Kaoru Kusano in green is a prairie filled with fragrance.

Yuki Takeno in pink gauze is the white snow on the top of the mountain. Terumi

Hoshino in black and purple kimono is the stars twinkling in the night sky.

Delicate, charming, and mysterious personality.

Three top beauties who can compete with Yoko Okino in spring flowers, autumn moon, and each has their own beauty.

What a beautiful sight it is to be naked and dancing in front of you?

They have no idea that they have no privacy in the eyes of Fuyuki Zeni.

Even if the photographer is not there and the other crew members have gone to take a lazy rest, the three of them will continue to act very hard and seriously.

Because of the professionalism of Japanese artists, they are not allowed to slack off.

“Axue twisted her waist and hips, trying to attract Zuo Wenzi with her eyes.”

“Xiaoxun, you should also stick your iron bridge up hard, and imagine that your lover is looking at you passionately.”

“Huimei, you are too reserved. You can’t see anything in your kimono. You should open your lips slightly and add some sexy charm to your expression and posture~”

The three beauties chattered together, dancing and gesticulating.

Just like every time their ladies’ team performs together, they must explode the visual effect of the whole audience.

“It’s a pity that Yoko is not here. If she had come, her soft and charming dance would definitely give us more inspiration!”

Kaoru Kusano was busy for a while, then sighed and said

“Hey~ I’ve already been living with my super rich landlord, how can I think of going back to the past.”

Hoshino Terumi was really exhausted. She danced for a long time in a heavy kimono and felt sweaty.

She tugged at her collar slightly, pinched her waist and fanned herself, hoping that her hot cheeks would cool down quickly.

There was no way, her skin was always so sensitive. In the past, when she went on stage to perform and practice dancing, it was like coming out of a steamer.

“Mina-san~ look who’s here!”

Just then, Douyuan Taeko’s excited voice sounded behind them.


Hoshino Terumi turned around and was shocked.

“That, that’s not the famous landlord, Qian Jing Dongshu!”

“”Red Bean!?”

When Kaori Kusano and Yuki Yue heard this, they immediately turned around excitedly.

When they saw Qian Jingdongshu standing there with his hands in his pockets, accompanied by a fashionable beauty, looking at them with admiration, the three beauties blushed. They all wanted to cover their faces and scream.

“Ahhh, why is the landlord wearing glasses more handsome than usual!!”

Kaoru Kusano’s eyes were blurred, and her pair of long, white legs were completely exposed.

“It’s just a kind of, soul-sucking sex aura~ I can’t describe what it feels like!”

The most perceptive Hoshino Terumi’s eyes were bright. She admired the smart, handsome and reasoning man the most!

Yue Yexue’s heart was beating fast.

For some reason, when she met Qian Jingdongshu’s hot gaze, she felt like she was not wearing any clothes!

“Ah~! I feel so embarrassed for no reason!!”

“As expected of the newly launched jade female stars, all of them are fresh and delicious virgins.

Qian Jing Dongshu stopped to admire for a while. The five beauties around him showed off their beauty in every angle.

Especially the earth ladies in front of him who were sweating and white and rosy like snow.

“Mina-san, I am Qian Jingdongshu, the landlord of Mihua Street. Please give me your advice.”

“Oh, everyone, I believe you have all seen me on TV~”

Yukiko winked mischievously.

“Ah, Yukiko-senpai! As expected, standing with the landlord, they are a perfect match!”

Hoshino Terumi and the other two were envious.

Okino Yoko, Ikezawa Yuko and the others were really lucky!

If they could face such a landlord with overflowing hormones, they would be willing to do whatever he wanted~

The beauties who were dancing just now looked at the handsome man they liked, and subconsciously raised their heads and chests, and their waists trembled as if they were being inspected.

Qian Jingfuyuki was feasting his eyes even more invisibly.

“It’s been hard filming, so since it’s time for a break, why not go to a nearby cafe and have a drink?”

The three girls and Douyuan Taeko immediately looked at each other.

“Then we are welcome~”

Four sweet smiling faces, in the prime of youth and beauty, lively and beautiful.

Qian Jingdongshu touched the frame and smiled more elegantly.

Today I can taste fresh lamb again.

Not just one, but four.

“Yukiko-san! We still need your advice on Detective Samonji!”

Director Gondo came over and was pleasantly surprised to see Fuyuki Zeni.

Fortunately, Fuyuki Zeni had just turned off the perspective, otherwise it would have been really eye-catching to see the fat director.

“Yukiko, go home and talk to the director via email. I’ll take Ms. Taeko and the others out for coffee.

Yukiko is very professional. When she saw that her junior needed help, she immediately nodded and ran home.

She was very sensible in front of Fuyuki’s husband and was determined not to talk too much with men outside her.

“sa~ Let’s go.”

Qian Jing Dongshu wanted to get rid of Yukiko, not for anything else, but because he had just fixed the shame speaker on the car.

He asked the system, and now the prop is bound to his car.

That is to say, as long as he wants, it will be fixed in that position even if he changes the car in the future.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at the four girls with blushing cheeks and kept peeking at him. He was really curious about what they were embarrassed about in their hearts.

The four girls thought they had some understanding of the landlord’s wealth.

But when they really saw the top luxury, the Sun God supercar that was particularly eye-catching on the street.

The four girls couldn’t help but cry out, and stood by the car door flattered, not daring to touch it for a while.

“Get in the car quickly.”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled meaningfully, but none of the four girls noticed.

“Then we won’t be polite~”

Opening the car door, there was another secret dispute over who would sit on the passenger seat.

“The landlord smells like sea salt. When I smell his scent, all my fatigue disappears.”

“I also want to be close to the landlord, um~ there is a mysterious snow mountain atmosphere”

“I feel dizzy. Without the refreshing orange scent of the landlord, I’m afraid I’ll be embarrassed~”

In the end, it was Hoshino Terumi who frowned and made the decision

“Xiaoxun, Xiaoxue, let’s stop fighting. Why don’t we let Miaozi sit in the front?”


Douyuan Taeko got a bargain for nothing, her face was so red, but she was still pressed on the passenger seat by the three women.

With shaking hands, she fastened her seat belt under Qian Jing Dongshu’s teasing eyes.

The gentle rubbing of her buttocks and the comfortable seat immediately made her unable to control herself, and she cried out softly in her heart.



Whose voice is that?

So embarrassing, so enchanting, so blushing!

The three women in the back seat were shocked.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows.

When Dou Yuan Taeko realized that something was wrong, she looked at the people around her in confusion.

【Ah~~ The butt drum fits perfectly with the seat, just like being close to the handsome landlord, Taeko loves him so much~】!!!!!!

This is the sound she made! ?

Douyuan Taeko’s pupils trembled, and her pretty face suddenly became hot as if it was burning!.

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