【Sign in with Yumi Miyamoto and get the horizontal clamp koala as a reward! The critical hit effect”Bed Slayer” is added, which overlaps with the positioning of”Invincible Physical Skills” and has been merged!】

【Sign in to Masuo Keizao, reward greed! The host can take risks and do anything for the sake of profit! 】

Qian Jingfuyu enthusiastically returned Miyamoto Yumi’s hospitality, patted her on the back, and waited for her to calm down.

When he saw the system settlement, he couldn’t help but sneer at the two new ones.

Does the latter need to sign in? Isn’t greed the driving force for his progress?

“Yumi, how do you feel now?”

“Well, it’s much better. It’s a pity that this place is too narrow, which seems to affect Fuyuki-kun’s performance.……”

Miyamoto Yumi blushed and shyly lay in his arms.

“It’s too inconvenient to live in a dormitory with bunk beds, so Yumi, you should move to my place.”

“Apart from anything else, I have a lot of real estate near the Metropolitan Police Department, you can choose any one you want.”

Qian Jingfuyuki said, Miyamoto Yumi thought that as long as he wanted, he could have a tryst with her at any time.

Her sore legs could not help but rubbed gently.

05″Okay, I can follow Fuyuki-kun’s arrangements.~”

“But I am short of money and my salary is so low that I am afraid I can’t afford such expensive rent, so I’d better choose a small apartment.”

Looking at the lovely Miyamoto Yumi, Qian Jingfuyuki smiled softly.

“There is no need to go through so much trouble. You can just bribe me, the landlord, now.”

How to bribe?”

Miyamoto Yumi wondered.

When she met Qian Jing Dongshu’s burning gaze, her face flushed with an alluring red. Her eyelashes trembled like butterfly wings, and she suddenly raised her head and kissed him, her voice trembling with shame


“Not bad, I’ll ask for a leave for you.”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and took her away as she exclaimed.

“Yumi Yumi! I heard that you ran into Zeni Fujiki during your duty this time?”

“Is he as handsome in real life as reported?”


Sanchi Miaozi came back jumping and jumping. When he opened the door, he was startled.

“Has our female police dormitory been robbed?”

Several bed frames were tilted, the closet doors were broken, and all the clothes inside fell out. There were suspicious bloodstains and a strange smell! The carefree Michi Naoko tilted her head and suddenly thought of a possibility, her face flushed!

“Yeah, Yumi has a boyfriend.?”

“How terrible! Why are you hiding it from me like Miwako did!”

Miike Naoko was angry, envious, jealous and resentful, and she kept stamping her feet.

They were supposed to be three sisters, but two of them secretly got married without her knowledge!

“mo~Since you don’t talk about sisterhood first, I don’t want to fall behind either!”

Miike Miaozi, who was led by the two sisters to fall in love, had a blazing flame in her round and cute cat eyes!

At this moment, a tall figure, a handsome face with a smile, and red eyes that became more and more attractive flashed in her mind.……

“Ah~ Is that the one who is my first choice for a partner now?”

Miike Naeko shyly covered her burning face.

Coincidentally, Sato Miwako also came to see her two good sisters.

“Eh? Miaozi, did you see Yumi?”

“I heard that she seemed to be resting in the dormitory……”It seems that Fuyuki-kun has also come along? As

Sato Miwako approached, she took a closer look and saw that Miike Naeko’s pretty face was unusually red.

She couldn’t help but shout,”Naeko! Are you sick?”

“Sick? Ah, Miwako is not what you think!!”

Miike Naeko screamed, she would never admit that she was thinking about sex!! She quickly pulled Sato Miwako away from the messy dormitory, her tone erratic

“Yumi… Yumi should be spending time alone with someone right now! Let’s not disturb her!!”

Miwako is even more shameless than her. She must be so embarrassed to death when she sees what’s happening!.(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the evening,

Qian Jingdongshu returned to Beihua Street with satisfaction, and saw Conan covered in grass, squatting at the door of his house with a sad look on his face.

“Boss…it was your idea to let the robot take us all over the mountains to play cat and mouse, right?”

“I was wondering why Dr. Agasa was so mean this time. We were almost exhausted after going to Treasure Mountain!”

Qian Jingfuyu happily collected Conan’s emotion value.[]

Hearing this, he seemed to smile but not laugh

“So tell me, is the treasure hunt exciting? Is it satisfying to find your dad and receive the manuscript?”

“Well……”Conan choked and blushed.

Indeed, he had always considered himself a cocky high school student detective, but for the first time he put himself in the shoes of a child and enjoyed a simple treasure hunt.

He didn’t want to worry about anything, and was only thinking about how to avoid the robot and how to play tricks on it. This felt pretty good.


“Cunning! Too cunning!”

Conan’s half-moon eyes

“Anyway, we have trained the robot’s AI to react to enemies for you, you want a reward!”

After searching for treasure for so long, there is only a sentence and a manuscript from Dr. Agasa, which is too cheap!

It’s not worth their efforts for half a day!

“”Okay, for the sake of Ayumi, I asked Dr. Agasa to make a detective badge for you guys to play with.”

In fact, this was what Qian Jingfuyuki had asked Dr. Agasa to prepare early in the morning.”And there are some scraps of robots that were scrapped before. Show Dr. Agasa what you can make.”

While asking Dr. Agasa to build it according to the blueprint, Qian Jingfuyuki did not want to stifle the inspiration of this scientific genius.

Maybe he can bring some surprises by making things that he is interested in in his spare time.

“”Thank you, Boss!”

Conan’s eyes lit up, and he immediately felt that he had gotten a great deal!

As expected, the Boss was so generous and easy to talk to.

He smiled and was about to follow him and say something.

Qian Jingdong smiled but his face was not smiling.

“Eri is at home, do you want to eat the food she cooks?” Conan

‘s face turned green and he ran away!

“No no! Goodbye, Boss!”

He had thought that Xiaolan would soon participate in a karate competition, and he could not use the identity of Kudo Shinichi to ask the boss to smooth things over.

Now it seems that Xiaolan doesn’t need him anymore.

Conan laughed at himself, ran away, and decided to do the loudest tomorrow.���The cheerleaders cheer for Xiaolan!

“I’m back.”

Qian Jing Dongshu arrived home and unexpectedly found that Tachibana Maya and Curacao were looking at him solemnly.

“Dongshu-kun, something happened again”

“There’s news from the black market that someone wants to buy your information and seems to want to harm you!”

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