“Ms. Taeko……”

“What’s wrong, landlord?

Douyuan Taeko looked at Qian Jingfuyu curiously, and subconsciously wiped the coffee from the corner of her mouth.

Qian Jingfuyu blinked.

“It’s nothing, I just want to ask if you need a tissue?”

Using the full-level poison technique, he found that there was no bad ingredient in the coffee, it was just an instant stimulant like Red Bull.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to get on the face, and the strong one can get drunk immediately..

“Oh~ Sorry, landlord.”

Douyuan Taeko thought she was embarrassed and quickly turned her head to tidy up.

The other three beauties exchanged glances and laughed secretly.

They didn’t think too much and drank the coffee.

After a while, Qian Jingfushu looked at them with interest.

“Is the coffee good?””

“Um, my head feels dizzy.”

“Oh my god! Could it be that Anzai Morio put something in the coffee just now to take a sneak shot?”

The three women were horrified. Douyuan Taeko, who had seen Anzai Morio use such tricks, also froze and her face turned pale.

“It’s all my fault. I was young and ignorant, and I revealed the sacred artifact in my home, which was stolen and sold by Anxi Shounan and his gang.”

“As a result, the uncle who was guarding the artifact committed suicide. He used my crime to blackmail me!”

“Woohoo, who knew that you were innocently implicated, landlord-san, I’m so sorry!”

Douyuan Taeko covered her face and cried on the ground, almost blaming herself to death.

The damn Anzai Morio, and the most unforgivable herself, actually caused such a disaster!

Hoshino Terumi and the others knew it was not her fault no matter how uncomfortable they were, and hurried to comfort her.

Kusano Kaoru and Yue Ye Xue fanned the wind to cool her down, and they were so anxious that they turned around.

“Ah, we can’t go on like this. If someone sees us, we’ll be in big trouble!”

“God knows what that pervert did. Now there is only one way out.”

“Please help us, Landlord! No man can help us. You are the only one we can rely on.……”

The four girls blushed, looking forward to it and feeling embarrassed, and looking at Qian Jing Dong Shu with tears in their eyes, afraid of being rejected. Qian Jing Dong Shu’s emotions were so high that he almost burst out laughing.

How could he refuse four little lambs, and then he could not wait to jump into the mouth of the hungry wolf?

“Then, I have no choice but to do it.

Qian Jingdongshu looked serious and took the four girls to the apartment he bought nearby..

【Sign in with Douyuan Taeko and get rewarded as a radio talent. Once you arrive at the TV station program team, you will be particularly popular!】

【Sign in to Kusano Kaoru and you will be rewarded with the skill of house management, which overlaps with the positioning of”Invincible Physical Skills” and has been merged!】

【Sign in at Yue Yexue and you will be rewarded with a winding path, which overlaps with the positioning of”directly pointing to the core” and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Hoshino Terumi, and you will be rewarded with a beautiful voice expert. The positioning overlaps with”Voice of Heaven” and has been merged!

Qian Jingfuyu walked out of the apartment with satisfaction.

He used the ventriloquist in Beijing and tried a teleportation gold finger. It was wonderful and ingenious.

He also remembered Xiaolan wearing a maid outfit at home.

“I wonder if Xiaolan is obedient and plays the role of a maid seriously?”

Take out the free space-time camera and lock on the target Xiaolan.

Qian Jingdongshu relies on the fact that no one can see it except himself, so he zooms in and admires it while walking.

Who knows that the beginning is a critical hit, and it is directly the scene of Xiaolan changing clothes

“mo~ Dongshu-kun’s clothes are so tight, so embarrassing!”

“I haven’t eaten papaya recently. Why do I have the tendency to develop into Elena-san? It’s so tight that I can’t breathe.”

“Fortunately, there is still a little extra space at the waist. Phew… Take a selfie first, and wait to surprise Fuyuki-kun~”

Except for Yukiko’s deliberate deviation and the one time she played with the rope, Xiaolan has always been reserved and never dared to be too bold.

The maid outfit is her second attempt besides the swimsuit, and Fuyuki-kun has seen her in a swimsuit at home.

To be honest, the maid outfit is really something. I don’t know how, I serve Fuyuki-kun wholeheartedly, and the whole person feels like Fuyuki-kun’s little slave.

Xiaolan’s pretty face was nervous and flushed, and she pouted and took a light photo.

Then she wore black stockings that set off her slender and tight legs, with a puffy skirt, and carefully stuck out her butt and wiped it on the ground

“Hey hey hey”

Xiaolan is always very serious about doing housework………

Besides, she had agreed to be a maid for a day, so she couldn’t be lazy before Fuyuki-kun came back. But the front buttons of this dress were always loose, so it was easy for it to get loose. She had to stop while she was working and twist it to correct it.

Whenever this happened, Qian Jing Fuyuki would say”oh” and step on the accelerator to rush home.

“Xiaolan, I’m back~”

As soon as he entered the door, Qian Jingdongshu shouted with a smile

“”Fuyuki? You’re so fast!”

Xiaolan was surprised. When Yukiko came back, she said that she might have coffee with someone until very late.

“Of course, they are not as virtuous and charming as you, Xiaolan~”

Although the house flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, the pure Xiaolan, tempting and waiting for love without knowing it, is really hard to give up.

Qian Jingdongshu took her hand and walked into the house.

“Oh, Fuyuki-kun, the outside is not cleaned yet.”

“I’ll tell you when you come out tomorrow~”

The door slammed shut.

Then Xiao Ai from next door came out with a red face, snorted, and took the coffee cup.

“You’re such a pervert, sooner or later the women in your family will be spoiled by you”.

That night.

After rewarding Xiaolan for her hard work, Qian Jingfuyu hacked into the telephone communications and once again used a ventriloquist in Kyoto to play a trick on Anzai Morio.

Even if he received the benefits for free, the people who schemed against him would not have done so without paying a price.

First, he made a false report to the police and asked them to register this person.

Then he hacked into the radio station and the Internet, making people feel as if they were there, and felt the wretched pervert Anzai Morio.

Overnight, he became a rat in the gutter that was despised by all Kyoto people.

When Anzai Morio heard the broadcast at home, he was dumbfounded and collapsed.

He ran to the street like crazy, shouting

“It’s not me, it’s not me you heard!!”

But no one believed it.

The driver of a large truck was driving tired and yawned, not paying attention to the weird roar of such a madman.

Bang –

Anxi Morio was directly smashed to pieces, his head flew out, and he died with his eyes open!..

This is my first time: Early

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