“Ah, it turns out that Dongshu-kun is the landlord detective who has become famous recently.”

“I really can’t tell from his face, sorry!”

At the cruise ship banquet, Rakumoto Natsue covered his mouth in surprise.

You know, Rakumoto Gozo hates those detectives who pry into people’s privacy the most.

“Humph, what a fuss, such a handsome landlord, being a detective is his hobby.”

A sharp and irritable voice came.

Qian Jing Dongshu turned his eyes and met a pair of weapons with a strong presence.

Wearing a bright black backless evening dress, it outlines a hot body that young models are willing to admit defeat.

Rakumoto Akiie has a neat short hair, and the eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as those of Rakumoto Natsue, but with a different charm. She tries her best to dress like a young man, but she is actually a young virgin…

Qian Jing Dongshu remembered that this Rakumoto Akiie recruited a useless son-in-law, and he was also an unlucky guy who was going to die on this trip.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, I have heard of your name for a long time. I didn’t expect that grandpa could invite you here. It’s such an honor.”

Rakumoto Akie has one attitude towards his weak sister and another towards Qian Jing Dongshu.

His eyes are full of amazement, as if he has never seen such a handsome and elegant man. Even though he wears simple clothes, he feels more charming than those men in fashion magazines.

If you get closer, you can find obvious but not exaggerated muscle lines.

Well, there is also a smell of red wine that makes her blood boil…

Rakumoto Akie’s eyes are blurred for a moment, and when he looks at Qian Jing Dongshu, his eyes are getting hotter.

“I am honored, too, Miss Qiu Jiang.

Qian Jing Dongshu found that her legs were stretched, and he pulled her to sit beside him gracefully.

However, at this moment, Liu Ben Qiu Jiang was too sensitive to refuse the man’s touch, and sat on Qian Jing Dongshu.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Fuyuki-kun~「 ~”

Xia Jiangqiu Jiang’s second aunt Mariko happened to be passing by with her husband and son, and couldn’t help but curse when she saw this.

“You guys are really crazy about men. It’s nothing, but you take the initiative to get so close to a foreign man. You have no sense of propriety.”

“Aunt, how can you say that?”

Rakumoto Akiyo is not someone to be trifled with. He immediately woke up from Qian Jing Dongshu’s dream and angrily confronted his mean aunt.

“I think it’s because you’re old and no longer have any conditions, that’s why you’re jealous of the young and beautiful me and Xia Jiang.”

“You, you!!”Mariko was so angry that she fell backwards.

But she felt guilty.

Who made Qian Jingfuyushu’s conditions ten thousand times better than she imagined?

Just that noble demeanor, it’s simply worth every penny.

Seeing this, Ryomoto Natsue hurried to smooth things over.

“Aunt, sister, calm down… don’t make fun of Dongshu-kun”

“Is this what you call Fuyuki-kun!?”

Ichiro Rakumoto, Mariko’s son who has a crush on his cousin, immediately had his pupils trembled, and his heart was stabbed!

(Mariko’s husband also married into the family, so the whole family took the Rakumoto family name)

“What a big drama~”

Xiao Ai flipped through the magazines provided on the cruise ship and mocked unceremoniously

“Qian Jing Dongshu, you are such a sinful man”

“Well~ I can’t turn off my charm that has nowhere to go.”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows, picked up a piece of steak for Xiao Ai, and cut it considerately.

Xiao Ai blushed slightly, thinking that this bastard, she was not jealous.

In return, Xiao Ai carefully picked a piece of tender steak and put it on Qian Jing Dongshu’s plate, then stood up and poured him yogurt.

“”Good little Ai.”

Qian Jingdongshu praised, with a smile on his face, and his eyes were still looking for the target with great interest.

Ah, I found it, Teacher Judy disguised as a cook.

She was really pretty.

Even though she was wearing flesh-colored stockings and a tight chef’s uniform, the protruding parts were still amazing.

Judy Stelling didn’t know that she had been spotted by the hunter.

She looked around vigilantly and said to the headset:

“I’m ready! The target doesn’t seem to have noticed me yet”

“Be careful. We are always in contact. Call me if anything happens. I will ask you to retreat if things get bad.”

James said on the other side.

Judy Stellin calmed down, picked up the small bread carefully cooked by the second son of Ryūmoto Gozo, and walked to Qian Jingfuyushu’s table.

“Here it comes.

Qian Jingdongshu’s mouth corners even more raised.

Listening to the footsteps, Teacher Judy is still a person who can’t take a step.

Let me see which unlucky guy is going to enter the net.

Xiao Ai holds the juice and drinks it, and her eyes also drift towards Judy with interest.

“.「 What? Foreign girls? Has this guy changed his taste? Or does he like plump ones recently?”

Ai looked down, thinking.

Judy was walking forward when she suddenly felt a chill on her back and paused reflexively.

She forgot that in addition to the small bread, she also had a glass of water to cover it up.

It was originally intended for the neighboring Natsue.

“Ah, Simi Masai, the cook……”

Qian Jing Dongshu suddenly stood up and called Judy.

Judy froze!

“James, where did I show my weakness?”

Nothing happened on the other side.


Judy, who had just arrived in Neon and was on a mission for the first time, was stunned.

How could she have known that someone just moved his fingers in his trouser pocket and the cruise ship’s signal would be blocked from the outside world?


Qian Jingdongshu pointed at the front of Judy, who was stunned, with a worried look on his face.

“Your water is flowing out.”(Li)

“Ah! ? ?”

This is too misleading.

Judy’s cheeks flushed. The American girl looked back without thinking about the issue of national conditions and opening up.

Qian Jingdongshu had no choice but to give her a tissue and pointed to the location.

“Ah, Saorui~Buy”

Judy forced herself to speak in a heavily accented foreign language, frantically wiping her clothes with a tissue.

“I, oh, yeah, I’m the new cook of the Lu Ben family~ Zhu, Zhu Lin! Please give me your advice~”

Seeing that she hadn’t contacted other FBI for a long time, Judy’s heart sank to the bottom.

It was like she was stranded on an island alone, with no one to help her, and she could only fight alone.

She forced herself to be energetic and think of quick ideas. It seemed that the foreign cook who came to apply for the job was really forced by life, and she even stumbled in Japanese.

Little did she know that in front of Qian Jingdongshu, a human translator, the scene was so funny.

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