Qian Jingfuyuki sneered and looked at Masuo Keizo

“Because there are too many loopholes, this method can only be used to bully blind wives.”

Under the surprised eyes of the police, Qian Jingfuyu looked at the stiff Masuo Keizao and pressed on

“The first loophole is that the victim’s knife was inserted horizontally.”

“How can the criminal’s hand be concave to overcome inertia? It’s not okay to just stab him vertically from above or stab him from behind, why do you have to forcibly cut him horizontally?”

Masuo Keizao’s eyes flickered wildly.

“The second loophole is that the crime scene was too clean, with no signs of a second person being present.”

“At the time of the incident, we were beside President Masuo and heard it clearly. The phone was not hung up, and there were noises such as someone running away. Even the slightest friction of clothing fabric would be noticed by us at the first time.”

Masuo”380″ Katsura clenched his fists

“The third loophole is the special shape of the blood on the top of the bookshelf, and the strange arrangement of half empty and half full.”

Masuo Keizao’s pupils shrank wildly, and his breathing became rapid unconsciously!

The four policemen immediately took care of it.���View the words of Ii Fuyuki

“Indeed, these are all inexplicable doubts!!”

Shiratori looked at the bookshelf in confusion,”Even if there is a curtain here, no one can hide in it if it is opened.”

“It’s strange for a bank president to have half of his bookshelf full and half empty!”

At least he wanted to move half of it back when he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at the exercise bike.

“This is not the end. I said that I can only bully the blind lady because this is the most careless auxiliary setting.”

“Piano wire tied to the axle of the exercise bike pedal.”

Masuo Keizao’s back was instantly soaked with cold sweat, and his bones were cold!

He looked at Qian Jing Dongshu in disbelief.

How could someone be so sharp that he could find him after just one glance at the scene in such a short time!

Qian Jing Dongshu continued to narrate

“If my wife continues to exercise on her bike without noticing, the line will keep tightening.”

“The other end of the line is fixed to the top of the bookshelf, and the bookshelf will fall down when pulled.”

“The weight of the full bookshelf pressed down directly, and the knife was clamped horizontally on top of the books. Its inertia was enough to stab the wife to death.”

“But even if you rush back to the scene and restore the bookshelf, have you ever thought about the bloodstains that splattered?”As for what would happen if you ran into an impatient policeman who rushed into the scene first and saw the mess on the ground and the stupidity of the criminal who blew himself up in disguise, he didn’t bother to say it.

Shiratori, Takagi, Sato Miwako, and Miyamoto Yumi were all shocked!

Until this moment, they finally realized that they had missed some important clues!

The amount of blood on the knife handle was too small!

There were no irregular bloody grip marks left by the criminal after the crime. It was as clean as if something had absorbed the bloodstains!

At this time, the sirens outside wailed.

Qian Jingfuyu put one hand in his pocket and raised his chin.

“The forensic department has arrived. Let’s ask them to take out all the books on that shelf and check them one by one for bloodstains and fingerprints.”

“If there is blood on these books, and the latest fingerprints have also stained the traces at the scene, and it is feasible to reconstruct the murder by using the bookshelf as a knife, then Masuo Keizao-san, your alibi will be invalidated immediately.”


The fat on Masuo Keizao’s face twitched wildly, and he knelt down on the spot!

“I was wrong, don’t say it! I shouldn’t have been so optimistic! I was the one who killed him!”

“Masuo Gyōchan, is it really you!?”

“Why do you do this?!”

Even though the four policemen had expected Qian Jing Dongshu’s reasoning, they could not imagine how this man could be so cruel as to kill his wife.

Qian Jing Dongshu picked up the photo album and pointed at the circled person.

“I think Mrs. Masuo at least didn’t lie about the bank robber, she did recognize the man.”

“It was just that her husband and his acquaintances embezzled the money, so she refused to trust me and had to see me.

Seeing that the crime was completely exposed, the accomplices and the money were about to be exposed. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Masuo Keizo could no longer bear it, and stared at Qian Jingfuyu like an angry bull.


“I didn’t want to kill Kayo at first, it’s all because of you!!”

Seeing him going crazy, Shiratori Takagi quickly joined forces to hold him down.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, she went crazy after seeing you once in the report!!”[]

“Otherwise, how could she be so horny and have such beautiful fantasies while riding the exercise bike that she didn’t even notice that I had tied such obvious piano wires to the pedals!!”

Everyone: Huh!?

Has Mrs. Masuio become so blind and perverted?

So out of jealousy and hatred, this can be considered a murder case caused by mental infidelity!

Shiratori Takagi’s expression is hard to describe 0…..

Sato Miwako also scratched her face and sighed

“Ah, this, Fuyuki-kun has a charm that is universal among all ages.……”

Wasn’t she also captured by him without knowing it?

And Miyamoto Yumi.

At this moment, her heart was pounding, and she covered her cheeks reflexively.

“Maybe this is the charm of the landlord!”

“He looks so handsome when solving a case! Those famous high school detectives are nothing but greenhorns in front of him!”

“Only Fuyuki-kun seems to exude an irresistible magic all over his body!”

Qian Jing Fuyuki noticed her infatuated eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

The fish has taken the bait.

It’s time to fish it out and stir-fry it.

After taking the notes, Sato Miwako turned around and was about to ask Qian Jing Fuyuki for a date.

“Hey, where are Fuyuki and Yumi? They were here just now?

Qian Jingfuyuki was on the phone with Horikoshi Yumi.

He deliberately spoke frivolously in front of Yumi.

“Nayumi, you can’t escape tonight!”

“I’m willing to admit defeat. What about the clothes you owed me last time?”

“Oh? Are you willing to wait for me? Then I have to go back quickly and enjoy the sweet and lovely gift.”

They all call Yumi.

Yumi Miyamoto listened to Qian Jingdongshu’s magnetic teasing, her cheeks flushed, her beautiful eyes were wet, and her legs were so tight that she didn’t know how to take a step.

Suddenly, an impulse sprouted in her heart.

Since that Yumi can do it, why can’t she?

“Wait, Dongshu-kun.”

She reached out and shyly pulled the corner of Qian Jing Dongshu’s clothes.

“I, I would like to invite you to visit my dormitory, is that okay?”

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