“Miss Zhu Lin, if you don’t speak Japanese, you can communicate in your native language. I can understand you.

Qian Jingdongshu said this seriously to avoid laughing.

Judy immediately smiled awkwardly but politely.

“Oh, okay.”

She seemed to be disliked by her target?

No way, her appearance and figure were praised by James and others.

Or was there something missing?

Before she could figure it out, Ryūmoto Gozo yelled at his second son, and Ryūmoto Shoji immediately called Judy in embarrassment.

“That cook! Hurry up and put away all the bread and other things! Replace them with neon traditional dishes!”


Judy’s accent immediately became fluent when she spoke the single word.

She glanced at Qian Jing Dongshu, and with a look of doubt on her face, she went back to reflect and think about how to get closer to her target.

When she walked away, she couldn’t help but recall the charming smell of cigarettes on Qian Jing Dongshu.

“Regardless of the target’s identity, he is indeed very good, and this kind of charm is rare in the United States.”

What Tom Cruise, Kinnui Reeves, they are all defeated in seconds by him.

Judy covered her red face and hurried away.

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes stayed on her swaying and upturned body, and a gleam of determination flashed in his eyes.

“”Fuyuki-kun, my grandfather just gave me a set of chess for 440 yuan. Please come to my room after dinner to play.”

At this time, Ryomoto Natsue shyly invited.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that she had other intentions.

After all, it was her grandfather’s order, and she also had some selfish motives, hoping to have more contact with Fuyuki-kun.

“You are so cunning, Xia Jiang. I didn’t expect you to start flirting with Dongshu so soon.”

Rakumoto Akie turned around and snorted with disdain. He actually dragged a chair over and sat behind Qian Jing Dongshu with a twist of his hips, staring at the two of them with burning eyes.

“If you want to play chess, I can play it too! Let’s play together!”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled. He was worried that he would not have the chance to catch both beauties at once.

How could he not take advantage of such a good opportunity?

“Then Miss Qiu Jiang should also come along. Maybe this chess game will be something you will never forget.”.

No one expected that after dinner, Qian Jingfuyu would be invited to leave by Kuromoto Gozo first.

“Mr. Qian Jing, the conditions on the cruise ship are average, and I apologize for not welcoming you well.”

“I wonder if you are satisfied with my two granddaughters?”

They are all old foxes. At the banquet, Hao Zang noticed Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes and immediately catered to his preferences.

“What does the head of the Ryūmoto family mean? Miss Akie is married. Qian

Jingdongshu smiled and drank a sip of tea without answering.

Even if he slept with many beauties, there were still a large group of people to clean up the mess. For example, the four daughters of Douyuan Taeko were directly poached to his entertainment company.

On the surface, he still cherished his reputation. How could he openly talk about such a Jian’an style thing as stealing someone else’s wife?

“Hehe, as long as Qian Jingjun is satisfied, Qiu Jiang’s husband can disappear.”

Rakumoto Gozo rubbed his hands and smiled cunningly.

Compared with Qian Jingfuyushu, a towering tree, a son-in-law who hinders the development of the Rakumoto family should be kept away!

Besides, that loser was originally Qiu Jiang’s quarrel with the family, deliberately imitating her aunt’s son-in-law to stay at home and wanted to divide the family property.

“Then the head of the Rakumoto family must act quickly, because after this round of tour, my schedule is still very full.”

Zen Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows.

When Rakumoto Gozo heard this, he immediately felt a sense of urgency!

“Then please rest assured, Qian Jingjun, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result before the family annual meeting!”

Seeing Qian Jing Dongshu going to the appointment, Rakumoto Gozo hurriedly stood up to see him off.

When Qian Jing Dongshu went out, he happened to meet Rakumoto Ichiro with a gloomy face.

He glared at him fiercely, as if he could no longer bear it, and said to Rakumoto Gozo:

“Grandpa, I have something to tell you.……”

“You useless piece of trash, don’t you see the distinguished guest is here? What did I teach you?”

Ryūmoto Gozo scolded him mercilessly, slapping him so hard that his back bent 90 degrees.

“Use honorifics!”

“”Hey! Qian Jing Fuyuki-san!!”

Rakumoto Ichiro was so frustrated that he almost vomited blood, but he still couldn’t overcome his cowardice and shouted tremblingly.

Qian Jing Fuyuki sneered and walked away without paying any attention.

Rakumoto Gozo looked at Rakumoto Ichiro coldly.

“You troublesome bastard, get out of here!!”.

Qian Jing Dongshu took the sisters, Xiajiang and Akijiang, back to their room to play chess as promised.

Xiao Ai was sensible and didn’t bother them. She just said something meaningful.

“Have fun~”

“Hey, Xiao Ai, don’t drink coffee secretly.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Xiao Ai with a smile, and his face fell instantly. He pursed his lips and snorted, and walked away. As soon as the door closed, he picked up a king chess piece and went straight to the house of the beautiful woman in front of him without following the rules.

“Hey, Fuyuki-kun, what are you doing?~”

“I always like to go to a meeting alone and go straight to the center of the army.”

Qian Jing Dongshu said with a wicked smile, and both Hamoto Natsue and Hamoto Akie realized something.

The two women cried out and immediately turned into shrimps, their faces and necks were red..

When the cruise ship was halfway to the island of Ryūmoto, there was a flurry of footsteps in the corridor.

The butler Suzuki knocked on the door of each room in panic.

Bang, bang, bang!

“Qian Jing, Qian Jing Dong Shu Sang! Something terrible has happened! Please come out for a moment!”

“Miss Xia Jiang? Miss Qiu Jiang!? Something really happened! Master, Master, he……”

Xiao Ai heard the noise, opened the door and poked her head out from next door.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing the old housekeeper lose his composure and even take out his keys, she frowned and quickly sent him away.

“I’ll call them, you go call the others”


Xiao Ai knew that Qian Jing Dongshu had no habit of locking the door, and this guy was never afraid of being seen.

When he was at home, he would even hope that women would come to him on their own initiative.

Besides, this man had extraordinary hearing, and if there was really something wrong, others would definitely not be able to push the door open even if they used explosives.

Xiao Ai stood on tiptoe and turned the doorknob.

“I’m going in!”

As the door opened, the lights came on, and the chaotic scene inside was visible.

Chess pieces were scattered all over the floor, and the table was knocked crooked.

The next second, Xiao Ai saw something, and her pupils trembled!

Her whole face was too shocked.

“You, you guys!”

Why didn’t the three of them turn off the lights?!”.

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