Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 593: With the pursuit of two rabbits, a rabbit can not!

"Miss Sawai, then I will say it straight, may I ask if your invitation ticket is sold?" Li Xuehao tried his best to transfer his attention to the bedside or other places in the face of the "temptation" of Zejing Green. Asked directly to the mountain.

“Uh huh?” Sawai Green heard a slight glimpse. He was slightly leaning forward in the posture of sitting on the bed. He said that he had to send him an invitation voucher, but he was rejected. What does it mean now... Don't send it, actually want to buy it?

Li Xuehao knew that she had misunderstood and said: "I am not buying, I am asking for a generation, she wants to buy an invitation voucher."

“She?” Sakai Green immediately noticed this unusually sensitive vocabulary, and the brow wrinkled.

"Suzuki Minako." Li Xuehao said the name. He believes that Sakai Green, who was very happy with Suzuki Minako and Chiba Sayuri, knows who it was.

"Oh? It’s Sister Suzuki, we met yesterday." Sai’s green face showed a faint color, but then it cooled down.

Listening to her tone of speech, I clearly know Miss Suzuki, or I will not say "Sister Suzuki".

"I just asked her, Miss Sai can decide for herself." Li Xuehao did not want to ask Sawai Green to think that he had to help Suzuki Mina to get an invitation voucher, emphasizing that he was only a spokesperson, as for the well. Whether or not green is to be sold is her problem.

"In the real world, are you really not ready to participate?" Zejing Green looked straight at him, did not say sell or not sell, maybe there is already a plan in my heart.

Li Xuehao hesitated, but decided to say: "I have received an invitation voucher." That is to say, as for going, he has not decided yet.

Zejing's green eyes are bright, just like Yukio Sakai heard the expression of good things, stood up, went to the bedside table, opened the drawer, and took out a piece of paper-sized piece of paper.

"I will give you the invitation voucher, really." Zejing Green wrapped his towel and came to him. He stuffed the invitation ticket into the pocket of his school uniform. He seemed to make up his mind not to let him refuse.

"Miss Zejing, it’s not that I want to..." Li Xuehao said as he reached for his pocket. If you don't dare to face the Sakai green wrapped in a bath towel, and the range of action should not be too large, he can completely avoid it before she plugs it.

"I haven't retracted the things that have already been sent out. You can send the invitation ticket to Suzuki's sister or sell it to her. It's already yours." Zejing Green is close at hand, very close, at the same time It is also very fragrant, it is a kind of shower gel mixed with a special fragrance, and the kind of flower that looks like a flower and looks like a flower is very good.

After speaking, Zejing Green walked back to the bedside and sat up, still sitting in a completely undefended position.

Li Xuehao pulled out the invitation ticket, even if the two were a little far away, he wanted to return the invitation ticket. However, it was finally collected. Suzuki Minako only asked him to ask, but "excess" completely "task", and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Then, I will leave." Li Xuehao is ready to flash people. After all, in the room of Zejing Green, in her completely "open" state, it is really not suitable for a long time.

"Please wait, really." Zejing Green suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter with Miss Zejing?" Li Xuehao still opened his eyes and tried not to stay on her.

This "not squint" attitude makes Sajing Green seem very satisfied, she is also slightly seated, at least the legs are not forked, overlapping, blocking the spring that may "leak": "Witches Has Sayuri been engaged to you?"

"Hmmm?" Li Xuehao frowned. This private topic does not seem to come from a mouth that is not an acquaintance. At least he feels that the astrology of Zejing Green has been abrupt. The two have not yet matured to the extent that they can ask such a topic. .

"As far as I know, you are living with several girls at the same time, and the witch lily is one of them." Zejing Green continued.

Li Xuehao's face is getting darker and darker: "What does Miss Sai want to say?" He didn't know where Zejing Green said so, but he didn't want to open his mouth.

"...Time is not early, really, I will send you down." Saijin Green did not answer his question at all, came to a **** turning, gracefully stood up, a look of ready to send customers.

Li Xuehao was almost smashed out of internal injuries. He clearly was a person who was called, and thought that Saijin Green would talk to him, but it was inexplicable, but she was another inscrutable look. If you don't say it, Li Xuehao can't use any means for her because of such a small matter.

"Thank you, I can do it by myself." With a sullen face, Li Xuehao refused her kindness and turned and walked out of the room.

Zejing Green did not follow, but Li Xuehao found a corner of the corridor, and a small ponytail came out from the wall.

The owner of the familiar little ponytail does not have to guess at all. He also knows that it is Yuko Takuya. She is estimated to have been hiding there for "monitoring". It may have heard the opening of the door and immediately shrunk back, but I don't know. Her little ponytail has completely exposed her.

"Youzi." Li Xuehao shouted over there.

Yuji Yuji did not say anything, but the little ponytail shrank back. It seemed that she had discovered that she had already been exposed, or she might want to hide more thoroughly.

In this case, Li Xuehao would not bother her game of hiding from the cat, and went down from the floor alone.

Only when he walked to the entrance, the voice of Yuki Yuki finally came, and there was still an indignation in the crisp and tender: "Ho Er brother!"

"I thought that Yuko was not ready to send me." Li Xuehao stopped and looked back and saw Yuki Yuki rushing downstairs.

"Hey!" Sakai Yuko, who ran to the front, screamed and looked up at him. "What did your sister say to you?" I wanted to eavesdrop, but my sister’s ears were amazing. She used to do it. Eavesdropping, but was caught and taught a lesson, and since then he has not dared, can only hide in the distance to monitor.

"Children don't care so much." Li Xuehao reached out and touched her head.

Yusuke Sakai is busy at the beginning, not letting him touch, and his face is also with an unprecedented seriousness: "Hao brother has heard ‘to chase two rabbits, one rabbit is not allowed’?”

This sentence is a proverb. Similar to China's "fish and bear's paw can not have both", if you want to have both, you may not be able to get it at the end.

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