Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 589: Which one is the real she

Li Xuehao agreed to Suzuki Mina's "Please", but he just promised to help Zejing Green. As for Miss Sai, she would not sell it, and it would not be within his help.

After the end of the club activities, Li Xuehao did not go home directly, but went to Heyi to pick up people.

The island was covered by expensive and melon, and neither of them knew if they had sudden blindness, emailed him to pick them up, and then went home together.

Fortunately, He Yi’s high distance is not far away. It will take a few minutes to arrive.

I came to the Heyi high gate and said that the two people waiting at the door did not appear. Li Xuehao waited for a while, but still did not see the figure. He sent out an email and sent an e-mail in the past: "You guys, I am already at the gate of the school, I have not seen you."

"Putty sauce, have to wait a moment, there is a problem that has not been solved." This is the answer to melon.

"I am at the football field, you come over." The answer from the island is simple and powerful.

Li Xuehao was a jump in his heart. Since it was in the football field, the island was definitely transformed into a strong and proud women's football team captain. Speaking of it, he was only in contact with the island under normal conditions, and he did not know what attitude the women's football captain had.

After a little hesitation, Li Xuehao still lifted his foot and went inside.

The school's large playground is divided into four large blocks, and the football field is the largest of them.

Far away, Li Xuehao saw the island on the edge of the playground, wearing a woman's gymnastic suit with a high heel, gray short-sleeved shirt, red tight shorts, and the "giant" height brought about by the height. Long legs are exposed.

Perhaps for the sake of exercise, her chest was restored to the flat shape, and almost saw a little uplifting curve. Li Xuehao had to squeeze the sweat for the two things. The original size was so large, so Know how much "pain" you have to bear.

She is not alone. Her father, Shimao San, is standing next to her. The two men are pointing at the women's soccer team in the group and seem to be exchanging their opinions.

"Xiong Sanshu, by your sister." Li Xuehao went to the two people and said hello.

The two responded quickly and almost turned around at the same time.

"Hoo, you are coming, haha!" Mujima Mishima was extremely enthusiastic, opened his arms and gave him a heavy hug.

Li Xuehao was somewhat uncomfortable. Speaking of it, he and Miyajima had not seen each other several times. If the other party and his father were friends, the two could hardly make an intersection.

Unlike the daughter's giant figure, Miyajima's three-body figure is only medium, with an artist-like flowing hair, not like a sportsman, but a little more like a painter.

The appearance is also a little dare to compliment, the square face looks like a standard rectangle, unshaven, extending from the ear to the chin, the whole face. The clothes on the body are still clean, so this is also the key to his not being a tramp.

As for the island, it was expensive. When he saw him, he only looked at him with a condescending look, then turned to the beginning and continued to stare at the players on the court.

Li Xuehao was a little embarrassed in her heart. She didn't know what she thought in her heart. Looking at this expressionless attitude, it seems that she is somewhat dissatisfied. But she thought that she had asked her to associate with her as the captain of the women's football team, so shouldn't it be dissatisfied? It’s just this cold attitude that really makes people wonder what she is thinking.

"Hao Er, your birthday yesterday, I did not go to celebrate for you, I hope you will not blame me." Yukio Mishima did not seem to find an abnormality between the two, patted his shoulder and said.

"Xiong Sanshu, you must have more important things to do, and birthdays are there every year, don't have to be present every time..." Li Xuehao tried to "open the solution" for him.

Listening to him, Miyajima Yuma is very satisfied. When he thinks of something, he suddenly asks: "Listen to you, have you seen the flatness?"

"...Yes." Li Xuehao gave a slight glimpse and immediately nodded. "Pure flat" was the "bad boy" that was encountered in the playground that day, and it was the younger brother of the island. It is not easy for people to go to Korea alone to pursue the dream of being an idol.

"That's really a child who doesn't care about my heart. Fortunately, my family is surrounded by you." Yukio Mishima looked at his daughter and smiled with pride.

The island was looked at by the expensive but faintly, and then immediately turned to the beginning. The face is still expressionless, I don't know what it means.

Li Xuehao’s heart was stunned, and the big nerves of Miyajima’s three seemed to have finally played a role. He slammed his head and said: “Oh, time is not early, by expensive, you and Koji go back, the team is by me. To announce the dissolution."

"Yeah!" The island nodded by the expensive, looked at someone next to him and turned away.

"Hao, go catch up." Miyajima Sanhaha laughed.

Li Xuehao also reacted and quickly chased him up and shouted: "Your sister."

The island is not going fast, it seems to be waiting for him: "We are already in a relationship, you can call my name."

"It’s expensive?" Li Xuehao’s heart was very happy. It was obvious that even if she became a women’s football team captain, she also recognized the relationship between the two.

"Yeah." The island was faintly greeted by the expensive.

Li Xuehao always felt that something was wrong. He thought about it and said: "Because your sister, I think it is better to be called by your sister." It is not that he likes to call "sister", but the name he has become accustomed to. I have to change it, but I am really not used to it.

"Whatever!" The island was slightly swayed by the footsteps of the expensive, and then continued to walk forward, the tone is somewhat hard.

Li Xuehao had a little bitter smile. He didn't have a certain relationship. She turned into a women's football team leader. She had to associate with him. Now she has determined the relationship. Instead, she has a coldness that refuses people thousands of miles away.

Which one is the real one?

"You are waiting for me here, I will come out after changing my clothes." Kan arrived in front of the teaching building, and the island turned around and said to him.

"Okay, by your sister." Li Xuehao stopped and watched the island disappear from his figure. He took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Guasheng Ma, wondering if her problem was solved. After all, The island can be changed quickly by changing clothes, so you don't have to wait too long.

"Please wait a little longer, greasy sauce, if you are bored, I don't mind if you have a date with a place where you can find someone who has no one." Gua Ma Mai soon got a reply, and it was always used her crazy madness The way the language speaks.

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