“I’m back!”

Yukiko and Xiaolan came out to greet me in surprise.

“Dongshu-kun, you are finally back!”.

“Did you enjoy your day trip to the dusk annex?”

Ai secretly drank the coffee in the cup, and ran to the wash basin on tiptoe, trying to”destroy the body”.

Qian Jingdongshu saw it.

He hugged the two girls and kissed them respectively, and sent them back to the room to wait.

“Xiao Ai, you are not good again~”

He walked over and rubbed Xiao Ai’s brown hair hard.

Xiao Ai rubbed it with helplessness and obedience, looking up at him with slanted eyes.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.

Qian Jingdongshu knew that Xiao Ai didn’t want to ask about this.

It was the fatal USB flash drive she left in the Karasuma family’s lair.

He chuckled and put the processed USB flash drive in her hand.

“Actually I got it back before, but it took me some time to deal with some things”

“What are you dealing with?” Xiao Ai was startled.

Giving her such an important USB drive? What does that mean?

“I have changed the information in the USB drive into a collection of gossip and fun of the Black Organization.

“Don’t you girls like to read entertainment gossip? Here is a hundred-year archive, enjoy it to your heart’s content”

“Don’t worry, the things you don’t want to know and dare not know have been cleared up, and the rest can be seen as fun.”

Isn’t Xiao Ai afraid of the brewery?

After reading this, she should have a complicated impression of all the staff in the brewery.

Not to mention triggering the induction radar, I’m afraid that if Gin stands in front of her again, she will find it difficult to look directly at those embarrassing things she has seen.


She cursed the guy in a low voice, saying he was an idiot. He actually prepared such a surprise secretly just to show her gossip.

Xiao Ai’s face was still red. She looked at Qian Jingdongshu with the word”love” in her heart, but she couldn’t say it.

In the end, she could only pull his pants shyly with a straight face.

“Squat down”


Qian Jingdongshu bent over curiously.


Xiao Ai closed her eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then ran away with her hot face covered.


She shut the door heavily and locked herself in the room, slowly letting the heat evaporate.

【Xiao Ai is shocked, shy, bursting with love, brave, embarrassed, lasting + emotion value 1000+1000+1000……】

Xiao Ai, who says one thing but means another.

Qian Jingfuyuki was also touched by the sweetness.

Before he could find Xiaolan and Yukiko, his cell phone suddenly rang.

As expected, it was Conan.


Qian Jingdongshu took out yogurt from the refrigerator and drank it slowly.

“Qian Jing Dongshu! What is the origin of the woman who pretended to be Xiaolan and was with you?”

Conan, who had just got off the helicopter, had legs that were almost as soft as noodles.

The people around him were all staggering, and their eyes were all mosquito coils.

“Is it really necessary to be so exaggerated, a helicopter pilot, is he from a fighting nation!?”

Just now, for some unknown reason, Granny Chijian suddenly wanted to jump out of the helicopter.

Uncle Maori immediately rushed down bravely and transformed into Kaito Kid to catch her.

Conan felt that this was enough to shock him. He never expected that the hidden pilot could give them such a big job.

The helicopter suddenly did a 360-degree Thomas rotation in the air, and turned into a fighter jet to intercept Kaito Kid in the air.

Is that a Gatling gun extending from both sides of the wing!?

Kaito Kid suffered a fatal blow, his glider was beaten into a sieve on the spot, and his white clothes were burned into a firebird by a flame gun!

Together with Granny Chijian, they performed a Black Hawk Down!

Now the police are still leading the team to search the forest for rescue, and Inspector Megure was silent when he heard their story.

“Generally speaking, in an air strike under such circumstances… it is not easy for people to survive.”

But when they turned around, the pilot of the fighting nation had already flown away in a helicopter!

The aircraft was also equipped with a stealth anti-radar device, so it was impossible to find it. It was outrageous!

Conan had a lot of complaints and wanted to vomit. He said a few words, but only a few sighs were left.

“This time when I saw Xiaolan next to you, I felt something was wrong”

“It was not until I saw the ever-changing Kidd that I thought of a possibility: disguise!”

“No wonder Xiaolan didn’t blush. How could a woman who loves you with her life not show shyness when she is talking about love with you all the way!”

“I’ll tell you the rest after I take a look at the situation.”

Conan hung up the phone in a hurry when he saw the doctor coming to send them to the hospital.

Qian Jingfuyuki knew some details of the incident without him.

There was no need to give any additional instructions, and Sister Bayonet did it lightly.

The broken-winged Watson was sent back to the Hakuba family. The Hakuba Superintendent was so scared that he sent his son abroad overnight and issued a death order to the housekeeper, not allowing him to return to Neon unless it was important.

Kaito Kid was seriously injured and almost paralyzed. He was rescued by Terai Huangzhisuke and flew abroad for surgery and recuperation.

Chikan Kyoudai and Mogi Haruhi, who were seriously injured and imprisoned, were warned to varying degrees.

Everyone who had been to the Twilight Annex fell silent and kept silent to the outside world, as if nothing had happened on this trip.

.After dinner, Xiaolan cleaned the table

“Eh? Are you going to watch the crew filming?”

When she heard that Qian Jing Dongshu was going out on a date with Yukiko alone, she felt bad.


Her hand slipped and the bowl fell to the ground and broke.

“Ah, Simi Masai!”

Xiaolan hurriedly picked it up with her bare hands, but was stopped by Qian Jingdongshu

“Xiaolan, you are not concentrating! Is it because there is still no news from Maori-san?”

He waved his hand, and a palm wind cleaned up the ground, then raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

The two women were shocked, and Xiaolan turned her head away embarrassedly.

“I’m worried about Dao-san, but I also want to go with Fuyuki.……”

“No, Ran-chan, you can give in to everything else, but it’s rare to have time alone with Fuyuki-kun, I can’t give in~”

Yukiko immediately hugged Qian Jing Fuyuki’s arm and said seriously.

Xiaolan still looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki eagerly.

As soon as Qian Jing Fuyuki saw the maid outfit that the props could do whatever they wanted, he immediately had an idea

“If Xiaolan wants to date me alone, it’s not impossible.”

He smiled evilly, took out the maid outfit, and said seductively like the Big Bad Wolf to Little Red Riding Hood:

“I hope you can resist wearing this for 24 hours when we’re not home.”

“Maid outfit?”

Xiaolan instantly thought of something embarrassing, and her face suddenly turned red!

She almost snatched the maid outfit and held it tightly in her arms, saying firmly:

“It’s a deal! Dongshu, I will definitely do it! You just wait and see!”.

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