“Well, judging from the crime scene, this green boss was tripped by the clothes drying rack and fell so badly.”

The police looked at each other, not only at Qian Jingdongshu, but also at the surveillance camera installed at the door of Mitsui Mika.

The clothes drying rack was taken down by Goto Midori himself, and he tripped over himself.……

“That has nothing to do with my little Ai.”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and pulled Xiao Ai aside to give her a good lesson in public.

“Xiao Ai, don’t pretend to be a ghost and scare adults next time.”

Xiao Ai’s face turned red, and her big watery eyes glared at him angrily.

What a nasty guy, who is she doing this for!

Xiao Ai hid behind Qian Jing Dongshu and bit his pants in anger.

“The crows outside will pick up things to build nests. Don’t get me wrong, I just happened to have a collecting habit and took some of your things!”

Qian Jing Dongshu nodded and held back his laughter

“Yeah, I understand.”

“Since you want to stick with me so much, I will take you wherever I go for the next 24 hours.”

Let the worried Mika Mitsui take Midori Goto to the hospital.

Qian Jingfuyu calls Okatani Noriko

“It seems like the entertainment company is short of a barber?”

“I’ll recommend someone to go there.”

Okatani Noriko hurriedly took out a notebook and wrote it down.

“Hi, I remembered”

“By the way, Fuyuki-kun, aren’t you 387 interested in the old house?”

“I just saw an old villa for sale online. The price is very suitable. I sent you the information.”

Okatani Noriko’s sign-in reward is to identify old houses. Her vision is not wrong.

Qian Jingfushu opened his phone and smiled.

“Blue Castle? Isn’t this the famous horror check-in spot in the science department?”

Since it is for sale, how can he not buy such a magnificent villa?

As he finished speaking, the system’s voice

【Congratulations to the host, triggering the unlocking conditions of the hidden special property”Blue Castle”】

【Property rights of the Blue Castle:

Conditions 1: Know the existence of the property from the characters in the plot

2. At least two members of the Junior Detective Team are present

3. Follow the plot to solve the mystery of the castle treasure in public and reveal the murderer of many years ago]

Two members of the Junior Detective Team?

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Xiao Ai and Ayumi beside him and smiled.

It was just right to take them with him.

“Noriko, help me arrange it. I will go to meet the landlord tomorrow.”


Early the next morning, Qian Jingdongshu drove Xiao Ai and Ayumi to the Blue Castle.

“Wow, is this (afcb) the hover car that you, Brother Dongshu, modified yourself?”

“”Ka Ku Yi~”

Ayumi looked around curiously, but she was very sensible and didn’t touch anything.

Xiao Ai sat in the passenger seat of Qian Jing Dongshu and was also satisfied to be immersed in his breath at a close distance

“This ingenious structure, if spread, will set off a new wave of suspension craze”

“It’s just that nuclear energy is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Qian Jingdongshu left the steering wheel with one hand and pinched her cool little face.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s my own car anyway, I can drive it freely after applying for a patent”

“There is only one in Japan and even in the world. How special it is.”

If the car he drives is the same model as others on the street, he still thinks it is not unique enough.

Suddenly, the cell phone rang.

Qian Jing Dongshu was enjoying the scenery outside while talking to Xiao Ai and the others, and he picked up the phone in the car to communicate.

“Hello?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Boss, where have you been? The media reporters are blocking Dr. Agasa’s house!”

Dr. Agasa’s house.

Dr. Agasa, who has never been so in the spotlight in his life , can’t stand it.

God knows how devastated he is when he opens the door and the media swarm around him, wanting to ask about his entire family.

He quickly asked Conan next door to help, and even tricked and deceived the people out first.[]

But both the old and the young knew that Qian Jingdongshu’s mechanical security concept was too advanced.

Not only the media, but also many people from the outside world were curious and wanted to find out about the patents. There may also be many private and national research organizations that want to poach people.

Don’t expect to be quiet in the short term.

“Boss, you really screwed the doctor over this time.”

Conan said angrily.

“Anyway, let’s think of a solution quickly!”

Qian Jing Dongshu said casually:”Since the media is so perceptive and has found out where the doctor’s home is, why not just find him a new place to live?”

“It just so happens that I am planning to purchase a blue castle. You can ask the doctor to come here to avoid the limelight.”

“Blue Castle?”

Conan wrote down the address and then remembered something.

“By the way, there was the death of Tomoko Yoshio yesterday. I have some questions and I want to ask the boss, can I go with him?”

When the police took over the body later, he went to the scene to watch and felt that the death was very strange.

There was no other intention to ask Qian Jingfushu again, it was just the detective’s curiosity.

“Okay, let’s all come together.”

Since there are plot unlocking conditions, it doesn’t matter if the Junior Detective Team has more Conans.

But Qian Jingfuyuki didn’t expect that Conan, with his big mouth, inadvertently revealed the whereabouts of the doctor, and actually brought Genta Mitsuhiko and the others here.

“Haibara-san Ayumi! Fuyuki-nii!!”

Conan looked helpless when he saw the two children running wildly after the beetle came down.

Qian Jingfuyuki, who was having a picnic and grilling fish with Ayumi and Ai by the river:……

“Uh, Fuyuki Junsman, when these kids heard that I was going to build a castle, they insisted on joining the adventure.”

Dr. Agasa laughed dryly and scratched his head.

Genta and Mitsuhiko ran to Conan, Ayumi and Ai.

“Huiyuan, are you well now? We have been worried about you.”

“Ayumi, you are so cunning. You didn’t even tell us that you were going out to play with brother Fuyuki!”

“Yoshi, since the Junior Detective Team has successfully joined forces under such a coincidence, we will definitely win a great victory in this expedition!!”

Looking at the enthusiastic and energetic Genta and Mitsuhiko.

Ai looked at Conan with cold eyes, revealing a murderous aura.

She endured Yoshida’s words, but this guy did it on purpose, right?

Ayumi was also dissatisfied and pouted

“Conan is so annoying! I wanted to spend time alone with my brother Fuyuki!”

This trip suddenly became crowded with so many people!

“”Heh, heh… I’m really sorry.”

Conan met Qian Jingfuyu’s speechless eyes, and cold sweat kept oozing from his back.

If he had known, he would not have worried about the two children coming to find the doctor and secretly told them the whereabouts of the doctor!

But who let their listening devices be confiscated by Inspector Megure, he was soft-hearted for a moment.……

“Arnold… Simi Masai, excuse me, do you have a spare tire?”

A clear and pleasant voice sounded.

There was a hint of tenderness in the silence.

Qian Jing Dongshu turned around in surprise and saw a woman wearing a white shirt, a black short skirt, long hair down to her waist, a faint smile, a little melancholy but very elegant.

“Kujo Reiko? ?”.

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