least wait until my companions arrive.”

Zen Jing Fuyuki smiled and looked at Mamiya Masuyo

“Madam, isn’t that right?”

“Haha, then I have to wish you a good dream in advance.”

Mamiya Masuyo smiled strangely, as if the unpleasantness just now had not happened, and explained to his grandson in a friendly manner

“Bring the mushroom soup I asked someone to prepare for the two distinguished guests.”

“Unless the answer to the riddle is revealed tonight (yes), don’t bother me.”

Mamiya nobly agreed.

As filial as he was, he waved his hand and asked the servant to bring the soup without any doubt.

“Why does this soup look like it has hallucinogens added to it?”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked down and raised his eyebrows.

Mamiya Takato was startled.

“That’s impossible. How could my servants pick poisonous mushrooms?”

“I also believe that the old lady will not harm us.”

Kujo Reiko stretched out her hand, gently pinched Qian Jingdongshu’s palm, and made a lip shape at an angle that no one could see.

“”No venture, no gain.”

Then, this beautiful prosecutor, who was willing to risk everything to solve the case, really drank the soup in one breath just to get the key evidence.

“Um, I feel dizzy.……”

After a bowl of soup, Kujo Reiko was caught as expected.

“What’s going on? I drank it too.”

Mamiya stood up in panic, looking at his bowl in disbelief.

Qian Jingfuyu smiled and embraced the limp beautiful prosecutor.

“It’s okay, she drank a glass of red wine in advance and got drunk, I’ll take her to sober her up.” He quickly took the people back and closed the door.

There were only two of them left.

Kujo Reiko opened her beautiful eyes, pulled Qian Jingdongshu’s collar directly, and exhaled like orchids.

“Fuyuki-kun, today, Eri Kisaki and I have to compete with each other.……”

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