Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 587: The end of the world is coming!

Li Xuehao finally agreed to half of the conditions for the knot of the moon.

It is to be able to cooperate with her plan, what is the first thing, what to wait until the university, as for the last part of her, it is automatically ignored.

I don’t want to say that the feelings of the knot with the moon have not reached that point. Even if it is, he can’t promise to only interact with her alone. Then, how to do it, Fuyuan Zhimei and Yamamoto’s voice, and the island is expensive. Even Chiba Sayuri...etc.

On the following day, Li Xuehao also got up very early. But today he is not going to teach the housekeeper Yoko, he is ready to make breakfast.

Yesterday was busy for a day, Chiba Sayuri was tired of several people, unlike he did not know what it was, so in order to treat them, breakfast was cooked by him.

Although Chiba Sayuri is now very good at cooking, there is still a distance compared to him.

I bought more ingredients yesterday, so I don’t need to buy any more.

Soon, a delicious breakfast was done, and Li Xuehao put them on the table one by one, and then just woke up and had breakfast.

Last night, he was sleeping alone, sleeping in the room of Chiba Sayuri. As for the Chiba Sayuri, he went to the island to be a companion. Li Xuehao can even imagine that Chiba Sayuri is doing this, it is estimated that it is to prevent himself from sleeping secretly with the island like the night before.

This is also her little means. Li Xuehao is also helpless when he smiles. Fortunately, today, the knot will be moved back to live in the moon, and he can also "get back" his room.

In the order, Li Xuehao knocked on the door of several people one by one, and said that he could eat breakfast at the door and then went downstairs.

Of course, waking up a few people does not necessarily mean that they will come down soon.

Li Xuehao had breakfast alone and went out with his bag. Originally and a month of the school, two people can accompany each other, but the bathroom incident that occurred yesterday, although it has been "solved", still let him subconsciously want to avoid her.

Out of the house, but turned to look forward to the face and grievances of Seto Yoko.


"...I have something today, I will teach you tomorrow." I thought she might have been waiting for him for a long time, Li Xuehao explained.

"Yes!" Seto Yoko nodded, with a thick, lost face on his face.

Li Xuehao’s heart was soft, she should have been notified earlier, and she would not let her wait for so long. She thought about it: “If there is something I will inform you the day before.”

"Thank you Master!" Hearing this, said Seto Yoko also put away the lost expression. Obviously, this means that her disciple has already had a certain position in Master's mind, otherwise she will not specifically say so.

"Well, I am going to school." Seeing her re-opening up, Li Xuehao waved his hand and walked out of the courtyard.


I came to Sakuraga High School because it was still early and there were not many people in the classroom.

Li Xuehao sat in his seat, and Yamamoto was too late to come, and one person was also idle.

However, the sensitive six senses, even if he did not deliberately eavesdrop, the whispered conversations of the two girls in the middle of the middle also passed into his ears.

"Ogawa, you know, there are tests today." One of the girls said to another girl.

"What, quiz? I am not prepared." The girl named Xiaochuan was extremely surprised.

"Yes, the subjects tested today are comprehensive Mandarin, English and math."

"God, these are the things I don't know best." Xiaochuan feels like he hears the end of the world, holding his head and looking unbelievable.

"This is definitely the first place in the squad leader. I heard that she was admitted to Sakurino High School. The score is a little lower than that of Suzuki Yalisha of St. Mary's Light and Middle School. It is in second place." Envy and jealousy, because the class leader in the class is appointed by the teacher, and the condition of appointment is the one with the best academic performance.

"What about the first place, her athletic ability is the worst in the whole class..." Obviously, as a squad leader, there is no "enemies" in the class. At least these two girls who are talking are not very convinced. Hamarina.

After that, there was a lot of gossip. Li Xuehao simply “shielded” the conversation between the two and concentrated on doing his own things, such as browsing the news with the mobile phone.

As for the test, perhaps the former "he" will have a feeling like the end of the world after hearing it. Now, don't worry at all, if he wants, he can get the first place at any time.

As time went by, there were more and more students in the classroom, and Yamamoto was too late.

"True, good morning!" The guy couldn't help himself. He hurriedly ran over as soon as he dropped the bag.

"Good morning." Li Xuehao responded faintly and continued to watch the phone.

"Hey, really, yesterday's birthday party is really great. If you can participate once every day, then it would be fine." Yamamoto is too clear that he can't forget the beauty of yesterday, his face is full of praise and fantasy.

"If I have a birthday every day, I think your wish can still be realized." Li Xuehao squinted at him. This guy yesterday and Fu Yuangui did not use the cream "sniper" squad leader Xiaobin Marina, probably because The same school, dare to start with her, to other strange girls such as Chiba Sayuri and others can not move.

"It's a pity that it is impossible. Right, really, yesterday, are the lovely girls, are you friends?" Yamamoto is still fresh in his memory, mainly because the girls I met yesterday are so cute. There is a big beauty who is not inferior to Minister Suzuki. I don’t know how I know so many lovely girls.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded faintly and didn't want to explain more. After all, Yamamoto was too strict with his "small nephew". Yesterday he didn't even mention that he was not alone but at the same time. "Cohabitation" with several girls, but also let him "mixed" the past.

"Hey, good, do you know that there is a test today?" In order to prevent him from continuing to ask the news about the girls, Li Xuehao shifted the topic.

"Quiz?" Yamamoto is too helpless, his face full of doubts, why don't he know this bad news?

"I heard that the test is Mandarin, English and mathematics." Li Xuehao continued to put "big move."

Yamamoto Ryota finally realized that this was not a joke, and his face also showed the end of the world: "You are serious, really?"

"Look, Gu Chuan teacher came, I believe he will soon announce this ‘good news.’” Li Xuehao pointed to the door of the classroom and looked gloating.

Yamamoto was too far in the direction of his fingers, and I saw that the teacher of the class, Furukawa, came in and held a large stack of papers. Needless to say, I knew what it was. The face instantly became stiff and mechanically walked back to his seat.

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