Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 592: First visit to the door

Li Xuehao walked into the store, and Mrs. Sakai, who was behind the checkout counter, immediately discovered him.

"Zhen Zhongjun, good afternoon." Mrs. Sawa said with a smile.

Before Li Xuehao came in, he had already circulated outside the store and found that he did not find the person he was looking for. He was not disappointed. He asked directly: "Mrs. Is Miss Green?"

"Green?" Mrs. Sawai stayed for a while. She thought that Zhenzhongjun was coming to buy things, or it was possible to find Yuko. I didn't even think that he would come to find his eldest daughter. "Green and Yuko are all At home... Is Zhen Zhongjun looking for green?” Mrs. Sawai did not dare to ask again. It was also very understandable to the eldest daughter he knew. After all, his birthday daughter and little daughter went to yesterday. It may be that time I met.

"...Yes, ma'am." Li Xuehao is a bit embarrassed. Zejing Green is not as small as Sakai Yuko. It is not reminiscent of looking for her to play, but I am looking for a job at Sakai Green. "Adults", that can cause misunderstandings.

Sure enough, Mrs. Sai’s eyes looked strange and the words were quite straightforward. “Is it true that my true brother is seeing my family green?”

"Cough... I am looking for something green lady." Li Xuehao regretted that he knew that Zejing Green was not here. He simply went directly to Zejing.

"Ha ha ha, don't be shy, if you like green, I am very happy to see it." Mrs. Sawai laughed, especially when he saw him, and the misunderstanding went deeper.

Li Xuehao could only retreat and took an excuse to leave in a hurry.

From the convenience store, Li Xuehao went to the Zejing family.

Speaking of it, the Sakai family has been there a few times, but he has never been in. He has sent Yusuke Yuki to go home a few times ago. This time, he may have to visit the door in person.

When he came to Zejing's home, Li Xuehao did not hesitate, went directly into the courtyard, and then pressed the doorbell.

"Hey! Hey!"

Soon after the door bell rang, someone came to open the door, and Li Xuehao outside the door clearly heard the footsteps.

The door opened, and a small head with a double ponytail was found out. It was actually the gimmick of Sakai Yuko.

"Hey, Youzi Sauce!" Li Xuehao said hello.

When I found out my head, Sakai Yuko’s face suddenly slammed, and then her eyes lit up, and she was excited. She opened the whole door and revealed her petite body: "Hao brother, are you coming to me to play?" "If you don't hold a packet of snacks on your hands, I'm afraid I have to rush."

Li Xuehao touched her head and secretly sighed "eat the goods" and asked: "Youzi, is your sister at home?"

"What?" Hearing was to ask his sister, Yuji Yuko's face suddenly became stiff and then it became difficult to look. In the past, Hao Er’s brother didn’t come to her to play. Now she came to the door, actually to find her sister. “My sister went to Kyoto to go to school.” Speaking, the indignant Yuki Yuki will close the door.

Li Xuehao quickly stood up and pushed her down to avoid over exertion. He only used a little effort.

"Hey, don't come in! My sister is not at home!" Yuji Yuji is really angry. When she comes to her sister, why not find her!

"Miss Zejing, are you there?" Li Xuehao simply skipped him and shouted loudly inside the house. He believed that as long as Zejing Green was inside, he could hear his voice. As for Ogata Sawai Yuko, she said that her sister went to Kyoto to go to school. He didn't believe it at all. Before he came, he went to the convenience store and asked Mrs. Sakai, knowing that Zejing Green was at home.

Sure enough, when the voice just fell, I heard the sound of a pair of kicking slippers. It seems that Saori Green ran downstairs and ran and asked: "Is it true?"

"No!" The answer is Yuji Yuki, who had to close the door, but the strength was too small to be shut down.

"Miss Sawai." Li Xuehao laughed and said that he was outside.

"Let's open, Yuko!" Sakai Green is welcome. Grab the sister's two little ponytails and drag her directly to the back, then the whole person squeezes into the door.

"Zejing..." Li Xuehao just wanted to greet, but his look was a stiff. Because Sakai Green didn't wear clothes at all - don't misunderstand, although he didn't wear clothes, he used a white bath towel to enclose the important part of his body, which may be the relationship of just taking a shower.

Although the bath towel encloses important parts, it also reveals a large amount of white skin. The fullness of the chest is completely naked, revealing a good clavicle, and even a small part of the two groups of soft matte.

The following is also the same, two long and round thighs are completely exposed to the air, the skin is very white, white and crystal clear, white dazzling, but also white people can not stop.

"Please come in, really." Zejing Green did not feel uncomfortable, and let the body open, and also pushed the sister behind the station to the corner, so that people can come in.

Yuki Yuki is dare to anger and dare not speak, but also hates someone with a hateful, hey, what is good on her sister, when she grows up, she must be bigger and more beautiful than her sister!

Someone Li Xuehao walked in unnaturally, and his eyes also tried to avoid touching the body of Zejing Green.

"Hao Er brother is a fool!" As soon as he got free, Sakai Yuko yelled aloud and ran in indignation. He didn't know where he was going. Maybe he was going back to his room. Li Xuehao heard that he almost broke the door. The closing sound.

"Go to my room, really." Yuji Yuki led the way, Li Xuehao followed, suddenly realized that he was just asking for a sentence, there is no need to go to the room of Zejing Green.

However, regardless of whether he was walking in front of Zejing Green, he also put out her mind.

The room in Sawai Green is not large, but the layout is very tasteful and very modern. Sofas, beds, tables and chairs... everything is westernized and almost no tatami style.

"In the real world, there is a saying in China, "Nothing is not going to the Three Treasures Hall", come to me because I have already considered accepting my invitation to go to the Yin and Yang divisions to gather together?" Entering the room, Zejing green sat down On the wide spring bed, facing the teenager who followed, because only this reason can explain, why the other party came to her.

Li Xuehao opened his gaze. It was really that Saijin Green’s sitting posture did not converge. The legs that were forked were not closed, so he was facing him, and she had just showered, and had not had time to change clothes. A glimpse, let him have a clear view of the spring inside.

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