“Aren’t you the famous Zeniu Fuyuki?”

Kujo Reiko was also surprised when she saw Zeniu Fuyuki’s face.

Then she asked in amazement,”How do you know me?”

“Of course, you are the unyielding heartthrob of the prosecutor’s office, the Madonna of the legal world.”

“As Eri’s most valued opponent, how could I not know?”

Zen Jing Dongshu said with a smile.

It would be fine if Ki Eri was not mentioned, but once she was mentioned, Kujo Reiko’s expression changed.

From a melancholy and gentle, beautiful woman with a peaceful life, she instantly turned into an aggressive female lawyer in the court.

Behind her was like a blazing fire.

“Oh, I forgot this. You are standing behind Kisaki Eri now~ah.”

People all say that Zeni Ai Fuyuki started as a landlord on Mika Street and that he lived with Kisaki Eri at first. Kujo

Reiko, who has always been strong, looked at Zeni Ai Fuyuki, and her desire to challenge him was stirring.

If it was a man that her enemies in her life could not resist, she would like him to feel the taste of defeat.

Wouldn’t this be a disguised way of defeating Kisaki Eri!

Kujo Reiko held up her���The beautiful hair on the side, suddenly smiling like a flower

“Mr. Dongshu, since we meet by chance, can I borrow your car?”

“My car has a flat tire, but the Blue Castle is still a long way from here.……”

She bit her red lips in embarrassment, and looked at him pleadingly with her beautiful eyes.

Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t know what this beautiful prosecutor was thinking.

But she looked at him with fighting spirit.

He smiled secretly but didn’t expose her, pretending to be surprised.

“So prosecutor Kujo is also going to the Blue Castle? That’s the same trip.”

“Don’t be polite to me, Fuyuki-kun, just call me Reiko~”

Kujo Reiko said with a smile.

Ai and Ayumi watched Qian Jingfuyuki and her chatting in a lively atmosphere.

They felt a little uncomfortable.

“This prosecutor sister is so attractive, does Dongshu brother like this?”Ayumi was worried.

“Humph, it’s all that guy’s fault. I knew he’d be the cause of trouble. The trip has just started and he’s brought bad luck.”

Ai threw a stone into the river in a depressed tone, staring at Conan from behind.

At this moment, she seemed to be considering whether to kick him down.

Conan felt a chill on his back!

He hurriedly looked at the sky.

“Ah, it seems to be raining, Brother Fuyuki, let’s go to the castle quickly”

“You, Mitsuhiko Genta, the doctor, and all the beauties can take my car.

Qian Jingfuyu arranged it without hesitation.

Everyone else accepted it without objection.

Kujo Reiko was so flattered that she smiled with her hands covering her lips.

“Fuyuki-kun is really sweet-talker, no wonder women like him so much, even Kisaki Eri couldn’t escape your clutches”

“I have other sweet spots. Reiko, spend more time with me and you will naturally fall in love with me.”

Qian Jing Dongshu started the car teasingly, with a hint of meaning.

Is she being teased?

Kujo Reiko’s cheeks blushed slightly.

However, as a legal Madonna, she has encountered all kinds of difficult criminals, so she is confident to accept the challenge.

After being amazed at the hovercraft like everyone else, Kujo Reiko couldn’t help but wonder about Qian Jing Dongshu’s purpose of going to the castle.

“Why did Dongshu-kun come all the way to this deep forest and castle?”

“I saw the sale information online. I was interested in collecting old houses, so I came to take a look. What about you, Reiko?” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qian Jing Dongshu asked. Kujo Reiko didn’t want to tell him everything.

But when she met his burning eyes, she inexplicably told him her purpose.

“I’m here to investigate an old case.”

“The teacher who introduced me to the industry took over the fire incident of this castle and found many suspicious points. However, because the family members kept asking for a low-key withdrawal of the case, the file could only be put aside.”

“Many years later, a servant in the castle suddenly reported the case again, saying that he had found the key clue that the fire was not accidental, but someone deliberately set it on fire.”

“When my teacher wanted to investigate further, the male servant disappeared mysteriously. When he was found, he had starved to death in the forest. It was suspected that he was silenced.”

“This further proves that there is something wrong with the people in the castle. My teacher wanted to use this to reopen the case, but he died in a car accident.”

“I saw the teacher’s diary when I was sorting out the relics, and I thought about coming to see it in person during the holidays.”

Kujo Reiko sighed.[]

“Who knew that the castle would be put up for sale online so soon?”

“If no clues are found, this old case, which is shrouded in mystery, will be sealed forever.

Qian Jingdongshu suddenly realized

“I see, then we can just help you, Reiko, to cover up for you on this trip.”

Kujo Reiko smiled shyly,”So thank you in advance, Fuyuki-kun.” Qian

Jing Fuyuki knew the plot, and the group was divided into two cars. He was too lazy to repeat it with Conan.

Let Ayumi drive the detective badge, and Dr. Agasa and the others heard it clearly.

“Yosi, an old fire case that has been forgotten for many years, an ancient castle adventure filled with crises and mysteries!”

“”The Junior Detective Team, get ready to go!”

Yuan Tai and Mitsuhiko excitedly clapped their hands and shouted.

Conan’s eyes also lit up and he fell into deep thought.

“A castle mystery?”

“Since the boss wants to buy this castle property and the doctor is also moving in, then no matter what, the hidden dangers must be solved!”

The two cars drove to the blue castle one after the other.

Okatani Noriko had contacted the owner, Mamiya Mitsuru, who was already waiting there.

“Oh!! I never thought that it would be the famous Mr. Dongshu who would come to visit in person! He really brings honor to my humble home!”

He had a square face and a small mustache, and was very sturdy. He smiled and shook hands with Qian Jing Dongshu enthusiastically.

Qian Jing Dongshu pretended not to know and asked,”Excuse me, who are you?”

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mamiya Mitsuru, and I am the owner of this blue castle.”

“”Father, what you said is ridiculous. How can you lie in front of everyone?”

An angry young man’s voice sounded.

Then, under the collective surprised gaze of Qian Jing Dongshu, a young man with a unhappy face pushed a wheelchair over.

Sitting in the wheelchair was an old lady with white hair, a long face, full of age spots and wrinkles, wearing small glasses and looking a little creepy.

“That’s right, Aman, you can’t just take over my Jian Gong family’s assets just because my daughter allowed you to marry into the family as a son-in-law.”

“Mother! My dear lady!”

When Mamiya Mitsuru saw them, his expression changed immediately.

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