Putting away his phone, Qian Jingdongshu saw an email received on his computer.

“The annual meeting of the Ryūmoto family solemnly invites Qian Jingfuyu to attend!”

The email was accompanied by a beautifully printed electronic code with a family crest.

Then there was a map of a small island.

“The Hashimoto family… I remember there was a pretty girl named Hashimoto Natsue, and her sister had a nice figure too.”

Since there were two sisters coming to his doorstep, Qian Jing Dongshu naturally accepted the invitation with pleasure.

He thought about his family, Yukiko was busy working as a filming consultant, and Xiaolan couldn’t get up for the time being, so only Xiaoai had nothing to do.

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his voice and said,”Xiaoai, shall I take you out for a walk tomorrow?”.

“Where are you going?” Xiao Ai opened the door and asked curiously.

“Take a yacht and go to a small island for a tour.”

At this time, the computer screen flashed, and an inconspicuous little logo appeared.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at it and showed a playful smile.

“There are hackers who want to hack into the network and eavesdrop.”

How come this simple and crude method is so similar to that of the United States?

It’s interesting that hackers who don’t know their own limits actually came to his ancestor.

Qian Jing Dongshu was ready to teach him a lesson.

The phone rang again. It was a secret letter with a code from Mizunashi Rena.

【Beware the FBI】

“It’s them.”

As long as she becomes your woman, she will be loyal to you.

Qian Jingfuyuki knew that after the last time, Rena Mizunashi must have gone back to block all the investigations of the CIA and the organization.

So excluding the CIA, the most mysterious upper limit of the Red Team in science is the FBI.

With a thought in his mind, Qian Jingfuyuki deliberately added to Xiao Ai:

“This time when I go to the Lanben family, I might be able to catch a good show. Xiao Ai, your new medicine is about to be developed, right?”

“New medicine?” Xiao Ai blinked in confusion.

When she saw Qian Jingdongshu’s evil smile, she realized that this guy must be calculating others for fun again.

Xiao Ai curled her lips and deliberately prolonged the sound.

“Search Yo~ The new drug A is about to be sent to the organization, maybe they are already waiting on the cruise ship”.

At this time, in a secret suite in Kyoto, Neon, several FBI agents were nervously wearing headphones, eavesdropping on the conversation on the other side.

Someone was writing something down and quickly handed the note to the person next to him.

“Is it the Ryūmoto family? It seems to be a long-established chaebol in Japan.”

“He is not well-known, but he has a strong network of connections.”

James Blake, a white-haired old man wearing glasses, picked up the note and read it. His glasses immediately flashed with a sharp light.

He is the FBI’s special investigator in charge of the search against the Black Organization.

Because of the frequent and unknown movements of Vermouth and the top leaders of the Black Organization, he secretly brought his men to Neon to stay.

Now, he has just received intelligence that Vermouth and her lover Qian Jingdongshu left Neon after a brief meeting.

Therefore, Qian Jingdongshu, the mysterious young man, was immediately regarded as a key breakthrough by the FBI.

James immediately ordered his men

“Before Xiuyi completes the mission of escorting important personnel from the United States, remember not to alert the enemy and make preliminary contact first.”

“Our presence is somewhat of a nuisance to Neon, so try not to alarm the Lu Ben family.”

Several FBI agents looked at each other.

“Then who should we send?”

“Judy Starling.”

James smiled like an old fox.

“I heard that Qian Jing Dongshu loves beautiful women. Maybe Judy Investigator can break his defense with one move.”.

When James was making the initial strategic deployment of the approach plan around Qian Jingdongshu, no one noticed that there was a hidden pinhole camera flashing a little light in the corner of the suite.

This was originally used by the unscrupulous Japanese custom business owner to collect folk songs, but who knew that the careless FBI would underestimate the situation in Japan.

I thought the security of a five-star hotel could not be so bad, so I casually checked the walls, cabinets, table corners and other places, but I missed the gaps in the railings on the ceiling and curtains.

It just happened to be convenient for someone

“Teacher Judy is coming so soon?”

At the bottom of the screen, the funny clown and Qian Jingdongshu smiled sinisterly.

If the FBI can eavesdrop on him, he can naturally hack back and eavesdrop on them.

“But I didn’t expect that old man James would be so kind as to give me a beautiful woman for free.”

“In this case, don’t miss it.”

Hehe, Teacher Judy is so white, big and smooth~

He must have a good taste of the big foreign horse this time.

Qian Jing Dongshu couldn’t wait to rub his hands, go back to the room and hug Xiao Ai, and sleep until dawn~.

The next day.

At the pier.

The Hashimoto family cruise ship slowly docked at the port.

A long red carpet was rolled out.

The head of the Hashimoto family, Hashimoto Gozo, personally wore a formal kimono with haori and all the family members waiting here.

“I said, is it that serious? Oh Dao-san!”

Ryoumoto Natsue’s second aunt, wearing a purple kimono, with a plump face, Mariko sneezed violently in the cold wind.

“Who is Qian Jing Dongshu? Why do you value him so much?”

“Shut up! You ignorant woman, how can you know how powerful that person is!”

Rakumoto Haozang opened his mouth and cursed

“All the old family consortiums have heard some news about the turbulent situation under the water in Japan recently.”

“Who doesn’t know that the Suzuki Group changed hands overnight!”

“And the behemoth hidden behind the scenes, even just the tip of the iceberg that is revealed is enough to make people extremely frightened!”

“The source of everything 923 lies in the sudden appearance of the landlord of Rice Flower Street, Qian Jing Dongshu!”

“I am the only one who is supporting the Rakumoto family now. If I suddenly die one day, who among you idiots can support this family?”

For this reason, Rakumoto Gozo certainly wants to make friends with this newly rising big shot as soon as possible!

“Xia Jiang, when you meet someone later, you must remember to be sweet-talker, at least to please that person, okay?”

“Got it, Grandpa.”

Rakumoto Natsue, who had long dark brown hair, bangs, and a slender figure, nodded obediently.

Curiosity flashed across her delicate and beautiful face, and she carefully memorized the name Qian Jing Dongshu in her heart.

In fact, she had long understood her grandfather’s intention, that he wanted to hand over the Rakumoto family to her.

Then, would Qian Jing Dongshu be the husband that her grandfather had chosen for her?

In Rakumoto Natsue’s shy, uneasy, and secretly expectant eyes, a tall figure slowly walked over holding a little girl.

“Ryomoto Gozo? It’s better to meet you than to hear about you. I am Qian Jingfuyuki”

“Is this your granddaughter? Not bad, she’s pretty.”

A clear and lazy voice sounded, with a low and magnetic ending. Ryomoto

Natsue, who was already a little bit voice-controlled, felt a slight burning in his ears, and raised his head in surprise.

He met a pair of smiling red eyes.

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