It was him! The famous landlord!

His plan…

Just as they were in a state of confusion, a passionate voice rang out from behind them.

“Ah~ Mina-san, what are you doing standing at the door?”

“I will prepare dishes for everyone. How about seafood sashimi?”

A tall, curvy, charming young lady with seductive eyes and eyebrows came out wearing a green dress and a headscarf.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at her virgin steps and curled his lips.

“Tsuchiya-san, who is this?”

“Ah, this is Uchiko Tsuchiya Yumi……”

As soon as Tsuchiya Yukisaburo finished speaking, Shao Fu snorted and laughed.

“It won’t be like that soon. If I had known that you would ruin yourself by filming and wouldn’t even dare to touch a woman, why would I have married a eunuch like you?”

“Let me introduce myself to you all. My name is Nagakura Yumi. I have played many female stars in Taiga dramas.”


I heard something so explosive right at the beginning?

Maori Kogoro was dumbfounded.

Conan was shot and quietly clamped his legs.

The neighbor was secretly filmed cheating, and this side was divorced because of not being able to do it.

They are all neighbors, and the relationship between husband and wife is really the same. It is hard to judge

“”Yumei, you are too good at joking. Please give me some face in front of others.”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo laughed awkwardly. Nagakura

Yuumei rolled her eyes in disdain.

Then, her beautiful eyes fell on Qian Jingfuyu, who had exceptional appearance.

“Ah, you must be the great financial figure who just appeared in the news, Qian Jingdongshu!”

“I really don’t know what wind brought such a distinguished person like you here.”

“Do you like abalone? I have both black and double-headed ones~”

Nagakura Yumi’s heart was beating wildly.

It was really weird. Apart from watching the news, this was the first time she saw Fuyuki in person.

But he was tall and majestic, with smiling red eyes, and this abstinent, fashionable and elegant clothing.

Every part of it accurately hit the point in her heart that she was most unwilling to be lonely and most longing for.

If she could go back in time and choose again, she would follow a tall and handsome man like Fuyuki even if she had to be a maid!

Nagakura Yumi covered her burning cheeks, and couldn’t help but flirt with Qian Jing Fuyuki in front of the other three.

Those suggestive words made Tsuchiya Yukisaburo turn black on the spot.

“Yongmei, that’s enough.”

“Shut up, did I talk to you?”

Yumi Nagakura glared at him fiercely, then looked at Qian Jingdongshu shyly and continued her offensive.

“Fuyuki-kun? Do you like it or not? If you like it, I will prepare it now.~!”

“How can I let Miss Nagakura work so hard?”

Qian Jingdongshu walked over with a sly smile and whispered in her ear:

“As for food, I not only like abalone, but also black fungus.”

“It seems that Miss Nagakura is a master at cooking. We can go to the kitchen alone and slowly discuss cooking experience.”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo’s eyes were red, and the veins on his neck were about to burst!

Thinking of his plan to kill his wife to defraud insurance, he said stiffly despite high blood pressure:

“Ahem! Yumi, don’t forget what we’re going to talk to Okita about later!”

“Got it~ You’re annoying, I won’t be absent.”

Nagakura Yumi waved her hand perfunctorily, her heart had already flown to Qian Jing Dongshu, who cared about him.

The two of them went to the kitchen, talking and laughing. Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Nagakura Yumi’s slender waist with a sharp gaze, and took the initiative to pick up the apron.

“Ms. Nagakura, it’s inconvenient for you to hold the food in your hands. Let me help you put it on.”

“Okay, this apron string is too loose, Fuyuki-kun has to help tighten it~”

Conan and Maori Kogoro looked at the two people who were now oblivious to the world around them, and were amazed.

“As expected of him, he performed steadily as always.”

It’s just that this husband’s current offense is too exciting, and Tsuchiya Yukisaburo’s murderous look is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

With the background sound of Qian Jing Fuyuki and Nagakura Yumi laughing.

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo sat down with a big and a small child, just picked up the tea cup, tried to calm down, and talked and laughed.

“Maori-san, the thing is, I came to you to ask for your advice on how to play a good detective.……”

“Ah~ Dongshu-kun you are so annoying, you splashed water on me”

“Then Miss Nagakura, you have to change your clothes quickly. I will accompany you.~”[]


Tsuchiya Kosaburo’s teacup cracked.

Maori Kogoro and Conan looked at the shadow behind him in horror, his eyebrows twitching wildly.

“Ah, Mr. Tsuchiya, please continue.”

“Well, it’s okay to take it slow, we can wait.”

Who is Tsuchiya Yukisaburo? He has been acting in costume dramas for so many years that even thunder and earthquakes can’t affect his professionalism.

His brows trembled fiercely, and he pretended to be calm.

“‘It’s okay, I’m fine, but this detective has to use a gun at the beginning……”

“Ah~ Dongshu-kun, do you have a gun license? Why do you still carry a gun with you? It’s annoying me”

“I’m so sorry, Miss Nagakura. You know, as a big boss in the black market, I manage so many messed-up people. It’s reasonable for me to carry a gun for self-protection.”


A gun was thrown out.

It was the magical rebound gun.

Qian Jingfuyu deliberately threw it at the feet of Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro was impatient, and he was a policeman with outstanding marksmanship. Sure enough, he picked up the gun and was eager to try.

“Oh, is this a real thing? It looks like it has bullets!”

“Mr. Tsuchiya, you just said that when filming a detective, you have to use a gun first? How do you do that?”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo’s blood froze, and he stared at the gun.

“Really, the real thing?”

The rumors are true…

Zen Jingfuyu is the well-known boss of Kyoto’s underground society!

He didn’t know how to open his mouth (de nohao) and said dryly:”Ah, yes, it’s just a normal gunfight on the other side of the river.……”

“Is that so?”

Maori Kogoro fired a shot directly at the open balcony and the empty riverbank.

“Wait, Uncle Maori……”

Conan’s anus suddenly tightened for no reason, and the feeling of uneasiness just rose. Before he could call Maori, a gunshot rang out. Bang!!!

The strange thing about the rebound gun is that its trajectory cannot be measured by common sense.

Instead, it will fly out from an angle that normal humans can’t imagine.

A bullet burst out from the butt of the gun at a high speed, hitting the floor, and then it hit the back door of Maori Kogoro.

“”Hey hia~”

Thousand Years of Killing!

Maori Kogoro’s balls instantly hurt, his eyes widened, and his whole body bounced up

“Help, ambulance!!!”

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