Qian Jingdongshu brought Xizi to the location set

“Ah, that’s the famous Fujimine Yukiko!”

“International superstar!”

“That’s enough! That’s the lover she just announced? He looks so gentle with glasses, and he’s so tall and handsome!”.

If Conan was here now, he would definitely gasp when he saw his boss wearing half-gold frameless glasses.

Who is this Qin Beast who looks even more gentle and unsophisticated with glasses! He is already eye-catching enough, and the effect of wearing glasses is more than exaggerated. He is simply a dazzling and handsome god wherever he goes!

With that aura, people would believe that any crown prince would come out to show off his power!

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, they are all looking at you~”

Yukiko held Qianjing Fuyuki’s arm and was secretly delighted. She even proudly held up the huge thing in front of her.

She wanted to walk out of the neon lights again and tell the world that she was Fuyuki-kun’s woman~

She was so excited that she didn’t know that she was really transparent in front of Qianjing Fuyuki who was wearing perspective glasses at this time.

It was as if she was naked, walking in the sun, big���Yukiko was walking around… and the female models and the newly debuted female trainees were all showing off their beautiful bodies without any cover. They were shaking everywhere) (

Sure enough, this kind of magical prop is only worth the money when used on the set of an entertainment company and behind the model catwalk!

The beauties at home were exciting for him, but they lacked a little mystery and secret voyeurism.

Qian Jingdongshu felt that his concentration was getting better and better. He looked a few more times and was sitting on the Diaoyutai.

At this time, a careless girl wearing glasses ran over

“Ah, sorry, please move aside~”

Douyuan Taeko, a beautiful TV station supervisor.

She seemed to have just worn glasses, the degree was not quite right, and she was staggering as if she was drunk.

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes flashed white, and he hurriedly pulled Yukiko aside.

Yukiko was an ordinary person after all, so she was slow to react.

“Ouch! ‖~”

The two girls accidentally bumped into each other head-on and cried out in pain. duangduang~

What a spectacular scene it is when beautiful women are boobed. Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes were fixed on it.

“Miss, are you okay?

He took the initiative to pull Yukiko and the pretty little beauty with glasses.

“I, I’m fine, it’s so rude!”

Douyuan Taeko’s pretty face flushed, she felt so embarrassed in front of a big star idol.

In Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes, there was a kind of beauty like the first lotus after the rain, with its pointed corners just exposed.

“Ah, you are the famous landlord, Qian Jingfuyuki-kun!

Dou Yuan Taeko recognized Qian Jingfuyuki and shouted excitedly

“You are our Kyoto’s hero. I was almost bullied by thugs on the street, so I gave up hope and reported your name!”

“Who would have known that he would run away in fear when he heard it. You have always been my guardian angel!”

“Oh? There is such a thing?”

Zen Jing Dongshu was really surprised.

If his reputation is so useful, all the useless policemen in Kyoto would have to kowtow to him.


Douyuan Taeko clenched her fists, nodded harder, and shook more violently. Qian

Jingfuyu whistled secretly in his heart, pulled Yukiko and smiled and gave her a business card.

“Since we are so destined, let’s go for a drink after get off work.”


As soon as Douyuan Taeko finished speaking, Director Gondo, who was filming, called out to someone.

“Douyuan? Douyuan-san, where have you been! ?”

“Hi! I’m here! I’ll be there soon!”

Douyuan Taeko responded hurriedly, thinking about the crew she was following, which happened to have three beautiful stars from the Earth Ladies Team.

Ever since Okino Yoko suddenly broke the good news of her love, their company urgently launched various resources and began to promote the three beauties in the same group.

They were filming the Detective Samonji series, and today they happened to invite three beautiful women with their own characteristics to guest star.

Douyuan Taeko thought of Qian Jingfuyu’s reputation for liking beautiful women, and her little face blushed and she took the initiative to invite

“Mr. Uchiboto, are you here to visit the crew with Yukiko-senpai?”

“Our detective Sawamonji is lucky enough to have invited three popular female stars from the Earth Ladies Team. Why don’t you come with me to have a look?”Yukiko didn’t care. Going to the set to play was just an excuse.

As long as she was on a date with Fuyuki-kun, she could go anywhere.~

“Are you interested, Dongshu-kun? I’ll go with you.~”

“Great, it’s a good opportunity to broaden my horizons.”

Qian Jingdongshu readily agreed to have the opportunity to see more beautiful women’s bodies..

The three of them came to the crew of Detective Sawamonji.

The atmosphere was a little cold.

“Anzai Morio! What’s wrong with you? I asked you to come here to do work, not to stir up trouble!”

“.「”Tsk, what a lousy crew! They don’t make much money, but they keep meddling in everything. I won’t serve them!”

A skinny monkey with a rat-like face cursed and picked up the camera, kicked the tripod away, and left.

The crew director Goto Taketoshi was so angry that he smashed the rolled-up newspaper in his hand.

“It’s the other way around! Who hired this photographer?”

The male and female celebrities who were taking photos looked unhappy.

When Douyuan Taeko brought Qian Jing Fuyuki over, she saw Anzai Morio. The skull watch on his hand made a strange sound, which scared her.

“Douyuan Taeko-san, you should quickly settle the matter with the director.”

“By the way, don’t forget about the artifact!”

“If you don’t pay me enough to keep quiet, don’t even think about being an innocent person in the crew like you are now!”

Anzai Morio said to Douyuan Taeko in a sinister way, and left proudly and arrogantly.

Yukiko was well-informed and couldn’t help but frown at this kind of person.

“What an unscrupulous photographer. He wouldn’t be working part-time as a private detective or paparazzi, using photos to blackmail people.

She looked at Douyuan Taeko with concern.

“Ms. Taeko, are you okay?”

“Ah… I’m fine!”

Douyuan Taeko’s face turned pale with fear, and she stared at Anzai Morio’s back with some resentment for a long time.

She muttered unconsciously

“Damn bastard, why do you always stare at me like a ghost? How much money do you want to pay for the reward?!!

Qian Jing Dongshu turned around, retracted his disdainful gaze and

“Maybe he was castrated a long time ago, and he has no offspring to use, so he doesn’t care about the hidden virtue.”

“Ms. Taeko, aren’t you going to introduce me to the beauties from the Earth Ladies Team?”

“Right, right!”

Douyuan Taeko blushed and quickly took Qian Jingfushu in.

“There are three people dancing over there.

Qian Jingdongshu adjusted his perspective glasses and looked closely, his eyes immediately lit up!

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