Nagakura Yumi was almost unable to stand due to Qian Jingfuyuki’s tricks.

She said with a short breath:”Fuyuki-kun, the house is still too crowded.”

“That useless guy Tsuchiya rented a whole floor upstairs, let’s go there!”

Zen Jing Dongshu smiled.

He knew all the ways this actor killed his wife, so how could he really go upstairs and not let him perform. He just hugged Nagakura Yumi’s slender waist and whispered in her ear with a magnetic voice:

“Why go so far? Wouldn’t it be more exciting to just stay next door?”

“You, you mean Room 502 Okita? Ah, that’s too embarrassing.”

As she said this, Nagakura Yumi’s cheeks burned, and her heart was beating like a rabbit.

The beauty trap buff will maximize the desire of the beauty’s heart, put aside the normal sense of shame, and pursue the happiness they really want.

Her beautiful eyes were full of affection, her face was like a peach blossom, and her lips were pursed up unbearably.

“If Fuyuki-kun really has a way, it’s not impossible.~”

“Then how can I let Miss Nagakura down?”

Qian Jing Dongshu took out his cell phone with a wicked smile.

With one phone call, he asked Okita Ichi to get out as the landlord.

Okita Ichi handed over the key obediently, said nothing, and left quickly.

Even if he had to rely on Senior Tsuchiya and said he wanted to have a scandal with his sister-in-law, he would have to rely on his luck in front of the famous landlord Sang!

Qian Jing Dongshu directly pulled Nagakura Yumi and kicked the door into 502.

Ding ding dang dang, 570 rushed all the way no matter what he saw, and it kept ringing.

501 next door.

Conan finally saved face for Maori Kogoro and didn’t really call the emergency number.

With a dark face, he helped Maori get the bullet out.

“Uncle Maori, why did you touch the boss’s gun when you had nothing to do?”

Since Maori Kogoro had discovered it, he would not pretend anymore.

“Who knows it could accidentally fire and hit that place!”

Mori raised his butt and screamed.

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo called out with concern outside the toilet.

“”Mori-san, are you really okay? I’ve put the gun away.”

In fact, he had a sly smirk on his face, secretly put on the safety and put the gun on his waist.

If he shot Nagakura Yumi with a gun and put the blame on Zeni Fuyuki, a chaebol like him would definitely find a way to deal with the police (affe). As a perfect victim, he would have the testimony of the underworld detective Mori Kogoro, and he could get the insurance money anyway! He might even be able to blackmail her!

What a great plan.

The problem now is how to change the original details. It was originally agreed that he would exchange wives with Sohei Tatsumi next door and provide each other with alibis.

“Mao Li has come to my side, why is there still no news about Xun Zhuangping?”

“Never mind him, now that things have come to this, let’s first facilitate the affair between Qian Jingfuyuki and Nagakura Yumi……”

Throughout history, there have been many murders due to sexual disharmony.

Qian Jingfuyuki certainly doesn’t want women to talk about his secrets! Tsuchiya Yukisaburo automatically put on the eunuch-like self, a kind of revenge on the rich, and killed the unfaithful wife to make huge profits and get away with it, and the smug pleasure rose. It was so good that he almost flew off the top of his head!

When Maori Kogoro came out, Tsuchiya Yukisaburo pulled him to talk about the script for a while, and then looked at the time.

“It’s been half an hour, why haven’t Fuyuki and Yumi come back yet? I’ll go check on them.”Mouri Kogoro and Conan looked at each other and felt like they were sitting on a powder keg. They were embarrassed for him in advance.

“Ah, Mr. Tsuchiya, you go ahead and don’t worry about us.”

Damn it, why did they encounter such an explosive Shura scene twice in one day!

According to the speed of a normal man, Yukisaburo Tsuchiya calculated the time, even if he was looking for excitement, he should be done.

He ran upstairs first, but didn’t see anyone. He was confused for a while, and then ran back downstairs.

Seeing the bright and arrogant big footprint on the door of 502.

Yukisaburo Tsuchiya took a deep breath, and all the blood rushed to his forehead. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But he would never dare to knock on the door and alarm anyone.

In order to prepare his prepared method of committing the crime, he wiped the footprints on the door in a frustrated manner. He stood there and stomped his feet and waited for a while

“Another ten minutes have passed, why hasn’t he come out yet! ?”

Zen Jing Fuyuki hasn’t finished his work yet, how can he kill Nagakura Yumi alone!? []

The key is that Maori Kogoro can’t stay here forever!

“We have to think of a solution quickly!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo ran back quickly.

At this time, Maori Kogoro and Conan were really sitting there in agony.

“Hiss, this butt drum is so uncomfortable!”

Kogoro Mouri twisted his butt repeatedly, feeling very uncomfortable.

Conan stood up and said,”Why don’t we talk to Mr. Tsuchiya?”

“Wait! Maori-san! I suddenly remembered a crucial loophole in the script!”

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo appeared with sweat on his forehead.

“That is, if the criminal committed the crime on the fifth and sixth floors, and the police and detectives were downstairs and confused about time and space, how would the criminal handle the scene so as not to be caught by them!”

He was so bold that he mixed his own tricks into it.

“Ah, isn’t there an elevator?”

“Even worse, there is surveillance……”

Maori Kogoro and Conan said reflexively.

Tsuchiya Kozaburo gritted his teeth and said,”It was an old building when we were filming, with only old-style stairs and no elevator!”

“Maori-san, I beg you to run with me and experience the height of the floors and the sense of dislocation firsthand!”

“Huh? ?”

What can we do about this matter that makes us suffer?

Maori Kogoro wanted to shake his head.

Tsuchiya Kosaburo coughed.

“Although this crew is still a small team with a very tight budget, it is still possible to give a considerable amount of money, such as 1 million yen (50,000 soft currency) to the crew consultant.”!!!

When the money was mentioned, Maori Kogoro immediately became excited

“Hehe, this is not about money!”

“Um, is it cash or remittance?”

This time, there is nothing to do with Qian Jingfushu, which means he can take it all!!

Tsuchiya Yukisaburo closed his eyes and tried his best.

“Cash! The more you run, the more you earn!”

With the speed of a middle-aged man running up and down the stairs, Qian Jingfuyuki should be able to survive even if he can last longer!!


Mouri Kogoro ignored the burning anus, rolled up his sleeves, and snorted.

“Conan! Let’s go!!”

Conan pointed at himself dumbfoundedly.

“Ah? I want to go too?”

“Stop talking nonsense! I’ve already run, and you still want to be lazy? Let’s run together!!”

Maybe Mr. Tsuchiya is such a good person, seeing that they are helping so unconditionally, he will give more!

It’s just running up the stairs.

You give me money, and I will improve the script, the best of both worlds!

Maori Kogoro took the lead and ran with the energy of spring flowers.

“Lucky! What a sudden turn of events! Mr. Tsuchiya, as long as I, Kogoro Mori, still have a breath left in me, I will run for you until the building collapses!!”

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