Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 591: Hands, hands, hands!

Seeing that the island is nervous and worried, the sissy boys have a kind of revenge-like pleasure, and they are in contact with the boys in the school. Now I regret it.

"Mr. Aoyama, hello!" The island was desperately trying to hide him. Li Xuehao took the initiative and greeted the oncoming Qingshantang.

"Zhen Zhongjun?" Qingshan Tangzi's original gloomy face could not help but then reacted. The so-called outsider was actually Zhenzhongjun, a heroic, just, kind, and tolerant boy.

The unexpected storm did not come, and the sissy boys and the companions around him were stupid. What is going on? I remember the last time Qingshan teacher hated the little girl of this foreign school. He even said that he didn't want to see him again. But now it seems that he is very familiar with the name of the two people, and the relationship is not bad.

The relationship between the island and the expensive is also incredible. She is still worried that Hao Er will be taught by Qingshan teacher. I did not expect it to be such an unexpected result. But immediately thought again, the last time Hao Er and she said, that day he went alone to "tail" Qingshan teacher, but also helped the Qingshan teacher's busy, perhaps because of this, so Qingshan teacher has a good impression on him?

At this time, Qingshan Tangzi had already understood what had happened. Several students were jealous because of the friendship between Zhenjun and Mishima. This was a very naive thing for her.

"Under the palace, the club activity time is over, are you still not going back?" Qingshantang looked at the boys.

The sissy boy was first shocked: "Mr. Aoyama, we..."

"Well-?" Didn't wait for him to finish, Qingshantang's eyes shot harshly.

The sissy boy was suddenly frightened, and did not dare to explain it again. He sinned and ran away with a few companions. This scene shows that the island is very expensive.

"Zhen Zhongjun, come to pick up the school?" Seeing that the boys left, Qingshantang asked a little closer.

"Yes, we just went back together." Li Xuehao nodded and could see that Qingshantangzi was a teacher with a clear love. Before changing her daughter, it was estimated that he would be taught again.

Qingshan Tangzi looked at the two people, his eyes were slightly complicated, but he calmed down quickly: "Yuzi always mentions the true Zhongjun in these two days. If you have time, you are welcome to go home.

"Okay, if there is time." Li Xuehao couldn't help but think of the little girl who called his brother. Her health is very problematic. Although there will be nothing wrong with it, I really need to find a time to help her solve it.

"Then, I will not bother." Qingshan Church is slightly decapitated, and the tone of speech is also treated as a peer, because a student does not need to use honorific words.

I watched the teacher of Qingshan go far away, and the island was taken back by the expensive, turned around, and there was a hint of meaning in the tone: "Hao, who is the jade?"

Is this vinegar? Li Xuehao can feel the irritability in her words and explain: "Yuzi is the daughter of Qingshan teacher, is a junior high school student, have you not seen it?" It is reasonable to say that Qingshan Yuzi will come to the school gate to wait for her mother, the island. It’s right that you should have the opportunity to meet it.

"No." The island shook his head and said that the other party was still a junior high school student, but his face was loose.

"By your sister, let's go there and wait." Li Xuehao pointed to the position of the corner of the wall. After all, in the middle of the school gate, others were too conspicuous, and it was better to go to the side.

"Yeah." Yuki Yuki also felt that it was very bad for them to stand here and follow him to the side.

"Right, by your sister, wait for me to go to a place, you and Ma Yijie must go back first." After all, I promised Suzuki Minako, I have to ask the invitation ticket of Sakai Green to sell, if not waiting I didn’t see Zejing Green in Mrs. Sakai’s convenience store, so I could only go to her home to find it.

"Can't we go together?" The island was frowned and slightly reluctant.

"It's just a small matter. I will go back soon after I finish it." Although Li Xuehao still can't answer it, the indirect statement has already represented some hidden meaning.

The island is not talking about it, maybe because it is rejected, it is not happy.

Li Xuexin smiled bitterly, and before she did not confirm her relationship with her, she would certainly not have such a small temper, nor did she have a position to make it, but now it is very natural.

"By your sister." He was holding no one, and Li Xuehao grabbed one of her hands and held it gently.

The first island was a stiff body, and then his face was immediately red, but the hand he was holding did not struggle, let him grab. I just looked very nervous and looked around. I didn't find any people, so I was a little relieved.

What Li Xuehao was about to say, suddenly a footstep sounded from the school, the voice seemed very urgent, it seems that someone was rushing out.

The island was scared by the expensive, and it was subconsciously pumped back.

Li Xuehao did not let go. He did all the bolder things in the broad daylight. For example, the kiss in the playground the day before yesterday is just a matter of holding hands. It is nothing. And those who come out are people who don’t know, so you don’t need to avoid it.

When I thought about it, the people who rushed out of the room surprised him. Because the other person knows, and is very familiar, familiar with getting together every day.

It is melon raw linen!

It was too late to wait until Li Xuehao wanted to let go, because the melons and maidens had already found two people, and they clearly saw the two hands together.

"I have already taken the hand..." The face of melon and burdock did not show any special look, but the tone was full of vinegar, which was very obvious.

The island was burned by the red roots of the red, and at this time I couldn’t wait to find a hole to hide, and I forgot to pull my hand back.

"Ma Jie sister..." Li Xuehao screamed, and did not loosen the island, because it would make people feel more guilty.

"Oh, I want it too." Melon and Mai clothes slammed and rushed forward, grabbed his other hand, and the island was sandwiched between you and the other, and excitedly said, "Okay, let's go back now."

Perhaps it is the addition of melon and linen, and the island is not so shy.

Li Xuehao did not have any sentimentality. The three of them walked hand in hand on the road, and they attracted a lot of passers-by, but...who cares.

When I walked into the intersection, I saw that I was about to get home soon. The three of them were very careful. After all, they might come across acquaintances at any time.

Unconsciously releasing the hand and walking three people side by side, it seems normal.

When passing by Mrs. Sakai's convenience store, Li Xuehao stopped and let Guai Ma and Mudao go back first, and he entered the store himself.

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