Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 588: Real purpose

Mr. Furukawa always wore a gray shirt and dark trousers. Although the middle of his head was bald, the surrounding hair was neatly combed, and the image that had already been deeply rooted in the heart was meticulous.

After coming in, Gu Chuan teacher put down the paper, picked up the chalk and wrote on the blackboard, only wrote three lines of words, and it was not long, so he finished writing soon.

Mandarin 09:10-10:00

English 10:20-11:10

Mathematics 11:30-12:20

this is……

Seeing this, all the students understand that today, actually want to test? Why did the teacher not give notice in advance, they did not review, this is terrible!

All the students sighed, except for the original results, such as the squad leader Xiaobin Marina, who is already eager to try.



The ringing of the class sounds, which means that the study time of one day is over, followed by the club activities.

Li Xuehao and the devastated Yamamoto Ryota came to the activity room of the Spirit Society. Because of the entangled badness in the morning, Yamamoto looked too much like a dead body.

Although the results have not been revised, he is really not happy to recognize the test.

Li Xuehao did not have such fears. Although he was already trying to restrain himself, it was certain that each subject would be worth 50 points or more.

Suzuki Minako arrived early in the morning, sitting in the middle of the first seat, her left and right heads, respectively, Chiba Mijia and Jiuchuan Qianhe, and then, the following is the Saito gray, but the consultant teacher Wife black tone did not come, after all, the health teacher is her duty.

"True, come here." When they saw the two coming in, Suzuki Mina stood up and went to the luxurious sofa on the other side for hospitality.

Li Xuehao looked at her with some doubts, guessing that she might have something to say to herself, and came to the sofa opposite her to sit down.

"In fact, do you need to bring anything to Kofu City on this weekend?" Suzuki Minako said, while looking at the long table and pretending to read the book, but the ears are long and ready to eavesdrop on Chiba Miyaka. "Mega, if you want to know what I am saying, please come and listen." The neutral voice has a special charm, which does not give people a sense of disharmony.

"Yes, I am sorry, Minister." Chiba Mika was shocked and hurriedly apologized. The Minister said that it was not the opposite, she would not hear it.

Li Xuehao also glanced over there and said in a faint voice: "There is no need for special preparation."

Suzuki Minako nodded. It seemed that the answer to his question was not unexpected. He continued: "The people who went this time may not only have one sister."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao was not surprised. It doesn't matter if he goes there. It doesn't matter to him anyway. He just needs to help the twins to complete the last will. As for the treasure of the "Sixth Day Devil" Oda Nobunaga, his interest is not big, let alone this may be a fake news, even if it is true, he is indifferent.

"I will go together too." Suzuki Minako finally said the point.

Li Xuehao looked at her a little surprised, even if she had to go together, there is no need to tell herself.

"In the truth, can you return the shovel to me?" Seeing him not talking, Suzuki Mina suddenly looked at him faintly, his eyes full of sadness.

For the first time, Suzuki Minako, who seems to be in a strong position, has such a strong feminine look. Li Xuehao has directly ignored it. At the same time, in the heart, I am afraid this is the real focus. I have said so much before. They are all paving the way for this.

"Suzuki's predecessor, I said, as long as you return my things to me, I will return them to you." The bandits have already reached their own hands. If you don't take the ring to exchange, Li Xuehao can't I plan to go back.

Suzuki Mina was suddenly anxious. She almost stunned her face and pleaded. The result was rejected. She couldn’t help but say: "The ring has been stolen by my sister. You can come back when you see her. Because I have to take risks this time, I need something that can protect my own. In fact, please!" In the end, I would have to bend over. If there is no one else at the scene, I am afraid she will really do that.

However, as the minister of the spiritual society, and in the activity room of the spiritual society, she can do this, and she has really "do her best".

Although Li Xuehao will not be impressed by this thing, he did not refuse it: "Before going to Kofu City, I will bring the bandits together. If I want to return my ring, I will return it to you." Already the biggest concession he can make, or because the other party went to celebrate his birthday yesterday, even though he was unsolicited, but he also gave a gift, and Li Xuehao did not want to owe her favor. When it is still up.

Suzuki Minako frowned, perhaps not satisfied with this result, but finally let her see the hope of returning to earth.

"If it's okay, I will leave." Li Xuehao didn't want to do more with her. He felt that reading books was much more interesting than this.

"Wait a minute, really." Suzuki Minako seems to have nothing to say, hurriedly screaming at him, maybe the voice is a little louder, even the Chiba Mijia who did not eavesdrop heard, and then looked at the same I looked over.

"What else is there for Suzuki's predecessors?" Li Xuehao said with some impatientness.

Suzuki Mina faintly glanced at a few people in the distance and suddenly took the latter's gaze away and asked, "Is it true that I heard about the 'Sakura of the Night'?"

"You mean Miss Zejing?" Li Xuehao gave a slight glimpse, "Sakura in the night", this beautiful vocabulary he heard from the mouth of Chiba Sayuri, when she asked Zejing Green. I didn't expect Suzuki Minako to have heard of it. So, is Zejing Green still a celebrity?

I thought that yesterday she was with the Chiba Sayuri and the Sakai Green three. It seems that I still discussed any problems, because the faces of the three people also showed the pains of thinking, I don’t know if I got the answer.

"It seems that you know her identity, then do you know that she has the qualification to participate in the yin and yang sorrows?" Suzuki Mina continued to ask, and her eyes also produced some strange colors.

It is also a yin and yang teacher!

Li Xuehao couldn't help but hear: "Suzuki seniors also received invitation tickets?"

"No, I am not qualified, but my sister has already received it, so I am going to buy one." Suzuki Minako shook her head, relaxed tone, and did not seem to feel any difficulty in buying an invitation voucher.

"So..." Li Xuehao faintly guessed some of her thoughts.

"The cherry blossoms of the night is not only an invitation ticket, so I want to ask the real middle generation to ask me, can I buy one from her?" Suzuki Minako finally said her real purpose.

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