“It hurts. It hurts.……”

Conan’s armpits were burning, and he was finally let down by the rope.

Then he carefully raised the camera and took a peek.!!! He met Qian Jingfuyuki’s calm and waiting eyes.


Conan’s hair stood up.

“Listen to my explanation.……”

“You don’t need to say anything, I heard everything through the door just now.”

Qian Jing Dongshu waved his hand,”This is a dummy, I will just pose in a few random positions for you to take pictures.”

“Ah? Isn’t this the wife?”

Conan was stunned for a moment, but looking at Qian Jingdongshu’s face, he didn’t ask any more questions.

No matter how interesting it was, the person was sent away when he and Uncle Maori were preparing. It was serious to complete the task and quickly take the money and run away.

So Conan conscientiously followed the gestures made by Qian Jingdongshu.

On the rooftop upstairs, Kogoro didn’t dare to look down, so he stared at the rope

“That kid Conan won’t be beaten into a pig’s head by Qian Jing Dongshu!”

“”I’d rather die than die, I beg all the gods to bless me, I must succeed this time!”

He didn’t want to do it again!

05 Suddenly, there was a tug on the rope.

Maori Kogoro was delighted, it’s done?

He hurriedly pulled Conan up, Conan was waving his camera excitedly.

This scene happened to be seen by an old lady walking her dog downstairs.

“The world is becoming more corrupt and people’s hearts are no longer the same as they used to be!”

“How shameless to let a child go to such a dangerous height to secretly take photos of people!”

Oba-san remembered Maori Kogoro’s face and went back to promote this big pervert!

Maori Kogoro had no idea that his reputation was harmed again. He and Conan happily handed over the camera

“Lawyer Xun, the mission is accomplished and I have fulfilled my mission!”

“Good, very good!”

Xun Zhuangping looked through the photos in the camera. There was no exposure of the body, but the photos were of men and women being very intimate.

Resisting the excitement of laughing in his heart, he hurriedly asked:”The designer hasn’t left yet, right?”

“Brother Fuyuki, ah, that Fuyuki-kun and his wife are being affectionate, and it seems they want to stay for lunch.”

Conan didn’t know why Qian Jing Fuyuki specifically told him to say this, but he thought that since this lawyer has a cuckold fetish, he should be able to accept it.


Xun Zhuangping almost broke a corner of the camera, and the expression on his face was almost unbearable.

This damn adulterer!!

“Thank you very much, take the money, you can leave now.”

It’s as expected that he would leave coldly after finishing his work.

Maori Kogoro and Conan said goodbye.

Coincidentally, not long after they left, Qian Jing Fuyuki also left 504.

Tatsumi Sohei saw it through the surveillance camera at the door, suppressed his ecstasy, and rushed over

“What a dirty woman, she messed up the whole nice room!”

Seeing the mess on the floor and the scarlet blood spots on the bedsheets, Xun Zhuangping’s eyes turned red.

He was born with a mysophobia, and what he hated most was the human body, no matter whether it was a man or a woman, he wanted to vomit when he saw someone’s naked body.

In order to ensure that he looked normal, he married a materialistic wife as a decoration, but he didn’t expect that he would end up like this today.

“Humph, don’t blame me!”

He quickly tore the bloody bed sheet and disposed of it, pretending that his wife was a battle-hardened silver woman.

Xun Zhuangping strode over and fiercely pinched the woman’s neck in his eyes, regardless of her unusually light body bounce, and desperately exerted force…

At a certain critical point, the balloon neck slowly deflated, and in Xun Zhuangping’s opinion, the person was strangled to death by him.

“Haha. Haha.……”

Xun Zhuangping smiled triumphantly, thinking back to the time when Hijikata had called him and urged him to switch operations quickly.

“Obviously I can design a detective and an adulterer to be in a circle”

“This is the perfect crime I committed myself. I’m going to laugh at that cowardly guy!!”

He laughed wildly and picked up the suicide phone on the bedside table… (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Hello, it’s me, Xun Zhuangping, I just killed my wife!”

“”I’m rich, I’m rich~”

Maori Kogoro hummed a little song while counting the money.

Conan’s eyes were half-mooned. Is this money easy to spend?[]

Just as I was thinking, I heard footsteps.

“Maori-san, with so much money, everyone should get a share, right?

Qian Jingfuyu stretched out his hand without hesitation and grabbed the two stacks in Maori’s hand. The rest of the big box of money was all his. Maori Kogoro was shocked.

“Qian Jing Dongshu!? Are you going to share all this money with me?”

“You kid, if you take out some money now, you can fill up the whole building!!”You are a financial giant who owns the Suzuki Group, countless properties, and a golden egg pharmaceutical company!

You come out to collect rent and role-playing to pick up girls has become a hobby. With nearly a billion dollars, what’s the difference between this little drizzle!?

Qian Jingfushu looked upright

“One thing is one thing. Although I have money, today’s money is also earned through hard work, sticks and sweat.”

“In order to satisfy my wife, I have made great sacrifices, okay?”


Maori Kogoro met his naked provocative eyes, but dared not say anything.

Who told him to secretly take pictures of Qian Jing Fuyuki today! He felt guilty!

“Well, at least give me another stack! Please! Our Maori Detective Agency is going to be in trouble!”

“Then for Xiaolan’s sake, I’ll give you an extra 20,000 yen.”

Qian Jingfuyu curled his lips and threw a stack of

“Maori-san, please don’t be greedy.”

“Hi……”Mao Li’s face was dark, what else could he say?

His waist almost broke in mid-air. He made a net profit of 60,000 yen (3,000 soft currency) for one trip.

He had to apply two plasters when he returned. It was hard-earned money.

“Hey, why are you still following us?”

Seeing that Qian Jing Dong Shu had no intention of leaving, Mao Li Kogoro looked at him suspiciously.

Qian Jing Dong Shu calmly spread his hands.

“I see you guys are looking for someone in 501 next door. That’s great. I also want to see what the guy who rented my two floors is doing.”

“What!? This whole building is yours!?”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan were stunned. Qian

Jingfuyuki was surprised,”Ah, didn’t I tell you?”

“You kid!!”

Mouri Kogoro looked at the box of money in his hand, his heart bleeding!

Is this the difference between rich people and poor people? He is just too conscientious!

As they were talking, the three of them came to 501. Just as they were about to ring the doorbell, Tsuchiya Yukisaburo couldn’t wait to open the door.

“Detective Maori, you are finally here! I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Hey, why does this guy look familiar?

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him with interest and introduced himself.

“Don’t you remember me, Tsuchiya-san? I’m Qian Jingfuyuki, the landlord of the two-story building you rented.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, when you registered, your last name was written as Hijikata.”


Yukisaburo’s heart suddenly stopped beating!

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