“Now that Volt has been transferred to my name, my subordinates must of course offer the best cars.”

“It’s just that I thought it wasn’t fast enough and the speed wasn’t cool enough, so I temporarily added some nuclear energy to modify it, and then I went to apply for a patent.”

Qian Jingfuyuki said casually in the shocked eyes of everyone, and then looked at Masuo Keizo

“President Masuo, don’t you want to check on your wife? Hurry and open the door!”

“Oh, right! Everyone, follow me!”

Masuo Keizao was sweating profusely, and his hand was shaking as he finally aimed the key at the door hole and opened the door.

Then he rushed in first and ran upstairs.

“Wife! Kayo! Are you okay?”

Sato Miwako, Shiratori, and Takagi followed closely behind.

However, due to their occupational diseases, the three of them first investigated the suspicious clues at the scene.

“There were signs of being cut on the window, and it seemed like someone had broken in!”

“Takagi-kun, notify the Forensic Department and the Special Investigation Team to come to the scene as soon as possible!”


Takagi immediately rushed out to contact people.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Miyamoto Yumi who was still distracted.

“Officer Miyamoto, are you okay? Are you dizzy from the hovercraft?”

“How about you wait for us outside?”

“No! I’ll go in with you!”

Miyamoto Yumi shuddered, and her cheeks became even hotter when she looked at Qian Jingfuyuki who was so close to her.

She had her own secrets, so how could she let Fuyuki know!

She rarely met such a mysterious and handsome man in real life, so of course she had to know more!

And Miyamoto Yumi was also curious about how Fuyuki solved the incident every time he was on the scene?

Qian Jingfuyuki looked at the beautiful traffic policewoman whose beautiful eyes were wandering and who was half conquered by him without knowing it, and smiled cunningly.

Seeing through it but not exposing it, he put his hands in his pockets and followed in.

As expected, the next second he heard the shrill cry of Masuo Keizao

“Kayo! My wife! Which criminal is so cruel that he broke in and killed you!”

Miyamoto Yumi’s expression immediately became serious when she heard this.

“Sure enough, even if we rushed here as fast as possible, someone still got into trouble.

Qian Jingdongshu took a look at the scene, and knowing the plot, his eyes fell on the bookshelf that was half empty and half full.

“President Masuo, unfortunately, your wife has lost vital signs and cannot be saved.”

Sato Miwako squatted down to check and shook her head.

“The body was found at 2:40 p.m.

Bai Niao glanced at the time reflexively and took out the police booklet to record it.

“The deceased was lying face down next to an exercise bike in a prone position with a knife stuck in his back.”

“Judging from the bleeding marks at the scene, this is the first scene.”

“At the same time, the deceased’s clothes were still wet. He was probably cycling and talking to us on the phone at the time of the crime, so he was killed without any preparation, and the sweat has not dried yet.”

Sato Miwako hurriedly asked Masuo Keizo, who was sitting on the side and seemed heartbroken.

“President Zengwei, do you have surveillance installed at home?”

“Think about it again. Apart from the possibility of a criminal, have you and your wife ever offended anyone else?”

“Is there anyone planning to visit today?”

Masuo Keizao kept shaking his head and crying until his eyes were red.

“There is no surveillance, and no one visits. In fact, after the criminals robbed the bank, we were tired of media harassment and closed the door to visitors.”

“As for the person I offended…I can’t think of it for the time being!”

“Officer, are they really not the criminals? I think they have the most motive to commit the crime!”

White Bird pondered.

“Indeed, my wife was attacked at any other time, but when she was talking to the police.”

“It was obvious that the criminal was worried that his wife might blurt out something unfavorable to him, so he took the initiative.”

At this time, Qian Jingfuyu suddenly said:”President Masuo, when I called the Metropolitan Police Department before, your wife seemed to have said this”

“She said,”I’m cycling to exercise. You know what’s going on at this time…” Then she screamed and died.”

“Could I ask what she meant by this?”

“Is it her routine to cycle and exercise at this time every afternoon?”

All the police officers present were shocked and subconsciously focused their eyes on Masuo Keizao!!!

A drop of cold sweat ran down Masuo Keizao’s head.

He hurriedly laughed dryly,”Master Qian Jing is really observant. Yes, my wife does often exercise at this time at two o’clock in the afternoon.”

“That’s strange. She’s already agreed to come to our police station to take a statement, but your wife is still working out as usual?”

Sato Miwako pinched her chin in surprise.

“Didn’t I contact Dongshu-kun because she said she wanted to meet him?”

“Madam, you should know by now that your husband is now Fuyuki-kun’s subordinate, right?”

“Normally, would she stand up her husband’s superior?”

Masuo Keizao’s pupils shrank, and cold sweat began to flow down his face again.

“Ah, this… maybe my wife has a procrastination problem. She is sometimes very willful.”

“I don’t know either. I clearly told her last night.

Gao Mu came running over.

“The Forensic Department and the Special Investigation Team were on their way, so I went to Mrs. Masu’s room to investigate and found a photo album!”

“But it’s strange, some photos are circled separately, and there are many clippings and headshots of Dongshu-kun!”


Everyone looked at Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked even more confused than them.

“Why are you looking at me? I can’t be a criminal. Have you ever seen a criminal who robbed his own bank?”The police who had read Qian Jing Dongshu’s information and knew that he owned more than one bank said:… (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Indeed, but a mere 200 million yen is probably not enough to cover the cost of modifying Dongshu’s hover car!

Sato Miwako and Miyamoto Yumi were interested in Qian Jing Dongshu, and they immediately went to look through the photo album.

“Really! Many of them are Fuyuki-kun’s latest reports. Hey, there are even lipstick marks on them!”

“Is Masuo-san a fanatic fan of Fuyuki-kun? This seems a bit too much of a pervert!”

Except for Zeni Fuyuki, no one noticed that Masuo Keizao’s expression suddenly twisted and ferocious.[]

His eyes were just like Tsuchiya Yukisaburo’s before, he couldn’t hide his desire to kill someone.

“So that’s why, no wonder the lady wanted to see me.”

Qian Jing Dongshu shrugged,”Sometimes being too charming is a sin.”

The four policemen looked around and heard his words. They could roughly deduce Mrs. Masuo’s mental journey.

“It is doubtful whether Mrs. Masuo knew the clues of the bank robbers, but it is true that she wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Fuyuki-kun”

“It is precisely because my wife has an unusual feeling for Fuyuki-kun that if she knew that Fuyuki-kun went to the Metropolitan Police Department, she would definitely not be able to sit still at home and continue to exercise on her bike as usual!”


The police’s suspicious eyes fell on Masuo Keizao again.

“President Zengwei, think about it carefully. Did you receive any suspicious obstruction calls before you left?”

“Otherwise, how could my wife be so calm?”

If you can’t justify yourself, you are lying!

Zeng Wei Keizo panicked. He wiped his sweat hastily, but the more he wiped, the more sweat came out.

“Maybe I was just too tired? My memory was confused?”

“I didn’t answer any calls, but I checked the windows before I went out and they were intact!”

“Besides, when my wife got into trouble, I was in the Metropolitan Police Department just like you officers!”

“How could I possibly harm her when we are so far apart!”

Qian Jing Dongshu then said again.

“The observation ability of President Masuo is really amazing. His wife’s life or death is uncertain, but he rushed over to the person as soon as he entered the door, and he even noticed the abnormality of the glass.”!!!

Masuo Keizao’s pupils suddenly shrank!

“Increase the length of the tail line……”

Shiratori couldn’t help but narrow her eyes, thinking that this person was even more suspicious!

Miyamoto Yumi was not just standing there to watch Qian Jingfuyushu perform. After she finished looking at the photo album, she ran to the window to take a look.

“There is a circular hole cut into the glass, so it looks like you can reach in and open the window lock from the outside.”

“When the forensic personnel come over and collect fingerprints nearby, there should be clues about the intruder.”


Masuo Keizao was hit again and clenched his hands anxiously.

“Well, what if the criminal was wearing gloves or something, and it was premeditated?”

“My wife called the police earlier and said she saw the bank robber’s face!”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and asked:”According to what you said, did Mrs. Zengwei tell you about the characteristics of the robber she saw?”


Masuo Keiji was stuck.

“Yes, as a couple, after experiencing such an exciting and thrilling scene during the day, I will definitely tell you about it again and again when I come back.”

“Even if she was too frightened at the time, when she thought back on it later, she would definitely tell you about it in order to prevent herself from encountering any accidents and out of trust in her husband.”

Sato Miwako continued to stare at him. Takagi Shigeya said:”Even if she can’t see her face clearly and her memory is vague, she can still remember her height, weight, hair and eye color, square face, round face, high nose or flat nose, right!”

Shiratori’s last blow

“Or, President Masuo, what have you been hiding from us from the police from the beginning?”

Under the guidance of Qian Jingfuyu, several policemen became as sharp as tigers.

Masuo Keizao was so scared that his face turned pale and he stuttered unconsciously.

“My wife always likes to keep me in suspense. She thinks I am clumsy and dull, and she doesn’t want to tell me anything.”

“If I had known about the robbers earlier, I would have died rather than let her get into danger!”

As he spoke, he burst into tears again.

The old man is quite good at acting.

Qian Jing Dongshu shook his head and didn’t waste time with him, and directly revealed the key flaw.

“Finally, President Masuo, can you explain why you didn’t scream the moment you saw your wife when you came in?”

“But it was after a while since he went in that he called out?”

“And even though no one broke in and the murderous device was clearly visible, you were still screaming,”Who is the ruthless criminal who broke in and killed you?”

Masuo Keizao suddenly froze!

Four policemen:???

“No one broke in?”

“Killing machine!?”

They looked at each other in bewilderment.

“So you, Dongshu-kun, have seen through it since the moment you came in? What is this method?”

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